Pets/Guests (Full Version)

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Ianthe -> Pets/Guests (12/12/2007 23:10:32)

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135 -> RE: Pets/Guests (12/13/2007 19:57:52)


I just found out a possible change to poision cloud. It seems to be dealing
5+( 5% of monster's HP rounded up) damage, from doing 6 damage against a Ice Dragon with 1 HP left. Not very sure though.
I'm blaming it on your 150 CHA. ~In Media Res

blues -> RE: Pets/Guests (12/14/2007 17:05:25)


Missing Stats for Protector Pets from Chii via IRC:

10: 5-17 per hit, 8% BTH
35: 12-40 per hit, 15% BTH
70: 16-48 per hit, 15% BTH
50% chance for attack1 or attack2
Attack1: 100/100/100 ranged +10 BTH
Attack2: 200/200/200 melee
Added, thanks! ~In Media Res

Asgaroth -> RE: Pets/Guests (12/15/2007 11:37:29)


protector pet does not add an other block of defence to the protector armor. only the shield and sword do
Kal says it does. On the third paragraph from the bottom, second line: "...1 for the pet...". ~In Media Res

RASTAFARIAN -> RE: Pets/Guests (12/16/2007 18:18:51)


robina is also available in the quest for the energy orb except that she does water damage
Added. Thanks! ~In Media Res

Zenofax -> RE: Pets/Guests (12/19/2007 23:10:21)


Velocigobbler should be rare now.
Tagged. Thanks! ~In Media Res

Reign Man -> RE: Pets/Guests (12/20/2007 22:03:00)


Frosty the Snow Golem
Type: Guest
Location: Frostval 2007 Part III

Damage: ??

Hits: 2
Type:Melee, Magic
Element: Element Seeking, Ice
Damage: ??
BTH: ?
Attack rate at 130 CHA: 67%.
Attack rate at 0 CHA: 2%.
CHA for 100% attack rate: 200.
(Note: These attack rates are estimated, based on IMR's comment below)
CHA Based (100% at 200 CHA)
Image courtesy of Stephen Nix.

Sandy Claws
Type: Guest
Location: Frostval 2007 Part III

Damage: ??

Hits: 2
Type:Melee, Melee
Element: Element Seeking, Fire
Damage: ??
BTH: ?
Attack rate at 130 CHA: 67%.
Attack rate at 0 CHA: 2%.
CHA for 100% attack rate: 200.
(Note: These attack rates are estimated, based on IMR's comment below)
CHA Based (100% at 200 CHA)

@Below: No, Sandy Claws second hit is definitely fire, always.
Astral got it. Thanks! ~In Media Res

Stephen Nix -> RE: Pets/Guests (12/20/2007 22:15:59)


and they are guests not pets!

Frosty the Snow Golem a better pic then the one above its in low quality this one is high
Astral got it. Thanks! ~In Media Res

Hansuke -> RE: Pets/Guests (12/21/2007 9:51:11)



Attack rate at 130 CHA: 67%.
Attack rate at 0 CHA: 2%.
CHA for 100% attack rate: 200.
(Note: These attack rates are estimated, based on IMR's comment below)
CHA Based (100% at 200 CHA)

I have 0 CHA and Frosty was attacking almost every turn with my character.
Actually, by that comment, I meant "It's 100% for me, and I have 200 CHA. It looks CHA-based to me!".

Anyway, Astral got the real rates. Apparently I'm just lucky. ~In Media Res

mcbaine -> RE: Pets/Guests (12/23/2007 16:24:10)




Location: Epic Quest 15, Quest for the Water Orb, War at Sea

...Base: Level ^ 0.5
...Random: Level ^ 0.7
BTH: ???

Hits: 2
Element: Energy
Type: Magic, Melee
Damage: 100% Base and Random each
BTH: ???
Rate: 33%

Hits: 2
Element: Energy
Type: Melee
Damage: 100% Base and Random
BTH: ???
Rate: 33%

she can also be found in Amaza Lake
Added. Thanks! ~In Media Res

.*. .*. .*. -> RE: Pets/Guests (12/26/2007 19:02:07)



Level: 35
Location: z-token shop
Price: 2500
Sellback: 2250 within 48 hours and after that 1250.
Element: Darkness

Element: Darkness
Damage: 20-68

BTH: Reyn/Kal: +15%
Training Difficulty: 80

Attack 1: 1 melee hit
Attack 2: 3 ranged hits.

One of Khandie Khain's ebi toy creatures from the Nightmare Realm!


As above but:

Level: 10
Price: 650 Z-Tokens
Sellback: 585 Z-Tokens (< 48 Hours); 325 Z-Tokens (> 48 Hours)
Damage: 12-44
BTH: +10% says Reyn & Kal
TD: 25 says Kal& Reyn

New info from Chii via Irc

[18:48] <Shii> 25% chance of 300/300/300, 75% chance of 100/100/100, high level version has 15 BTH, low level has 10 BTH.
dna got it. Thanks! ~In Media Res

Silvergate741 -> RE: Pets/Guests (12/26/2007 19:16:20)



Location: Z-Token Shop
Cost:2500 z-tokens
Sellback price:2250 z-tokens>48 hours<1250 z-tokens
Damage:20 to 68

Training Difficulty:80

Attack 1:


Description:One of Khandie Khain's ebil toy from the Nightmare Realm!
dna got it. Thanks! ~In Media Res

Chiniese -> RE: Pets/Guests (12/26/2007 20:14:51)



Example: 100% Fire resistance would be nerfed to 106%. -100% Fire resistance would be nerfed to -94%. 50% Fire resistance would be nerfed to 47%. Unlisted resistances (like Void) and 0% resistances will not be changed.

This is the entry from nerf kitten L90. Instead of 47%, would't it be 53%?
Either that, or we make the numbers negative. Fixed. Thanks! ~In Media Res

Anish -> RE: Pets/Guests (12/27/2007 4:58:39)


dna used .*. .*. .*.'s image. In general, we prefer ones that aren't attacking. ~In Media Res

alexefb -> RE: Pets/Guests (12/27/2007 13:14:51)


Robina (frostval version) now attacks with fire, wind, or earth depending on which % is higher.
Checked myself and added. Thanks! ~In Media Res

Hansuke -> RE: Pets/Guests (12/27/2007 14:13:28)


Robina was always element seeking, wasn't she?
Taken care of. ~In Media Res

alexefb -> RE: Pets/Guests (12/27/2007 14:21:58)




Robina was always element seeking, wasn't she?

The frostval Robina had been doing fire for all of the nightmare queen's attacks.
Taken care of. ~In Media Res

xtreeme -> RE: Pets/Guests (12/27/2007 16:07:24)


IIRC <ssj4_Vivi> 25% chance of 300/300/300, 75% chance of 100/100/100, +15 BtH on the high level and +10 on the low level

That's for Stiches, the new Z-token pet..
dna got it. Thanks! ~In Media Res

Z -> RE: Pets/Guests (12/27/2007 23:10:51)



Original image is missing/broken.
New image (High quality, .png):
Added. Thanks! ~In Media Res

Keno Chao -> RE: Pets/Guests (12/30/2007 5:50:10)


Frostval Robina also attacks with Ice. She just used ice against a Big Salamander.
Fixed. Thanks! ~In Media Res

demonkid990 -> RE: Pets/Guests (12/30/2007 20:21:02)


the frostval giftboxes fo '06 here all need to be changed to rare status
Taken care of. ~In Media Res

jonfun8 -> RE: Pets/Guests (12/31/2007 18:18:50)


Ebil Toys
Element: Dark
Location: '07 Pet giftbox
Pic: click
Training: 205!
Description: Khandie Khain's favorite toys, brought to life by nightmare magic
Level: 90


They attack every round , but they extract a price in blood, you get the normal check to determine if the pet attacks but if you pass it they don't attack you. The only circumstance they won't attack under is if you turn them off, or if you fail the Charisma check and the blood price would kill you. The Guardian attack also increases the damage a little bit (20%) (as well as reducing monster defences).


'07 Pet giftbox is rare
Taken care of. ~In Media Res

Teuvi -> RE: Pets/Guests (12/31/2007 18:19:53)


All the Frostval '07 giftboxes are now rare.

Level 90 Ebil Toys has a sellback of 6000 and does a hit of wind then dark.
Taken care of. ~In Media Res

alexefb -> RE: Pets/Guests (12/31/2007 18:32:04)


Ebil Toys

Element: Fire
Location: '07 Pet giftbox
Level: 70
Sellback: 3000 gold

Description: Khandie Khain's favorite toys, brought to life by nightmare magic
Training: 175
(listed) Damage: 14-42 melee

Ebil Toys

Element: Darkness
Location: '07 Pet giftbox
Level: 50
Sellback: 600 gold

Description: Khandie Khain's favorite toys, brought to life by nightmare magic
Training: 125
(listed) Damage: 10-30 melee
Hits: 2
Element: Wind, Darkness
Attack type: Ranged, Melee
Damage: ??
Bth: ??
Rate: 100% (except if fail the charisma roll and the blood price would kill you)
Note: If you fail the charisma roll they will take 20hp from you before they attack. If you pass the roll, they won't harm you.

Ebil Toys

Element: Fire
Location: '07 Pet giftbox
Level: 25
Sellback: 120 gold

Description: Khandie Khain's favorite toys, brought to life by nightmare magic
Training: 75
(listed) Damage: 6-24 melee


They attack every round , but they extract a price in blood, you get the normal check to determine if the pet attacks but if you pass it they don't attack you. The only circumstance they won't attack under is if you turn them off, or if you fail the Charisma check and the blood price would kill you. The Guardian attack also increases the damage a little bit (20%) (as well as reducing monster defences).
Taken care of. Thanks! ~In Media Res

Siera -> RE: Pets/Guests (12/31/2007 19:21:19)



They attack every round , but they extract a price in blood, you get the normal check to determine if the pet attacks but if you pass it they don't attack you. The only circumstance they won't attack under is if you turn them off, or if you fail the Charisma check and the blood price would kill you. The Guardian attack also increases the damage a little bit (20%) (as well as reducing monster defences).

I have a guardian version and mine does not lower defences.

Taken care of. ~In Media Res

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