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=AK= Meet the ArchKnight: WritingPad!

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6/5/2008 19:57:06   

Hi guys. I know exactly what you're thinking: "What?! That crazy chick?!", and I can tell you I'm thinking the exact same thing. ^^;
But anywhos, hi! *bounces up and waves at everybody*
I'm gonna be squishing bugs in the DF Bugs Forum now *brandishes high-heeled shoe of bug-stomping DOOM*, (And the General Discussion, too, it would seem now!) and I believe these threads are the custom for newbies to the job like myself. =)
Just pretty please, don't ask any more than 20 questions, and no more than one post per person per page! (try saying that 5x fast!)

I'll be editing in this loverly shade of dusky purple/lilac.

Ask away! *runs and hides under the desk*

< Message edited by WritingPad! -- 6/13/2008 19:03:03 >
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 1
6/5/2008 20:00:15   
God of thunder

hey there WritingPad, to a new world of AK's and stuff, i wish i was one but i dont have the requirement, maybe one day!
Hi there yourself!

Wheres the name from? o.O
Haha, that's an odd little story... see, I wasn't feeling very inspired that day, so I looked around the room for inspiration, and there, on the computer desk, lay a Writing Pad. The rest is history.

Do you have birds? i have 2:) (not to eat)
I have a parakeet named Keats, she's very antisocial. xD

Best game? AQ/DF/MQ and maybe soon AQW
I really enjoy all three games, but I play DF the most. (I don't dare play AQWorlds too much when it comes out, or I'll risk never seeing the light of day again. :P

Age? (new new aks were young)
Old enough, old enough. *back creaks and groans* Oh dear.

favorite food?
Hmm. I'd have to say Goldfish. Not the fish, the crackers. Yummy crunch cheesy buttery salty goodness! ^_^

favortie animal?
I love all animals (except bugs that bite and sting), but if I had to choose, I'd say dogs.

hmm, 20 questions....*evil laugh for him self*

how many languages can you seak and or write?
Just one fluently (or can I...? o.0), I never was able to buckle myself down to finishing a language course. D:

have you see me already in the forums?
Yep, I've seen you round and about! =)

>.< or <.>
...Is this some sort of test? :o ...>.<

theres a bug on your shoulder what do you do?
ZOMGBBQ! Where?! @.@

A) bash your shoulder in a wall to kill it
B)Nuke it
C)feed it a pretzle
D)Take, put it in a gaz chamber, take it out and shoot it
E) all of the above
F) none of the below

Can we be friends? i think we can
...I walk a lonely path... friends only end up hurting you in the end...! *takes hand down from melodramatic pose* ...What? Of course we can be friends. :P

Whats the first you did when you becamed a AK?
Stared at the computer screen in shock, then started hyperventalating. xD

this is all, congrats again and bye!
Thanks, and fare ye well! ^_^
EDIT: wow first post!.....2nd, but still fine!

< Message edited by WritingPad! -- 6/6/2008 16:21:27 >
DF  Post #: 2
6/5/2008 20:01:19   

Your an AK!
...no, a WP still. ^_^

I will drill you soon, you Pad!
Oh dear. 0.0 *runs for the hills*

< Message edited by WritingPad! -- 6/6/2008 16:22:43 >
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 3
6/5/2008 20:02:19   

1 omg ur an ak now
...I couldn't put it any better myself. :P

2 how u feel about ur future torture all the aks had
I can cope with torture. After all, I get sharp objects pressed into my pages evey day, so I'm good.


4 so what ur favrote of the 4 games
...Why do I have to pick? I like them all. :P Like I said above, though, I play DF the most, but they're all awesome!

5 nice avvy

6 omg crazy chick back lol
...You have no idea. *cue ebil cackles*

7 well good luck
Thanks a bunch, see you around! :D

< Message edited by WritingPad! -- 6/6/2008 16:28:18 >
DF MQ  Post #: 4
6/5/2008 20:02:26   
October 2008 Poet of the Month...Woot!

Many thanks!
What is your main ambition in life?
...To get the Ndebele stitch down. ...seriously. xD (that's a beadweaving stitch by the way)
What is the strangest dream you have ever had?
I had a very odd one last night, actually... it had to do with a haunted house, ice skating, silly string, and monsters that looked like Void Dragons. o.0
If you could have one super power, what would it be?
Oooh, I don't know, so many are so cool... I'd love to be able to shapeshift, though!

< Message edited by WritingPad! -- 6/6/2008 16:41:02 >
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 5
6/5/2008 20:03:28   
Stephen Nix
Penguin Lore Keeper (DF)

Here comes to you my questions and congrats to u on your AK ship!
Thanks Stephen!

Who gave you your position on the forums when you started?
Alac's the one who contacted me about it. =)

Are you good or ebil or evil?, choose wisely because if you choose wrong your seat will explode with my icicles rite below your chair I will send you off into the oblivion....muhahahaha!
Good. Evil's too faddish for me, plus I enjoy the free cupcakes from happy townsfolk. :P

Ready to play?

I'm an evil penguin who loves to help in the pedias the best he can so its an honor to talk to you (yes I know I say it to all AKs)....
don't get me wrong I will freeze you
...okay? :D *edges very slowly away*

whats your defence to my ultimate attack of ice ownage?
Barrel Roll!

Does this shirt make me look fat?
...Um... snickerdoodle?

Does it make you look fat?
42. ^^

What did you do when you were first given permission to work for the forums? Did you party, dance....
Went into shock. 0.0 Still not quite gotten over that yet... *shivers and drinks tea*

What is your signature lock? "B"locked, Ultimate Lock down, Clawed or even frozen in time or something else...
I don't know yet... you guys should help me come up with one! :P

I hope that your having a fun time controlling the DF community...cya says Stephen Nix!
Control? Nooo... I'm just a 'umble Bug squisher. xD Thanks though, and bye! :P

< Message edited by WritingPad! -- 6/6/2008 17:04:29 >
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 6
6/5/2008 20:10:12   

Oh so your an AK now?
Dun Dun DUN!
Pirates or Ninjas?(choose please)
Eeeek, do I have to? xD Okay, pirates. ...but I like Ninjas too! :P
I hope you will do a good job.
So do I!
*clinks glasses with Knuckles* Thanks! ^^

< Message edited by WritingPad! -- 6/6/2008 17:23:00 >
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 7
6/5/2008 20:10:30   

Congratz WritingPad!

No offense, but I have no clue who you are, but I still wanna ask questions. :)
None taken, this is the way to get a clue as to who I am.

Are you happy to have become a AK?
I'm very happy to be able to help these lovely people who run this forum in any way that I can! :D

Favorite Animal?
I love 'em all, but if I had to choose, I'd say dogs.

Favorite AE game?
heehee, this is kinda like deja vu! I love them all, but I play DF the most.

If you were stranded on a deserted island and you only had 100 things, what would they be?
Too special to list out for you. Also, I think the Mods and Admins would have my hide if I posted a list that big! ^^;

Ha! I just your stole dog, what do you do?
... verb? (Is the word "stole" what you edited for Z.324?)

What is the square root of pie?

Favorite element?

Fizzle gabizzle fo shizzle?
Are my Rice Krispies talking to me again? :o

I guess thats all for me.

Cya later!

< Message edited by WritingPad! -- 6/6/2008 23:07:49 >
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 8
6/5/2008 20:21:15   

Hi WritingPad!
Hi Pumpkinlord!

Congratz on your AKship!
Thankee much!

Anyways, the questions:

Q1. Have you ever tried Bungee Jumping?
Nope. =(

Q2. What is your favorite sport?
Oooh... I'd say archery. I hike a lot as well, but that's not quite a sport, is it?

Q3. What is your favorite anime show?
Hmm. I'd say Bleach.

Q4. Who is your favorite Cartoon Character?
Roadrunner! ^^

Q5. What is your favorite food?
Goldfish. Yum!


Good luck on killing those bugs in the game.
Arr! *brandishes high-heel*

< Message edited by WritingPad! -- 6/6/2008 23:10:45 >
Post #: 9
6/5/2008 20:22:18   
~Quiet Beserker~

Wow, I never even knew you held a title!
Nor did I, until just recently! :P

What is that in your avatar?
A gril sitting on the banks of a stream. It's from the cover of an old Grimm's Fairy Tales, if I'm remembering rightly...

Congratz though
Thanks though!

Bye! Have an enjoyable time with your new powers!
See ya! I hope I shall. :D

< Message edited by WritingPad! -- 6/6/2008 23:13:11 >
DF AQW  Post #: 10
6/5/2008 20:27:31   
Blaze the Firespawn

Wow, so many questions for her. Im gona keep mine short and sweet. Congratz.
*pokes head out from under the ever-growing pile of questions* Thanks!

< Message edited by WritingPad! -- 6/6/2008 23:14:24 >
DF  Post #: 11
6/5/2008 20:29:19   
Mr. Snugglebunz
Banned - Requested

Hi WritingPad!
Howdy-do, Senior Snugglebunz!

Congratz on your AKship!
Thankee kindly.

I didn't expect this to happen lol
Nor did I. xD

soooo...what is your reaction when you got a PM of becoming an AK?
O.O <-- accurate representation

Did you ever want to be an AK?
I never really gave it much thought, actually. xD

well....cant think of anymore questions

so thats it
...it's all done now? :(

Parting is such sweet sorrow... see you around! :P

< Message edited by WritingPad! -- 6/6/2008 23:18:26 >
AQ DF  Post #: 12
6/5/2008 20:30:38   
Bone Head Emo Ranger Power!

Princess WritingPad!11!
Sir Cupcake!11!

How you doing?
A little headachey at the moment, but otherwise, quite well, thank you! ^^

Having fun as an Archknight?
*nods* :D

You know you becoming Archknight was as obvious as Davey Jones forgetting his locker under the sea.
Nooo, I don't know that. Thanks though! xD

I was never good at these, have fun though. ~_^
With you guys, I'm sure I will. :D

< Message edited by WritingPad! -- 6/6/2008 23:20:44 >
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 13
6/5/2008 20:31:48   

hmmm,new ak,eh?
So it would seem...

1) what's the capital of denmark?*takes out S.S homework*
Copen- wait a second...>.>


3)how's your guru?
...I don't know, why don't you ask him? :D

4)are you confused yet?
Pssh, takes more'n that to confuse meh!

5)how bout now?

6) now?

...Did I ever tell you about the time I electrocuted myself through my ear? I was changing the sheets on my bed, and there was major static electricity. I was also listening to music on my mp3 player. There was a bzzzzap!, and a current of electricity ran UP through the wire, through the earbud, and into my ear. Ouch. (true story)

8) before the 3erd qustion about your confustion?
Nopeses. ^_^

9) WHO ARE YOU!!!!????
I'm Batman. Oh, wait...

10) do you like my sig?

< Message edited by WritingPad! -- 6/6/2008 23:43:51 >


AQ DF AQW  Post #: 14
6/5/2008 20:37:51   

Hey Writing Pad! I've seen you around the forums before but I can't belive you actually got AKship. Congrats! Now, on to the questions!
Hi Nomad! I can't believe it either. :P Thanks!

1. iPod or Zune?
Neither, actually. I'm very happy with my little Insignia player. ^^

2. Is my sig better than SS4FireFox?
...When in doubt, just say Snickerdoodle. *nods*

3. What's your favorite AE game?
xD I lurve them all!!

4. What's your favorite food?
Goldfissshh, my preciousss... so crunchable, gollum, gollum!

5. Halo 3 or Call of Duty 4?
Never played either, actually. I'm not much of a gamer, as a matter of fact. :P

< Message edited by WritingPad! -- 6/6/2008 23:47:40 >
DF  Post #: 15
6/5/2008 20:38:04   

Hiyas Writing Pad!
Hiyas Opacus!
1.How r u teh uber m0d3m?/ (I really mean AK ) (I also know how, just kidding)
...Um, yes! :D
2.Eat more chicken?
Yes please. ^^
3.What's your AQW name? Have you tried it?
I sure have tried it, 'tis WritingPad (I was gonna do a more... name-ish name, but I figured it'd be nice for people to know who I am right off. :P
4.I think you're the first MtAK I've ever replied to. Yay!
Yay indeed!
5.What do you think of AQW? Will it be better than other Artix games? How about Runescape? Any other MMOs?
I like it very much, 'tis fun to be able to have fun with my fellow players like that. I don't know about better than the other AE games, since I'm sure it'll be very different.
6.How uber are you?
Enough. :P
7.I have a suggestion for your title. *Stickies ftw of DF AK*
Hmm, maybe!
p. Are you watching Flapjack right now? (lol)
Nope. :P
Big letter death star. How do you like my name? Lapillus ab Lux, Latin for Gem of Light! My forum name means Shadows, so Lapillus ab Opacus means Gem of Shadows.
Very snazzy. ^^
Grrr. Enjoy your time as an AK!


Captain Rhubarb


< Message edited by WritingPad! -- 6/9/2008 17:38:21 >
AQ DF MQ AQW  Post #: 16
6/5/2008 20:42:40   

Hi, cool name. Sounds useful, lol.
Why thank you. It is rather useful. :P

How did you get to become an AK, and what were you before that?
Alac ate my soul. Before that, I was just another little member on these boards. ^^

< Message edited by WritingPad! -- 6/9/2008 17:39:40 >
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 17
6/5/2008 20:47:54   

Congrats WritingPad!
Thanks krusher!

Hmm, favorite quest in Dragonfable?
Oooh... hmm. I'd have to say Moonridge: Saved!

Warrior, Rogue, or Mage?
Rouge. xD ...kidding, kidding! :P I prefer Mage.

Xbox 360, PS3, Or Wii?
Never owned any of those, so I'm no judge. :P

Umm, I can has other questions to ask?
You can haz other questions. After u gets me cheezburgers. :D


< Message edited by WritingPad! -- 6/9/2008 17:43:45 >
DF MQ  Post #: 18
6/5/2008 20:50:37   

Hi WritingPad and congratz on becoming an AK. :P
Hi yourself, Saojun! Thanks!

Eh... 1 qn... How fast do bugs get reported to higher management?

That's all. Thx. And good luck in bug-squishing.
Thanks. I think I'll need i- aieek!! *leaps onto the chair* 0.0

< Message edited by WritingPad! -- 6/9/2008 17:44:52 >
AQ DF MQ AQW  Post #: 19
6/5/2008 21:15:42   
Wyvern Knight

[Insert generic welcome, congratulations, and declaration of questions here]
*insert generic greeting and hellos here*

1.) What are your thoughts on cloning on animals? Any difference on humans?
Eeek. You'll have to settle for very brief answer here, or else be bombarded with a 10-page essay. Animal= yes, Human= no. There's too much risk with regards to the rights of a possible clone.

2.) Do you believe that story writing in a game is important? Does it impact sales?
What? Of course the story's not importaint. I mean, heck, we can have a game that's nothing but non-stop action and awesome effects, nobody needs to know the whys, whats, and hows of the game! People are in too much of a hurry nowadays to have to put up with such a silly thing as storyline, I thought everyone knew that!*
*...do I even need a discalmer here? Of course I think the opposite! :P

3.) Off the top of your head, what is the thing you would most want to protect?
My loved ones.

4.) What are your thoughts on the current state of the world?
...this is Meet the AK, not grill her with questions that can't be answered in a single forum post! :P There are, of course, improvements that must be made, and that we all should strive towards. My faith in God gives me hope, both for myself, and in this world.

5.) Is there a saying or motto you use to push yourself forward?
"There's some good in this world, and it's worth fighting for!" Cheesy, yes. True? Absolutely. :P

6.) Are there any smalls things people do that annoy you more than it should?
Haha, actually, there's one that's really been bugging me lately. Okay, so my sister got married the other week. Now, everyone is giving me these really scary grins and saying "You'll be next!" 0.o
Of course I'll be next, I'm the only other non-married person in this family! xD

7.) What are your thoughts on people wearing the clothes of the other gender?
Not much. Well, I used to wear jeans from the boy's department, just because I used to be so hard on the knees of mine. :P (I still am, but I didn't tell you that.) *shifty eyes*

8.) Can you remember a bad day where one little thing made it all better?
Lots of them. Usually, the one little thing involves going out onto our little four acres of land and watching the sunset. Arizona sunsets make any day better. :P

B.) Is there an aftertaste with orange juice after brushing your teeth? What about cough medicine? (Justice will be had? Or am I crazy...)
...yes, there is. For OJ, anyway, I've never tried with cough medicine. I'll take your word for that. ^^;

[Insert a heartwarming goodbye and hopes for future success and good luck here]
Fare ye well, and see ya around! :D

< Message edited by WritingPad! -- 6/9/2008 18:33:47 >
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 20
6/5/2008 21:24:21   

Writingpad! = AK now? Nice! ^_^ High Five! What took the admins?
Haha, thanks! :P

1. What is your custom class and weapon?
Err... Cookiemancer, armed with a rolling pin. *nods sagely*

2. Who's your favorite forumite who's name starts with a T, ends with a type of rock, and rhymes with "Doomcone"?
I'd say "Tombstone", but however, your name is "tombstone", without the capital letter. Must not be you. :(

3. Any favorite sports teams?
I'm actually not really into team sports... ^^;

4. What is your quest?
To borrow a cup of sugar? :D

5. Who would win, this guy or that person?
Neither. They both trip over that blade of grass.

6. If it rains in Russia, is an elephant hungry?

7. Favorite movie?
The Lord of the Rings (They're all one movie in my mind. :P)

8. Look! Over there!
*nukes whatever it was* o.0

9. I didn't steal your buttons while you were looking *whistles innocently*
No, you didn't, did you? *eyebrow raise*

10. I think I may have seen you in AQW. Did you see me? (the Wednesday Alpha)
I think so, just for a passing moment. We shall meet again, though, by hook or by crook! :P

11. Who stole the cookie from the cookie jar?
Your mom. ...I did NOT just do that. >.<

12. Have you ever had a deja vu?
I don't think so...

13. Favorite comedian?

14. Have you ever had a deja vu?

15. A red house has red bricks. A blue house has blue bricks. What does a green house have? A white house?
They can haz cheesburger. Yup.

16. Any plans this summer?
So far, going to visit my sister, hopefully. :P

I never ask the final question. 'Tis superstition.
tsk, tsk.

See ya, and good luck with your AKing and whatnot. Tell Howler I said hi.
You go tell him. I'm not an owl. :P *hugs* See ya around!

< Message edited by WritingPad! -- 6/9/2008 18:45:58 >


AQ DF MQ  Post #: 21
6/5/2008 21:26:34   

o.0 Wow, WritingPad! became an AK. I knew that you were going to get it someday. XD Either that, or a Helpful title.
...Always the tone of suprise with you people. I can see through your cover-ups of saying "you always knew!" :P

I only have one question for you:

Do you have any chocolate ice cream with you?
No. =( BUT, I do have vanilla, and chocolate syrup. And whipped cream. And bananas. :D

... Alright, I lied. I have two questions, including the above one.
Now, Howler, what would your mother say about you lying like that? ;)

What's your username on AQW? I want to meet you there in-game. :D
WritingPad. I figured I'd use the name people knew. :P

< Message edited by WritingPad! -- 6/9/2008 18:49:20 >
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 22
6/5/2008 21:37:50   

kekekeke. I always knew you'd be blessed with having your soul eaten one day (oxymoron!?!? >.>).
What are you guys, fortune tellers? You're all saying you knew it would happen! xD

1. I've missed a lot, so you don't have to tell me anything I missed, just do what you do, and we'll both be happy. O_O and so will Alac O_O! So will you keep us and *whispers*Alac*whispers* happy ^_^?
Shhh. You'll wake the bugs. They scuttle. You don't want to see them when they're like that! o.0


ORIGINAL: WritingPad!

Hi guys. I know exactly what you're thinking: "What?! That crazy chick?!", and I can tell you I'm thinking the exact same thing. ^^;

Dosen't make-a difference if you are crazy, (though I find you rather eccentric than crazy, though I'm not one to judge) Life is full of surprises, good or bad.
Why thank you! (I think! :P)

3. I shall never stop asking questions >:) Bwhahahahahahaha. Prepare to meet thy doom? (I'm asking cus I don't want to force your doom upon you >.<)
Oh dear.

4. Ok I'm done ^_^. You have amused me for now, We shall meet again, sooner than you think *maniacal laughter fades in the distance*


< Message edited by WritingPad! -- 6/9/2008 18:53:33 >
DF  Post #: 23
6/5/2008 21:40:43   

whats the deal with the name
See post #2

what are you
I am no one to be trifled with, that is all you need ever know. ^_^

what game do u like best
I likes them all!

i live in my own little world
Can I come visit sometime? :D

my people are calling i must go
Farewell! Have a cookie!

see ya later

< Message edited by WritingPad! -- 6/9/2008 18:57:57 >
DF  Post #: 24
6/5/2008 21:51:09   

Grats WritingPad!
Thanks xshen!
I'm sorry but I can't think of questions for you but still Congrats again
That's okay, and thanks again! :D


< Message edited by WritingPad! -- 6/9/2008 18:58:30 >
AQ DF  Post #: 25
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