***MtAK*** Gorzan - sense not required or advised in Q's (Full Version)

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Gorzan the Green Mage -> ***MtAK*** Gorzan - sense not required or advised in Q's (4/28/2008 16:07:17)

Ok, I can't wait fo rmy MtAK and no I'm ready...first some ground rules...

1. 20 questions per post, 2 posts per member...
2. Don't ask previously asked questions(please )
3. contrary to title, questions must be at the very least a LITTLE apropriate
4. All uersal forum rules apply
5. I'll be answering in this wonderful shade of green. Whaddya mean its not green? SHUDDUP!!

Okay, begin!*gong sounds*

I'll be closing this monday, btw. The fifth.

Carankan -> RE: ***MtAK*** Gorzan - sense not required or advised in Q's (4/28/2008 16:10:08)

'Ello Gorzan.
Yo, nej carankan

Well, what's up?
The sky, the moon, generally objects not affected by gravity...

What was the very first thing you thought when seeing the PM? XD
Holy *** I'm seeing things..

A thing I've never really asked you 'bout... Unless I've just forgotten all 'bout it... Favorite kinda music, favorite band/singer, favorite song...?
Pheh, I like the Killers and the Kings Of Leon, Rap is my arch-nemisis and rock is teh uber....(cept for trivium [:'(])

Muffins > Brownies, all the way.
Just when I thought we were friends......

That's pretty much it... Twas short... See you around ^^

Later, you have another post anywho ^^

Tapeworm Shoelace -> RE: ***MtAK*** Gorzan - sense not required or advised in Q's (4/28/2008 16:18:08)


As you wish......*zaps blackberry muffins with AK powers* Wait, AK powers dont give you magical powers? Okay how about a coupon?

Sheesh, tough crowd.

Sorry they're all mine!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Never open a muffin-shop.
Okay, its brownies all the way for me anyway!

som3dud33 -> RE: ***MtAK*** Gorzan - sense not required or advised in Q's (4/28/2008 16:20:15)

Who the hell is cooldragonz, and why is he stalking you too?
Look down, and he is?!?!

Cool Dragonz -> RE: ***MtAK*** Gorzan - sense not required or advised in Q's (4/28/2008 16:20:44)

Hello Gorzan! :D <--- Repeatedly asked question: :O
Thats a question?

/me snugs, Congrats! :D
*snugs back* Thanks!

Green and mage: I adore green and I am a tank mage in AQ :P.
Glad to hear it!

You lyk 1337 pwngz talk?
Yus it be teh uberz!

Why you with ***, and not just and =?
Such is my way.....

That was all :D.
...that wasnt enough? Lol

Thank you, come again!


pjc -> RE: ***MtAK*** Gorzan - sense not required or advised in Q's (4/28/2008 16:21:44)

And what's this I was telling you about jumping in near the start of your AKship...

Tsk tsk. You will regret this. Trust me, it's hell.

All the same, no questions from me here, just stopping by to wish you good luck and hand you your safety gear (you'll need it... really). See you around, you must come on IRC! :P

Sorry, my comp has IRCI(IRC intolerance) and I specifically waited for my third day, lol cos of what you said. Anyway my friends were gettingtesty, and you wouldnt like them when they're testy........anywho, thansk for stopping by...

Destro* -> RE: ***MtAK*** Gorzan - sense not required or advised in Q's (4/28/2008 16:22:16)


So how are we?
I was fine till your next comment

*Destro throws a wooden cane at Gorzan*
*catches and rops, getting concussed*

You think you have skillz at the arcane eh?

not really...

Think Fast!!!! *lights his shoes on fire*
You.....dont have a lighter...
Very clever....
I know ^^

Think FAST!!!! *A meteor comes flying from the sky* HAHAHAHA
Actually, judging by wind resistence and the time of descent, I have 7.53 minutes to respond.

Impressive *nods rubbing chin*

The last one... THINK FAST *A nuclear bomb appears directly overhead*
I am a cockroach....mwahahahahahhaha

Unbelievable... *runs*

*Yells* THINK FAST!!!!! *The suns light focuses into a red hot laser that melts the grounds wherever it hits; it then heads for him*
Hmmm i must think for this...........*eats the sun*

Grrr, Explodes in a fier... *poof*
You really took the title seriously, didnt you?

Viking_Jorun -> RE: ***MtAK*** Gorzan - sense not required or advised in Q's (4/28/2008 16:23:20)

Hi, and congratulations on the AKship! :D
Thanks ^^

Okay, i'm only going to ask 10 questions...answer them and you won't lose your Mage status...

1) How is your day going today?
Pretty awesome^^

2) Are you looking forward to being an AK?
Hell yes!

3) Are you looking forward to the responsibilities of an AK?
Ummm no.....I'll do my best biut I wont enjoy the work...

4) 2/4=1/3+1/6?

5) AQ, DF, or MQ?
DF rocks, hate MQ but AQ is the best...

6) What are you going to do now that you have AK powers...and you're a Mage? Destroy buildings?
I was thinking eat brownies but that works..

7) Your opinions on pie?
It rhymes with my

8) Do you play any sports?
Hell no!!!!!!!!

9) What's your favorite sport?
Extreme brownie-eating

10) Last question...um......erm........If you could do anything what would you do?

Well that's all, and congratulations again! :D
Thanks again! (am i still a mage?)


Lord Xenaphos -> RE: ***MtAK*** Gorzan - sense not required or advised in Q's (4/28/2008 16:42:25)

I figured I better ask a fellow comrade some questions. :P
I shall return the favour^^
1) Cookies, Pizza, or Cookie Pizza?
Why choose? have em all!

2) *snugglewugglehuggles*

3) Dat is teh besht shaed of grenn eva!
I call it: Purpeen!

4) Abused your power yet. >:P
Nooooooooooooooooo......(btw clans A thru Y are deleted for not featuring my excellence)

5) Do you enjoy bathing in Peanut Butter?
Replace "bathe" with "eat" and "peanut butter" with "brownies" then yes!

That is all I have for you. :)

Mo -> RE: ***MtAK*** Gorzan - sense not required or advised in Q's (4/28/2008 16:46:58)

I remember you =P
I'm hard to forget! heh jk

How do you think you were chosen by Wallo now that there are no replies?
It could have been my stupendous brilliance, but more likely my amazing awesome-ness

I forgot to say congratz!

Er, uBEr hax videos or l33t talk
InD33d mah gude fren

The above question is not to be taken seriously.
Too late


Destro* -> RE: ***MtAK*** Gorzan - sense not required or advised in Q's (4/28/2008 16:53:22)

*Returns from the dead undead*

Using powerful combinations of logic and shear abilities... Transformation, sun-eating, calculation... you will be a greater challenge then I thought. This time, you shall lose!!!!

*Pulls out a lighter* This time, you're shoes shall burn, MUAHAHAHA.
It's out of gas....

Submit to the earth *Creates a 20 ft. wide crack in the ground underneath him that leads to the core of the planet.
I has teh wings!

Not enough???? *Creates a massive hole with a diameter of 100 feet*
No, no that was fine thanks....*still has teh wings)

Bah, I must get personal *unsheathes a sword*
*unsheathes a brownie*

*Runs towards him for a horizontal thrust*
Horizantal is soooooo yesterday, its all verticla these days...

If all else fails, go insane!!!! MUAHAHAHAHA
Theres something we can agree on!

*Brings up 1000 zombies around Gorzan* These zombies were made to regenerate from damage done to them. Thanks for eating the sun >:)>
I got another one made by vegeta. He had experience with planetary bodies and creatin g them^^

*Brings up a single zombie* This zombie is made as a last resort. He is said to be indestructible. Immune to physical forms of damages with reviving effects every 2 seconds, he kills and then eats your soul so you can go to neither heaven nor hell. MUAHAHAHA
I'm an atheist I wouldnt go anyway....also, *nuke*

I see... so it has come to this... *goes shalow hal on him and gives the 5 hits of death* *note going from uber zombie: to fist tecnique*
*hides behind tree*

Still not enough... *creates a ball of dark energy in the place of the sun* In 30 seconds, it will engulf us. In the center is a black hole. This will end it all
We already are in the centre if a black hole!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!O.o


You know this was you last post, right?

Deimius -> RE: ***MtAK*** Gorzan - sense not required or advised in Q's (4/28/2008 16:57:31)

Hey there, Gorzan !
What annoys you the most?
Hmmm....Global Warming...
What scares you the most?
Centipedes.............SO MANY DAMN LEGS!!!
Which country's food do you like the most (Italian, Chinese ect.)?
Italian for pizza, chinese for tofu and good ol' irelands fish and chips

Irios -> RE: ***MtAK*** Gorzan - sense not required or advised in Q's (4/28/2008 17:05:38)

Its Irios time!
Rock On!
Remember me? From like, a few hours ago?
I nver forget our pointless PMs dude...
High Five!
How does it feel?
Cold.....oh wait the AK thing....AWESOME!
Yes yes yes
No, no, no
Pie or Pi?
My good friend, 3.14
Money or Love?
Money. That way, I'll get love too...lawl nah jk just love ^^
Lots of Money or Love?
O.o okay lots o fmoney
Will do more questions later, cya for now m8!
High Five!
Too Slow!

.Discipline -> RE: ***MtAK*** Gorzan - sense not required or advised in Q's (4/28/2008 17:39:05)

Can I get a Woop! Woop!?
What made you choose your name?
Ahhh, wll a long time ago I was plying Lord of the ringsa with a friend on his P2 and made my na a joke-nerdy name, Gorzannn(originally with three "ns) and whenI o to warlic in DF, he never mentioned a green mage, and my char was green..and a mage!
Does my avatar make you look fat?
Honest answer or save-your-self-esteem easiness?
If a tree falls in the forest and lands on a mime, does the mime scream?
What was the mime doing in the forest?
Do not notice this notice but please notice that you are not to notice the notice.
That is all.
Thank you for calling *click*

Sara -> RE: ***MtAK*** Gorzan - sense not required or advised in Q's (4/28/2008 17:55:01)

Are you ready for my endless barage of questions?

Is there a limit to how many I can ask?
20 per post^^

For these questions you can't pick both or neither.
Is it alright if i pick both?

Cats or dogs?

Fish or lice?

Ticks or dog poop?

Ants or wasps?

Banned or Banned!?
banned, I'm an easy going guy...

Food or drink?
drink.....I'm like never thirsty and you live longer on just water than just drink...

Robots or people?
robots, less wars...

Comic Sans MS or Times New Roman?
Comic sans MS

Me or I?
We. Theres safety, and friendship, in numbers

Edit or delete?
Eit......in my own image, MWAHAHAHAHAH

Yeti slaying or Yeti saving?
Save the yetis!!!!!!!

Pens or pencils?
Pen. It's mightier than the sword

DF or AQ?

Lizards or pigs?

Cake or pie?
cake IRL, pie for fun...

Doom or Salvation?

Lock or Delete?

Pi or Pie?
(been asked) my good friend, 3.14!

Ebil or Evil?
Meheheheheheh ebil

Sigs or Avvys?

The Game -> RE: ***MtAK*** Gorzan - sense not required or advised in Q's (4/28/2008 18:28:03)

First of all, congratz!
Nice editing color. There is something strange about it...
o there isn't. Stop looking at it.
So, how are you liking the AKship?
How did I live wthout it? (ahem...with a girlfriend....)
Are you tempted to do any deleting? :o
*delete* course not *delete*
Well, see you are on IRC sometime. :)

Wilderock -> RE: ***MtAK*** Gorzan - sense not required or advised in Q's (4/28/2008 19:10:50)

1. Congratulations!
2. Do you know why you were picked?
My activity apparently
3. What do you plan on doing with Clans/Clubs?
Reshaping it in my image!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Nah, jut cutting back on spam so real clans get their dues and clas can grow and grow and grow in a healthy, equal environment.
4. Good luck, it's a jungle out there. :P
*holds machete* I'm ready! Thanks for stopping by!

hooded figure -> RE: ***MtAK*** Gorzan - sense not required or advised in Q's (4/28/2008 20:41:48)

1.) All AK's Crazy(except for you)?
Only the good ones^^
2.)What sort of torture did Wallo recruit you with(He's evil I tell you)?
The green "cake" resulted in large hives.........
3.)Easy work being an AK so far?
Nope, got a few PMs, nothng major, mostly about PFs and the like...
4.)Reaction to PM recruitment?
5.) Have a cookie!

Well, better let you have some rest. These questions usually take hours to finish.

Ricobabie -> RE: ***MtAK*** Gorzan - sense not required or advised in Q's (4/28/2008 21:26:39)

Wow it is confusing to find your MtAK thread XD
Safely hidden away where none can find......
Congrats ^^
/me snuggles
snuggles back*
So how does it feel to be AK?
Thank god someone made the word awesome
Are you getting used to the shackles yet?
Yes, but why do they have to burn?
What was your first response when you were Ak'ed?
I knew i shouldn't have had that last hallucinogen..
Are you going to get a fancy title to match your avy?
Arch-brownie eater of the C&C! Kawoo!......it's sorta my thing...
Now that you have all the power in the world, what are you going to do with it :O
I was thinking zombie army...
Ooo you must be tired since you have to answer all these questions.
Yes I am.........thanks for the help....
Anyways have fun here ^_^
Too late^^

The Trobble One -> RE: ***MtAK*** Gorzan - sense not required or advised in Q's (4/28/2008 22:28:47)

Hi there
Green Mage or Gorzan
Whats your favorite board game
Bedlam....its total....whats the word.....mayhem!
Whats your favorite video game, apart from AE games
Not sure..
Wallo, he Ak'ed you right
Bye and enjoy.
Bye and I will ^^ thanks for coming..

ccccjjjjkkkkmmmm -> RE: ***MtAK*** Gorzan - sense not required or advised in Q's (4/29/2008 0:44:33)

Greetings Gorzan! Remember Me?
Yo kakash, hows UM? (it is kakash, right?)

Favorite food?
Are the New AK Buttons As Shiny as the Other AKs Claim?
So shiny I can barely see my hand...
How does being an AK Feel?
Favorite type of Music?
Favorite Sport?
Hate sport
Hope to See you later! And Congratulations on getting your AKship!
Later, and thanks!

tree151 -> RE: ***MtAK*** Gorzan - sense not required or advised in Q's (4/29/2008 3:19:14)

where is my pizza?
oh, forget it, what's your favorite video game?
Still not sure.............
is it cool to be an AK?
it sure looks cool to me.
Thats cos it is!
i ate your brownies.
Iate your pizza..
uhh... ok... hey! where is my pizza!
Somewhere in my small intestine by now...
goodbye *shuts the door*

Sir Gnome -> RE: ***MtAK*** Gorzan - sense not required or advised in Q's (4/29/2008 8:38:19)

Ah.... Now you're going to find out how fun it is answering these things :D
Still waiting fo rthe fun........naw I'mm joking, its great...

Firstly, who gave you the great idea to post this in this area of the fourms? [;)]
Oh this AK, hat was his name? Sir......sir gno.........Ricobabie, thats it!

Secondly, how do you feel about no longer being the new AK? (It lasted all of a few minutes)
In all of my years of being the new guy, I have gathered much vast experience. I dont mind

Thirdly, Cake or Pie?

And fourthly.... Why? (And no, you may not answer 42)
Because, alligaors can't vote....

See you around!
GtGM(I can have an abbrieviation too!)

TreadLight -> RE: ***MtAK*** Gorzan - sense not required or advised in Q's (4/29/2008 9:40:05)

Hi there!
I'm glad we've gotten some new C/C AKs!
me too!
Wills you be using the IRC?
Will you be helping out in the MechQuest forum?
no, I dont think so...
H0w meni d0lerz kan buyz j00?
heres a glass of water
Well, I hope you do well; bye!
I hope so too! Thank you, come again!

Madam Mutant -> RE: ***MtAK*** Gorzan - sense not required or advised in Q's (4/29/2008 10:57:22)

Hi Gorzan
Hey, its mah fave necro!!
What intrests you in necromancery?
Summoning skeletons and zombies..........I need a reason to like it?
What is your favourit creatures in Duel Masters?
The chaos worm, he is teh uber!!!!!!
Other than necromancers and druids what is your favourite magic user?
Hmmm, always like the idea of shaman anmedims, i.e one wo can talk to spirits...

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