Mecha Combat 101 (Full Version)

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Vaseline28 -> Mecha Combat 101 (2/28/2008 14:56:52)

Mecha Combat 101

Location: GEARS University
Directions: GEARS University -> Denara -> Classes -> Mecha Combat 101

Missions Available:
  • Training

  • Aleysia
  • Dooder
  • Sally

    (Upon first entering class:)

    Aleysia: So there you are <character name>. You are late.
    <Character name>: I am late?
    Aleysia: Yes, you were exactly 3.0456 seconds late.
    <Character name>: Is she being serious?
    Dooder: She is totally being serious.
    Sally: Oh yeah, she means it.
    Aleysia: Yes, I am serious!
    Aleysia: I do not care what you scored on your entrance exam <Character name>...
    Aleysia::Although his/her score was pretty impressive.
    Aleysia: In the future YOU are expected to be on time. Else, I will fail you right out of my class!
    <Character name>: *GULP*
    Aleysia: You may now take your seat.
    Character sits down.
    <Character name>: At least she is not going to make me wear a silly hat.
    Aleysia: <Character name>, as punishment for being late you must wear this hat.
    Hat loads.
    <Character name>: ...
    Game data saves.
    <Character name>: I am going to pass all her tests and show her what I am really made of. Just you wait and see!
    Aleysia: Now, where was I. Oh yes...

    After first time
    Aleysia: Students, please open your books to page <random number>. Let's start.

    Other Information:
    1: Place to level up Mecha Combat 101 level (Max. 12/12)

    Thanks to ArchMagus Olodalf for corrections!

  • Page: [1]

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