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RE: =MtSoO= Ninja Paladin and Yagno2000

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10/26/2007 17:59:48   

umm who r nd wat do u do sry i dnt be on forums like dat
/me 's brain breaks in a few places due to utter mutilation of the English language.

Signature removed. Sigs are not allowed on this board.

< Message edited by Yagno2000 -- 11/1/2007 16:35:21 >
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 26
10/27/2007 10:26:19   

Okay then, looks like i get some questions for Izon eh? Well lets get to it then...
Oh boy, guess I have to do it. lol just kidding.

So Izon, how is it being a SoO? I always knew you would become either AK or SoO, you seem qualified for both ^^
Umm lets see, crazy, overwhelming, fun, scary, etc. etc. And thank you very much.

Oh, i almost forgot, me snugs teh Izon ^_^
/me snugs back

Favorite Book(s)
Too many to list. Though George R.R. Martin's Song of Ice and Fire books were really good.

Anime or Manga? Or both? Or neither?
Afraid the answer here is neither.

Who of the other Moderating powers (KoO, AK, Mod, SoO, etc.) are you friends with?
Quite a few actually. Again Too many to list. Though Aqua, Tensy, blues, Astral and Zz are all really good friends.

Rate your own character. Nao.
Rate my own? Do these shackels look like toys to you? I don't even have time to rate other peoples chars.

Who do you think might be the next to get AK/SoO-ship?
I believe it will be *static breaks up response*

Favorite Band?
I always liked Linkin Park, but I have a lot of bands I like.

What kind of shirt/color of shirt are you wearing right now?
Blue T-Shirt

Look out your window. What do you see???
Window Shades.

Okay then, see you around. [sarcasm]But remember, i cant help but feel i someone am responsible for your success[/sarcasm]. meh, anyway, excellent job Izon!
See ya! And of course you are. lol Thanks.

< Message edited by Izon -- 10/29/2007 9:32:28 >
Post #: 27
10/27/2007 13:52:47   

I always knew NP and Yagno would eventually become KoO, or something of the like. :P Haven't seen Izon around as much though >.<

Just a few random questions:

Do any of you have a Nintendo DS?
Unfortunately, no.
Nope, though I do have a Gameboy Advance.

Do you hate rap? (if so, congratulations :D)
There's select artists that are decent. As a whole, I don't care for it, though.
/me quotes what NP said. Some are good, and alot are not.

That's all. Wouldn't want to take up too much of your time :P

< Message edited by Izon -- 10/29/2007 9:34:15 >
AQ DF  Post #: 28
10/27/2007 14:43:43   

Ok.... I would like all 3 (if possible of course XD) of you guys to answer my questions.....

Demonstar[Insert X number of !, where X = appropriate number

Pie or Ice Cream?
Yes, please.
A la Mode ftw!

Can one of you give us a strait answer on how hard monsters will be after the sweep? Right now its just "You'll see" or "For now. Monsters will be 100X harder after sweep" and such.
I plead the fifth.
They will be "soon" harder. And since we all know soon is a definite word, in relation to AE...

Favorite Movie?
Pirates of the Caribbean
Lord of the Rings most likely.

Favorite Color?
Any shade between royal and navy blue.
Hmm, I like blues mostly.

Books or Movies?
More of a cinema junkie, myself.

How do you guys like being SoO?
Pretty good. Aside from the whole shackles thing.
Shackles? They told me these were Identification bracelets!

IRC nicks? (Izon i kno your Izon....)
Most notably NP (the most common nowadays) and NinjaPanda.

Thats all (4 now!!!!) Byez!
/me byesnuggles NP, Izon, and Yagno
/me returnbyesnuggles Demonstar.
/me bai-snuggles back.

< Message edited by Izon -- 10/29/2007 9:38:47 >
AQ MQ  Post #: 29
10/27/2007 14:44:21   

For Izon:
All for me?

Yay Izon!! Congratz!! :D
Yay me!!! lol

So, what was the first thought that came into your mind when you heard you were elected to be an SoO?
I knew I didn't make it... Wait what did he just say???

Who Squired you? :P
That would be Kalanyr

''I kiiill you!!'' That Achmed video was hilarious right? XD

Do you like Tolkien?
If I say no, I get attacked. If I say yes, I get buried in Tolkien questions. I will go with... Pie.

Meh... I'll be nice on you, not many questions at all ;)
Thank you!

Bai, and have a nice time! :)
I will, you do the same.

< Message edited by Izon -- 10/29/2007 9:42:40 >
Post #: 30
10/27/2007 19:44:30   
Tapeworm Shoelace

Hai Izon. ;0
/me waves hello.

You know you stole Cubal's colour, rite? :0
By God, he did! Color stealer! :O
What this? /me thinks quick. /me waves his hand in front of the forums, this is not the color you are looking at. Or is it? Hmm, not sure. Though to tell the truth, the Ctrl+F function lied to me.

Color or colour?

:P or =P?

Do you think Tasers should be out of police control?
Tasers don't shock people, cops shock people. In all seriousness, I think Tasers are much safer than struggling with someone, especially when one of the parties in question has a gun. And of course Electric Shock > being beatdown by a billy club.

Bai. :D

PS: Do you happen to leik Wilderock's avvy? Personally, I think whoever made it is a genius. :P

< Message edited by Izon -- 10/29/2007 10:02:18 >
AQ  Post #: 31
10/27/2007 20:57:57   

Well, just wanted to say congratulations for the third time, now!

For Yagno:

1. How did you originate your name?
Actually, my brother did. You'll have to ask him.

For Izon:

1. How did you come up with the idea for the CRE?
Well, as a rater I was never able to suggest pets very well. So I suggested the idea, of a CRE so I could join. Scakk thought I meant so I could run it, and put me in charge. lol.

Honestly, though when I first got started people like Astral helped me out a lot. So I thought it would be nice to pass it on to others.

For NP:

1. What's your favorite color? <--- Personally, that's my favorite.
Any shade between royal and navy blue.

For all(except Yagno because he politely asked for only one question)

1. Do you happen to leik Wilderock's avvy? Personally, I think whoever made it is a genius. :P
I've seen better. :o
It is pretty cool, but I like mine.


< Message edited by Izon -- 10/29/2007 11:31:13 >
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 32
10/28/2007 14:16:53   

*waves, and holds up a sign saying congratulations*

I hereby make a statement: I apologise if any of these questions have already been asked, I have looked through, and hope that they are not ^-^

What genre do you like reading, if at all.
Textbooks. Of the textbooky variety.


1.Can you guess who I am? ^_^ (hoping that will give it away, or maybe I should do 6_^ or ^_6, or maybe even >_> hm.... those should all give it away, if you didn't know my forum name already. Hm... If you did know my forum name I wonder how you did... hm... hm... hm.. *ponders*
/me still doesn't get it, as generic text-based smilies don't give anything away. z0mg Ari. :O

2. Do you like to read? If yes, move onto question 3. if no, skip (you may use a rope if you so choose) onto question 4.
Not particularly.
I do.

3. What do you like reading? And by what, I am wishing for you to clafiry the following: genre, author, subject, along with 2 examples for each genre you pick.
Almost any Genre, Too many to name, anything almost, again too many to name.

4. You mentioned you like Death Note, what do you think about the morralic issues this brings up, discuss.
You mean the moral stability of the issues brought up last episode? I suppose if the criminals were already condemned to death, it shouldn't particularly matter. Not entirely sure about those who're just common street scum.

5. What is your favourite animal, and why?
Pandas. I need not an explanation because they're that awesome. :O
I have always been partial to Wolves

6. What kind of music (if any) do you like? Name some artists
Classic rock, by far. Eric Clapton, Jimi Hendrix, and Creedence Clearwater Revival, to name a few.

7. Do you believe that men will always be suited better to some roles than women?
Some things, yes.
I agree

8. Do you believe in free will?
/me wills this edit to exist.
I did, until they gave me these shackels

9. I believe I shall leave you now, enjoy my questions! (and add please onto all the demands)
This is a question? >.>

10. OOU oou!! one more! What do you enjoy doing in your spare time?
Gaming, socializing, and nowadays, general SoOing. School comes first, though.


You may answer any of the above questions that you so choose (give you a nicer job than I gave NP :-P) PLUS

1. Are you enjoying this wonderous new world opened up to you by the wonderous powers above?
I am indeed, though this ominous voice keeps saying something about Great Power and Great Responsibility.

2. How did you choose the name Izon?
Well it all started with Halo. Multiplayer to be precise. Whenever, someone would snipe me I would respond with Oh its on now (at which point I would stalk them and execute them with extreme prejudice, but that is another story), over time it got shortened down to Its on now, and then to Its on. Finally, Izon appeared and history was written.

3. um.... What's your favouite colour/music/film/book/history period
Dark Blue / Too many to name / See above / See above / World War II

4. What do you like doing in your spare time?
Reading, playing games (non-AE), bowling, hanging out with friends, Playing paintball
Okies, I leave you all now, have lots of fun ansewring my random questions, and NP, yes, you will be graded.... ;-)

< Message edited by Izon -- 10/29/2007 11:39:25 >
AQ  Post #: 33
10/28/2007 14:35:24   


First one to get here gests to choose what ten he does.....The seconds gets his pick of the 20, and the last one needs to do the rest.

Boomies looks up from his work as he hears a sound in the next room. He gets up to investigate- a little gingerly, given what happened the last time, and peers nearsightedly into the room. Then... *Slash* "AAAH! What now?!", he shrieks as he's totally cut up. In the center of the room now stands 3 SoOs... with super powered crazy 900-10000 damage weapons. "Oh well, at least it's not another vampire!", Boomies mutters to himself as he dries off his spectacles. Waking around making weapons is that rarest of rares... SoOs! They finish their latest weapon, looked up at Boomies, and says, "So, you have some questions for me?"

1) What do you do for AE? (coder, artist, forums, support staff, Soo)

2) How did you first find/get involved with AE?

3) What keeps you interested in AQ and DF, all the Ebil Games, and the soon-to-be MechQuest?

4) Has your time in school prepared you for what you do with AE, or, if you haven't finished school, will it help you once you're done?

5) If you could change anything about one of the games, what would it be and why?

6) What is your favorite part about AQ/DF/MQ/Ebil Games?

7) Who is your favorite moglin and why?

8) Would you like to see a Sneevil vs. Zard matchup? Who would win?

Personal questions:

8) Do you have a favorite style of food? (Southern, Chinese, Italian, etc)

9) If you like to read, do you have any favorite genres? What are some of your favorites books from it?

10) Do you play any games? Console or computer? And what?

11) What are some of your hobbies? What is it about them that is attractive to you?

12) Have you completed college? What did you study? Why?

13) Do you have any favorite sports teams? What and who?

14) Do you play any sports? If so, for how long?

15) What kind of music do you like to listen to?

16) Do you sing or play any instruments?

17) Do you have any pets? What?

Random/Fun questions:

18) Do you know what the Burning Daystar is? Do you see it on a regular basis?.

19) Can you tell the difference between Coke and Pepsi?
If you can't, your taste buds are malfunctioning.

20) What is your quest?
To seek the Holy Grail. My favorite color is blue.

21) What is your opinion of the affect "American Idol" has had on the US media?
Carrie Underwood is brilliant. That was the one year where a true musical genius was spawned. Otherwise, I don't particularly like the show.

AE Forums questions:

22) Who captured you and made ou a SoO?
Kal, same as all the other KoO/SoO.

23) Tried to escape yet?
It's impossible to escape. Besides, whoever tries has to clean LB's litterbox for a month. D:

24) If you could Mod any forum besiddes the ones SOs mod, which would it be?
Honestly? No others. Myabe MechQuest to fill the voids when Suggestions and GBI go quiet, but not much else.

25) Favorite Forumite, AK, Mod, Admin, and KoO/SoO?
Probably Rayf, 'cause he's just that awesome.

26) Favorite Forum?
Think about that question for a second. :P

27) In any clans?
Igneus and Aerodu, if that's what you mean. I'm technically part of the Eternal 1337, but I haven't done much of anything around there. I may consider joining the Gentlemen's Club at some point.

28) Why did you choose your Forum Name?
Ninja and Paladin were my two favorite classes at the time of my forum account's creation.

29) Why did you choose that avatar that you use?
It's Haruhi Suzumiya. She frigging rocks.


< Message edited by Ninja Paladin -- 11/18/2007 19:43:25 >
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 34
10/28/2007 17:10:37   


Hope this isn't taken already. Apparently it was, hmm how about this one?

Sorry, Izon...that's been used already!

Anyway, same questions as before, plus some, aimed at you!

Oh, gee...only ONE to you Yagno? Well, I WAS going to leave plenty of editing room for both all three of you, but I've decided to leave plenty of room for you, NP(NP answered already) Izon!

1: (Does Anyone NOT say this?) Congrats!

2: Are you annoyed at people asking you the same question you've already answered?

3: Are you annoyed at people asking you the same question you've already answered?

4: Do you dislike people responding to your answers...such as

(Some various question)

(This represents you) Yes

(This is the Re-response) me too!

5: Do you answer them?

(The following are for BOTH of you!)

6: What's up?

7: (For those who just can't help but smart-mouth the last one) What's New/What's Happening? (They're basically the same thing)

8: (This one CAN be answered by all 3, if you so choose) Are you active enough in AQ suggestions (such as to check out any of your own threads *coughs, coughs again*)?

9: Goin' for the record? Right now you're tied with the other SoO thread, with 3...Are ya going to have 4?

Well, FOR NOW, I'm done! I'll get to your question, Yagno(If you don't answer the one I gave you), and I'll finish my torture, as bad as it is (I'm better at torturing people on their threads with my feedback), later (AKA never)!

Okay, torture updated! Enjoy!


< Message edited by Ninja Paladin -- 11/18/2007 19:44:39 >
Post #: 35
10/29/2007 2:25:23   
The Trobble One


Do you like harry potter?
Read the first two books, started the third, but never really got into it overall.

and the qusetion I really wnat to know, favoritie game besides AE games?
Call of Duty 4 is frigging amazing. It will get the Game of the Year award at every turn, hands down.

< Message edited by Ninja Paladin -- 11/18/2007 19:46:29 >
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 36
10/29/2007 13:50:10   

WOOT!?! I must be blind for not seeing your thread. XD /me runs in late
No, it's definitely my edit color's fault. It blinded you. (You and everyone else. :P)
I definitely sghlje wurjhlkj. /me puts sunglasses on and goes to fix typos created by blindness.

Hiya all of you ^_^ /me congrats snuggles all
Why, thank you. :D /me returnsnuggles Rico

First here are some snacks /me gives candy and cookies
/me nibbles happily upon the random foodstuffs.

So how does it feel to be SoOs?
ZOMGWTHBBQ, in a nutshell.
Restricting and Empty, or maybe that is just the shackles and having my soul ripped out.

So for each of you, tell me why you guys picked the avatars you have now?
Outlaw Star was one of the greatest shows I ever came home from school to watch. It needed my homage.
Simply put, Foamy is awesome!
I am the Queen of Blades, and my stare alone would reduce you to ashes.

Why that font color?
To blind you, quite clearly. :P That and because the ninja-affiliated color was taken.
Because it was available. And it seems twas the only one still not taken.

Spam or flame? which one is best ;)
Flaming, it's easier to delete.
Flame Broiled Spam.

Complete the sentences below :o

One morning I woke up and...... o/`did a bunch of stuff and then went back to sleep. o/`
realized I had overslept again.

ZOMG !!! it's ze spamz!! I must...... submit. Resistance is futile.
Run!!! Wait, no delete!!!

WOOT?! what's the good newz??? Tell me or I'll...... stab you in the eye with a really hot french fry!
/me repeats what NP said.

I think that's all from me :P Silly questions eh? ;)
Very, I enoyed them. :D

/me bye snuggles you three ^_^
/me returnbyesnuggles Rico. <3
/me bai-snuggles Rico.

< Message edited by Yagno2000 -- 11/7/2007 9:38:08 >
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 37
10/29/2007 13:55:07   

NP, Yagno, Izony! :D
Bball! :O
Bball! The #Strategy conspiracy continues on.

Congrats to all of you, although if there is ever an admin battle between Kal and Reens I'll have to join the other AKs against you KoO and SoO-ly people. :(
Aww. D:
Hmm, that would be fun to see actually methinks. Especially, with so many of the KoO being Moderators.

Alright, the one question since Yagno will only do one. >.<

If you could change one thing in the world, what would it be?
For sickness and disease to come to an end. Seriously, nobody likes to be sick, and what's the use of a sick day if you're actually sick?
But then what would come of taking sick days when you're not actually sick?
Hmm, NP handled the non-selfish changes, so I will take the greedy one. For the person who decides who gets to be Ruler of the World to pick me next time. lol

Random, I know. But eh. See y'all around. :D
See ya!

P.S. Use your hack-ly contacts to get the Czard done faster, if you will. ;)
In Soviet Russia, the Czard speeds up your production!

< Message edited by Izon -- 10/31/2007 10:07:57 >
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 38
10/29/2007 20:01:12   

All three: Yagno feel free to answer anyone of these

Mages or Warriors (including rangers)
I like Warriors personally. Though I am going Ranger pretty soon, I think anyway.
Warriors. Once I grab all the significant greater uber sets and Asgardian Set, I'll update my stats to those of a warrior. Sophie will stay the course as a beastmage, though.

Your opinion on the media today
No comment, and no you cannot quote me on that. lol. Seriously, though the media has become far too sensational in my opinion.
One acronym. KIWF.

Fave weapon, armor, pet (if any) and spell (in that order please :P)
Ninja Stars, Twig, Ice Nine
Spear of Awe, Reign Plate, Zorbak, and Heal Wounds.

Fave show
At the moment Heroes probably.
House, M.D.
Mine's simpsons and Family guy

Fave band?
I have a lot of favorites.
Lynyrd Skynyrd has always been a favorite for me.
Mines Guns n' Roses

Alright, congrats

< Message edited by Ninja Paladin -- 11/18/2007 19:55:02 >
AQ  Post #: 39
10/31/2007 21:29:44   
The Game
Pegasus Overlord


How's it going?
Pretty good, kinda busy though.

So, do you know who I am?
I seem to recall hearing your name. lol jk

When did you start rating?
A long, long time ago, in a galaxy far far away.

Are you going to stop rating now your a SoO?
Probably, but not only because of the SoO. Life in general is kind of hectic right now.

If a squirrel started biting your arm off, how would you react?
With deadly force. lol

Well, that's all Izon.

< Message edited by Izon -- 11/8/2007 10:09:27 >
AQ  Post #: 40
11/1/2007 16:31:10   

@ everyone:

Cookies or brownies?
Cookies para yo.

ninja or Paladin (ninja paladin, mehehehe)?
Ninjas ftw!
NinjaPalandas. That's right, not only both, but pandas, too.

Who's got the power to give power? (greedish look in eyes)
Great Power brings Great Responsibility, and cookies of course.

Reign or Shadow?

at NP-legasee, Izon, yagno or coockies?
All three SoOs, they can make me cookies. :D

Why you like Ninja and paladin (NP only)?
My two favorite classes at the time of my forum account's creation.

see ya!

Signature removed. Sigs are not allowed on this board.

< Message edited by Ninja Paladin -- 11/18/2007 19:57:58 >
AQ  Post #: 41
11/1/2007 18:32:29   
Shadow Curse


Congrats on the SoOness!

How are you feeling?


(Yes i know i'm not very good finding up questions ) (Good for you) (XD)


Whas up?


You are very good in CRE!The only reason i didn't apply for student is cuz i can upgrade myself :O
Well, if you ever change your mind feel free to apply.

Congrats,you've truly deserved this!
Thank you!

And can i have a cookie?
Sure, if I can find some. Hmm, /me goes to look... Let me get back to you. lol

See ya!

< Message edited by Izon -- 11/8/2007 10:00:07 >
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 42
11/2/2007 11:30:15   

Questions for Izon:

Congrats on the modship.
Thanks! Though its not exactly a Modship. lol

Can you do a barrel roll?
Sure just gimme a barrel.

Have you played any of the Guitar Hero games? What is your favorite song, and what song do you most think they should bring out?
Yep! I liked trying to beat Freebird on Expert. Never quite made it though.

Is Caturday serius bizniss?
Of course!

What's your favorite video game ever?
Hmm, Ocarina of Time was awesome, Halo 2 rocked, Gears of War was great, etc. lol

Favorite genre of music?
No single favorite.

Favorite Band?
See previous answer

The coolest thing you have ever done on AQ/DF?
Hmm, beating not sure. Lots of cool things, but I can't name a "coolest"

Are you gonna have a suggestion thread?
I actually have one, but it is pretty bad. I was kind of noobish back then.

Did you know that I'm a ninja, and I am watching you as you type your responses to these questions? (I could srsly shank you at any moment!)
Did you know what you are watching is actually an avatar? And that I am actually pushing a knife into your chest cavity? lol

< Message edited by Izon -- 11/5/2007 14:15:03 >
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 43
11/7/2007 19:35:01   

Well,after (For the most part) backing up NP in the sweep thread (Not that its needed...But anyway >.>):P Mostly arguing with Yagno...And I havent really spoken to Izon since he became a SoO...I believe the time for my questions has come :P (All of you may answer whatever question(s) you wish...)

1. Don't you hate it when people answer rhetorical questions,especially when they know its rhetorical? (heh...)

2. (answer this one as a player...Not a SoO :P) About the new releases...For the most part,do you consider them to be good additions,or simply new stuff for new stuff's sake? And if you had to pick one...Which of the new releases (last month lets say) do you consider to be the most pointless/un-useful (i wont say useless)

3.Favourite AK/KoO/old SoO/Mod/Admin? (Answer as one...or as five seperate questions,whatever :P)
I plead the fifth. Are you trying to get me killed??? lol

4. Favourite genre of books?
I like Police Novels, some Fantasy, etc.

5. Have you ever read any of the Krondor series'? (Or the Conclave of shadows series...All by Raymond E. Fiest)
Afraid not.

6. Are there any movies of books you feel completely ruined the story? (Other than Eragon...Everyone knows the movie was crap compared to the book)

7. D0 J00 H473 1T WH3N P30P13 741K L1K3 7H1S?

8. Do they feed you regularly over there?
Fooooodddd!!! Answer your question?

9.Do you like your cage(s)?
The cage is fine, its the electricity in the bars I don't like.

10. Favourite Anime?

11. Are there any anime where you feel the english translation was particularly GOOD? (Rare,but it does happen)

12. Twilly...Does his ability to be able to always fight through a quest FASTER than you can scare you somewhat?

13.What about his ear? It constantly loses a chunk,then regrows it...Then loses it again.

14. This is just for Izon,as is the next question: Do you still work everything out by hand? (Talking numbers and such here...I remember when ya worked out the average damage for the new Awe weapons with Aquadorian :P)
Oh, no I don't usually work things out by hand. Only when a new armor or something like the BoA family comes out.

15. If so,why do you do it by hand when you could just do it via spreadsheet?
The spreadsheet was not designed to accomadate more than one Special easily. So I had to work the BoA out by hand (Which took for-bleeding-ever) while Aqua updated his sheet. The demand was there so I went ahead and worked it out.

16.If you were all chucked in a cage with the other SoO,who would win in a battle to the death?

17. Why are Aerosmith so damn good?

18. Favourite genre of music?

19. Favourite band/singer/group?

20. Favourite food?

21. Favourite drink?

22. Have you ever 'died'? (By the medical definition of dead...Ive died twice..does that make me undead,or,due to the second one,re-alive?)

23. From what Ive seen...None of you have a personalised lock! Thats just shameful...You all need one! NAO!
If you look around a bit, you'd actually find that quite few AKs and Mods have personalized locks.
Just like to note: I meant that none of YOU three have personalised locks...Not that no AKs/mods have 'em...Hell,I even suggested one for Sir Gnome back in his MtAK thread over in paxia :P

24. Has anyone else asked this many questions yet?

25....What is the meaning of life? (I know what your going to say...)

26. Just so you can get some sarcasm in,Whats up?

27. What is your opinion of the burning daystar?

28. Have you ever played poker with dogs?

29. Any of you not like Monty Python? (You would be the first AK/KoO/SoO/Mod/Admin not to,methinks...Oh,and NP,you being 16 is no excuse...I just recently turned 16,yet Ive seen all his moves.

30. (NP) Youngest forum staff ever? (you know what i mean!) Congratz BTW :P
Ha, not hardly. dna only just turned 15 a month or so ago, and I'm due to be 17 in two months. I know for a fact that pix and Waker of Wind are younger, too.

31. Just to be different...Im putting this at the END! Congratzifications!

< Message edited by Taimat396 -- 11/9/2007 15:03:25 >
AQ DF  Post #: 44
11/7/2007 23:19:11   
hooded figure

It's the SoO, how awesome!!

To Yagno:

How did you choose your title?
By eating my veggies, sleeping on time, brushing my teeth, drinking my milk, and kicking puppies.


To Ninja:

It's the attack of the Holy darkness! *snuggs*

Ice cream or fish?

Favorite Holiday?

Favorite Movie?


To Izon:

Pie or Cake?

Fish or chicken?
Depends on how it is cooked.

How's the squiring coming along?
Painfully. lol

Favorite Movie?
I have alot of favorites.

Favorite TV show?
At the moment, probably Heroes, though I do enjoy Chuck as well.

/me counter-snugs

< Message edited by Yagno2000 -- 11/15/2007 17:55:31 >
AQ DF MQ AQW  Post #: 45
11/8/2007 3:59:03   

For all 3:
1. ASL ?
Maybe some day. But not today. I stick to writing on notepads for the time being.

< Message edited by Yagno2000 -- 11/15/2007 17:58:32 >
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 46
11/12/2007 20:05:16   

Some general questions for anyone, hopefully they haven't been asked:
Is it tough being a SoO?
More or less. It's been kind of slow lately.

What are the biggest things that you've done in terms of balancing?
Khold had us make a L70 fire weapon for him, if that counts. >.> <.<

Favorite animal? --- I figured I should throw in at least one random, non-serious question ;)
If you knew of my nicks on IRC, you'd know it would be a panda.

< Message edited by Ninja Paladin -- 11/12/2007 20:09:12 >
AQ  Post #: 47
11/15/2007 7:16:13   

Hiyas there!

These questions are for every SoO attending the MtSoO, meaning, I want answers from all of youse!

What is your favorite.. Pudding?



Do you like being part of the AE staff?
We aren't AE Staff.

Do you like being part of the Forums Staff?
Nor are we forum staff.

R u teh rulz?

Favorite number?

Luckiest Number?

Unluckiest Number?

Fanks you; lotz.

< Message edited by Yagno2000 -- 11/15/2007 17:57:01 >
MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 48
11/15/2007 18:24:49   
* Dragon Rage *

Aola! Sorry Yagno, but I couldn't think of anything other then "stupid" questions. Feel free to post on any of the questions you like.

Dragon Rage-/me steal color and punchline!

Congratz~ *Throws a cookie.*
Thanks! /me munches on cookie.

Why the avatar? What makes it special?
Its Foamy! What more do you need?

Active much in the forums?
I am always here, but not heard from all that often. I post if I need to, but I prefer to observe and step in when I feel my opinion is warrented.

Which one: AQ/DF/MQ Why?
Hmm, I like all three, but if I could only play one I would pick AQ. Mostly because that character has the most work put into it.

Favorite SoO? (No, you don't count. :p)
/me pleads the fifth.

Making any suggestions? Yes, I will be there.
Not worthy of note. I tried at one time, but I kinda suck at suggesting things.

Pets? (AQ can count on this! JK! MUHAHA!)
One Black Lab, and one insane Cat.

Favorite Smiley? Mines this one: ( )
To be honest, I don't use smilies.

Believe in dragons/dinosaurs?
Dragons, yes. Dinosaurs, no. Giant Lizards? C'mon who believes that. lol

Man Hug! He does know what that is right...
I do, but still abit awkward to tell the truth.

Dragon Rage-/me steal color as well!

Ninja Paladin? *Imagines what it look likes.*
I thought about it once, too. It produced this.

Why a Ninja Paladin?
My two favorite and primary classes at the time of my forum account's creation. I was fortunate enough to not add numbers or make stupid capitalization (or lack thereof) effects, so I didn't have to change my name. Still an open option now. :D

Who's that on your avatar?
Haruhi Suzumiya. From one of the greatest animes ever, "The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya." I suggest you go watch it sometime.

Ninja or Paladin? (I'm such a meany.)
If I had to choose, Paladin.

Grand total of five in my lifetime, currently two, all of which were cats.

If a giant Level 1000 Undead Pirate attacked you what would you do?
Ninja Paladin it to death, quite clearly.

I swear I have seen you before, or was that Paladin Dracomancer? How long have you been on the forums?
I've been on for just under a year and eight months. It's possible you've seen me before, especially if you've ever been a GBI flunkie like I was (hell, I remember when GBI was the KoO forum; it was all by itself in its own forum at the bottom).

Seen me before? You've probably not.
Possibly. I don't remember you, though.

Great to see you on the forums. Have a good time Izon, Yango2000, and Ninja Paladin. Good luck in the forums!

~Dragon Rage~

< Message edited by Izon -- 11/16/2007 9:46:52 >
AQ  Post #: 49
11/17/2007 21:16:18   
Ninja Paladin
Lost, Wandering Goddess

Well, that was fun while it lasted. We'll finish up answering questions and move the thread to the MtAK Archive at some point or another.
AQ  Post #: 50
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