The Coral Reef of Canu'r Delyn - Resurfacing for new divers! (Full Version)

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Fishtank -> The Coral Reef of Canu'r Delyn - Resurfacing for new divers! (8/31/2007 13:04:37)

original text and banner from original Coral reef done by Lkeas.


Welcome to the Coral Reef! Among the brilliant colors, shimmering light, fascinating creatures and plants and rock formations of the reef, the artists of Nautica gather to create awesome works of art with an underwater theme. Members from all clans are encouraged to contribute to our oceanic gallery! Just make sure it has some kind of fishy motif.

UPDATE: This gallery has come and gone quite a few times, because it gets going for a while but then people forget about it and don't contribute. If you don't want your coral reef to disappear, let's keep the art flowing! I'm posting this myself for now since it was a pain to reformat it, but if I end up going idle for a long time again, at least someone can quote this post and start a new one on their own. Just PM me if you would like to become the new owner and I've been absent for a month or so.

Artists of ALL SKILL LEVELS are welcome to participate! Don't feel intimidated by the art that's already in the gallery, the point is to encourage creativity and clan pride, not to have an art contest. We do encourage artists to submit original work as often as possible, but some edits and recolors are ok as long as it's not the majority of the submissions. Have fun!

And now, without further ado...

The Coral Reef Art Gallery

Nautican Flute!!
The Nautican Seal

Dox Para
Lord Nautica Battle Armor
Nautican Squadron Patrol

Display of Affection

Our Fearless Leader
Canu'r Delyn Nautican
Nautica the Seussican
Secret Weapons- Boxed Up
Nautica Wants YOU!
Cave of Canu'r Delyn Dweller
Nautican Nightbane

Divine Essence of the Abyss
SharkTooth Posessor
Nautica Spirit Abyssal Razor Staff
Abyssal SpiritSword.
Terra Nautica
Slender Reaver


The Original Gallery Archive


Nauticalpha Werewolf

Sea Dragon
Sea Maiden

Darkrethal, Original Coral Reef Founder
Nautica Elite (Male)
Nautica Elite (Female)
Nautical Ninjassin (Male)
Nautical Ninjassin (Female)
Naut Monk (Male)
Naut Monk (Female)
Aquamancer (Male)
Aquamancer (Female)
Water Wolf, Aquena

Sea Serpent 1
Sea Serpent 2

Staff of Nautica
Nautican Battle Helmet

Blue Seahorse, Ready to Ride
Meeting In The Meduse

Kuld Hezat (Kuld)
Shatanal Triton
Shatanal Triton v2.0
Nautican Flag

Biotrophic Cetacean

mikey 123
Sea Dragon (need link!)

In Nautica We Trust

Nautican Dollar

Keeper of the Reef
Nautican Knight

Nautica: Leader or God?
Underwater Carving
King of Krabs

Electric Nautica

Some Underwater Stuff
Nautican Art Collage (need link!)
Under The Sea

Sea Werewolf

Nautica Profile
Nautican Soldier with Battle Armor
Meet Salty, the VERY Happy Trilobite
The World Of Canu'r Delyn
Nautican Clawed Shark
Perfectly NORMAL Lobster

It BURNS! (need link!)
PWNAGE (need link!)

Ultimate Nautica


The Parade of Flags

These were all the designs entered for our flag design contest!
Everyone did an amazing job and they all deserve to have their flags fly proudly!

Dox Para
Reyn Roadstorm

New salty sig- Salty has evolved (again) and now our salty sigs are outdated! If any loyal Nauticans feel like making some one day please submit them! Salty appreciates your support!

A 'Dweller of the Cave' sticky (refering to the Cave of Canu'r Delyn), for those who enter frequently into debates there. Any contribution would be much appreciated!
Thanks Lkeas!

Someone to redesign our clan armor! This would go towards the Clan Armor project, any contribution would be great!

A banner for the Nautican Level Tracking System, Any contribution is Much appreciated!

VonKrieger -> RE: The Coral Reef of Canu'r Delyn - Resurfacing for new divers! (8/31/2007 22:03:03)

Cave Sig #1

Cave Sig #2

Thanks to Lkeas for sending me these hope they will help you guys out.

birdy -> RE: The Coral Reef of Canu'r Delyn - Resurfacing for new divers! (9/1/2007 19:52:00) <--- It doesn't make any snese (atleast not logical), but it's nice ^_^

(names unfortunate but I was caught in an artistic mood and made quite a bunch of stuff at that point of time, colour theme is Nautican but it's not as good as the other two :P).

Lkeas -> RE: The Coral Reef of Canu'r Delyn - Resurfacing for new divers! (9/12/2007 15:34:18)

Well I'm not sure what a "sticky" is, but I went ahead and designed a sig for "cave dwellers.."

Is this sort of what you wanted?

Lkeas -> RE: The Coral Reef of Canu'r Delyn - Resurfacing for new divers! (9/12/2007 15:51:10)

That works for me. I wonder should we try to combine the sig gallery with the coral reef, or leave them separate? Or maybe put a link to the sig gallery in the coral reef, since there are so many sigs it would make a really really long post?

Also, I just ran across this old edit I did, kinda funny. Since we don't have a "Nauticanized Monsters" thread anymore, maybe it should go here?

Nautican Nightbane

Fishtank -> RE: The Coral Reef of Canu'r Delyn - Resurfacing for new divers! (9/12/2007 16:04:19)

cool! updated![:)]

can you tell me if that link works. It wont work on mine anymore but my computer's horrible so I don't want to make assumptions...
never mind, fixed it.

I don't mind putting a link to the sig gallery up here, But I'd like to do it vise versa, I'll make an add of the corl reef using the sig in the main Canu'r Delyn thread... one second...

hehe... the link was there and everything...



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