Spirit Katana (Full Version)

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Ianthe -> Spirit Katana (8/1/2007 16:01:34)

Spirit Katana

Also see the Soul Katana and Power Katana)

Level: 110
Price: 10,000 500,000 350,000 338,555
Sellback:2000 250,000 262,500 169,277
Location: Yulgar's Advanced Adder's Forge Shop

Element: Energy
Type: Melee
Damage: 4-14 9-33 12-44
BTH: 5


The weapon scales based on your Level. The weapon's Random damage becomes equal to (YourLevel^0.77). This affects all normal Player attacks and weapon Specials.

Base: [(1+ (Your Level/100)) / 2.1 ]*100%
Random: [ (1 + Your Level/75) / (1+ (110/75)) ]*100%
Level	Base%	Rand%		New Stats
110	100	100		12-44
113	101	102		12-45
116	103	103		12-45
119	104	105		13-46
122	106	106		13-47
125	107	108		13-47
128	109	110		13-48
131	110	111		13-49
134	111	113		13-50
137	113	115		14-50
140	114	116		14-51
143	116	118		14-52
146	117	119		14-52
149	119	121		14-53
Note: The scaled damage is not displayed in-game, to prevent bugs from occurring.

This blessed katana gains might as its user rises in level. At level 20, it deals 4 to 14 damage, but by level 100 will be able to deal out 4 to 39!
This blessed katana gains might as its user rises in level, by level 130 it will deal 13-49 damage.

Old Image

---Level ---- Damage
110-112 ---- 9-33
113-118 ---- 9-34
119-121 ---- 9-35
122-124 ---- 10-35
125-129 ---- 10-36
130-136 ---- 10-37
137-141 ---- 10-38
142-144 ---- 10-39
145-147 ---- 11-39
148-149 ---- 11-40

Damage chart done by Astral. New Location Thanks to Asenbesen. Updated stat info thanks to phoenixfire555, Minion of Poelala and Legasee. Old image thanks Spitfire. Correction from pie_eata. Image thanks to UltraGuy. Level cap increase thanks to Valane.

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