Smoked Drumchuks (Full Version)

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Ianthe -> Smoked Drumchuks (12/19/2007 0:51:14)

Smoked Drumchuks

Also see other Drumchuks: Teryaki Marinated, Cajun Spiced, Orange Glazed, Boiled, Overdone, Diet, and Ghost Chili

Level: 8
Power Level: 8, Mastercraft
Price: 38 Gold
Sellback: 19 Gold
Location: Harvest Festival 2012

Element: Darkness
Type: Melee
Damage: 4 - 12
BTH: 1

Hits: 2
Element: Darkness
Type: Ranged
Damage: 145.44% Base and Random each
Stats: No normal stats; 72.25% Lucky Strike damage each
BTH: +9 each
Rate: 10%

  • Normal player attacks with weapon gain +3 BTH and deal 85/88 damage. (Not factored in)

  • Click to switch between Ranged* and Melee**. Mastercraft Bonus is switching ability without damage penalty.
  • Only applies to normal attacks with weapon. Weapon's Special still does Ranged damage.

    * You now wield the drumchuks with the finesse of a black belt! It now deals Ranged damage!
    ** Your drumchuks now deal Melee damage. Smashy time!

    Drumchuks are both tasty and good for you. If you have enough Dexterity, then you can click on it to switch it from Melee to Ranged! Just try to not hit yourself in the face?

    New numbers thanks to In Media Res. Write Up Template thanks to In Media Res.


  • Special starts out with 308% Base, 308% Rand, and 153% Stats plus 4 BTH.

  • Special
    • It takes +5 BTH and deals 85/90 damage.
    • With 2 equally strong hits, each hit does 50% damage.
    All this has ALREADY been factored into the above numbers.

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