RE: Pet/Guest Bugs (Full Version)

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JariTheMighty -> RE: Pet/Guest Bugs (8/29/2015 5:25:39)

Type of bug (Game crash/blackscreen, glitch, graphical error, typo, etc.): Guest doesn't work.

Bug details: Thernda damage bonus caps at +36% at 200 dexterity. Tried it with Fujin shield (+50 dex, total 250) and Power Shard VI: Varnak (+25 dex, total 225), the effect was still +36%.

Before bug occurred: I logged in and started random battle.

During Bug:

After bug:

Pet/Guest Bugged: Call Thernda
Other Equipment: Quester's VBG, Quester's Heavy Gunner, Fujin no Shukufuku
Screenshot link:

Did you log out and log back in? Yes
Did you clear cache? Yes
Did the bug happen again? Yes
Browser Info: Chrome 44.0.2403.157 m
Flash version:

killeruae914 -> RE: Pet/Guest Bugs (9/16/2015 16:58:03)

I need some help
I just bought the " summon poalela " spell
But apparently it says that it boosted my magic attack by 0%, and my spell damage by 0%
And I tried everything logging out and in
and waiting for many turns and joining different battles but nothing's happening
Please reply to me as soon as possible don't wanna feel like I wasted my money for nothing
Thank you

What character is this, and what level of Summon Poelala did you buy?

Poelala gets less useful as your level increases - if your level is too high and the level of the Summon Poelala spell is too low, then Poelala won't be able to boost your attacks.

If your character is a Guardian, then you can try upgrading the spell. See #5 here for details. ~IMR

infuturity -> RE: Pet/Guest Bugs (11/3/2015 5:49:18)

Against Trigoras (112), my Sphinx pet is doing 0 damage. Daze is working fine, though

ArchMagus Orodalf -> RE: Pet/Guest Bugs (11/23/2015 20:45:23)

Bug details:

This is a bug with the damage that the Scarab pet inflicts if it doesn't act. Having the pet equipped and then Hiding it causes the Bleed Potence status to be removed; however, the pet keeps inflicting its "Without your pet acting, you're unable to control its effect! XXX damage! (Pet must act or you take damage.)" damage every turn for the rest of the battle and for every battle afterward.

Pet/Guest Bugged: Scarab
Other Equipment: Any (only the Scarab matters)

darksampson -> RE: Pet/Guest Bugs (12/4/2015 2:49:20)

Bug details:
Buccaneer Monkey is not attacking sometimes v.s Hybee Queen. He reaches into his pocket as if going for the banana attack, but doesn't do anything. He does use the banana attack sometimes though.

Pet/Guest Bugged: Buccaneer Monkey (118)
Other Equipment: Algern's Carapace, Auster, Star Screamer v.s Hybee Queen

Thor -> RE: Pet/Guest Bugs (12/4/2015 23:33:57)


Mau of Osiris

Light pet, has two attacks, a claw slash that does +5% damage, and an Eye of Horus attack. Latter attack attempts to inflict Fear, and is only used if the mob isn't already under Fear. Pet also has a 2/3 random lean, because cat.

Investigating. I'll fix it up in the morning / once the release is done.
This hasn't been fixed, cat only does 1 attack and 1 round of fear, I'm assuming it should be like Death Flair, meaning it will do fear, then when the amaze fear is inflicted in 2 rounds, it will do the cute claw attack.. I would love if this could be fixed.[&:]

Yndlnoot -> RE: Pet/Guest Bugs (1/3/2016 18:53:06)

Type of bug (Game crash/blackscreen, glitch, graphical error, typo, etc.): Game hangs on loading screen.

Bug details: The guest Robina from the Frostval delivery war will fail to load and cause the battle to never begin for that.
Before bug occurred: I chose to fight an endless number of waves in the Frostval war with Robina as my guest.

During Bug: During the loading screen before a battle, everything loaded except for the guest which caused the game to hang on that screen.

After bug: Since the bug caused the game to continually stick on that screen, nothing else "in-game", referring to actions that can be done by the player with the game itself, could be done. The monster encountered does not change the outcome of the situation.

Pet/Guest Bugged: Robina
Other Equipment: Pixel set and pet.
Screenshot link: Simple loading screen "description" of Player, Monster, Pet, and Background loaded with Guest not loaded.

Did you log out and log back in? Yes.
Did you clear cache? Yes.
Did the bug happen again? Yes.
Browser Info: Google Chrome, version 47
Flash version:

Jdilla -> RE: Pet/Guest Bugs (1/5/2016 12:58:58)

Is Cherub coded correctly? Are the rates of his attacks (3/7 for melee, else ranged) accidentally reversed?

Kaelin -> RE: Pet/Guest Bugs (1/15/2016 1:38:11)

Psychedelic Dinosaur delivers below listed damage. I have observed the L150G version doing 16-26 damage against 100 Res with a 0 CHA character. The minimum damage should be around 48*0.55*85/80 = 28.05 --> 28. Did the pet get it damage multiplied by 0.55 twice?

Edit: Thanks for the fix.

MirageViper -> RE: Pet/Guest Bugs (1/15/2016 5:51:22)

The Psychedelic Dinosaur is generating an insane amount of lag when equipped, even on the lowest graphics setting

Keno Chao -> RE: Pet/Guest Bugs (1/26/2016 18:51:06)

The Fairy Godfather G (30) still has the old art and means of attacking.

Silver Sky Magician -> RE: Pet/Guest Bugs (2/1/2016 6:13:18)

According to the UltraGuardian Frogzard's info subs, its two-hit attack is supposed to be ranged. In battle, however, both its one-hit and two-hit attacks are melee.

KlawdStrife -> RE: Pet/Guest Bugs (2/4/2016 18:22:50)

Hammer Turret's (and probably Caeszard pet series) AI of stopping to paralyze the monster and doing full damage after two failed saves is resetted when the pet is re equipped.

chaosnecro -> RE: Pet/Guest Bugs (2/6/2016 22:57:43)

Has this bug been reported before? Unless providing new info please do not duplicate reports. no

Type of bug (Game crash/blackscreen, glitch, graphical error, typo, etc.): upgrade page issue

Bug details: level 125g -> lowest level salamancer on upgrade page???

Before bug occurred: pet didn't exist!

During Bug: n/a

After bug: n/a

Pet/Guest Bugged: salamancer g, possibly the other one as well
Other Equipment: n/a
Screenshot link:

Did you log out and log back in? doesn't apply
Did you clear cache? doesn't apply
Did the bug happen again? still happening
Browser Info: latest non-beta chrome as of 2/6/16
Flash version: latest non-beta as of 2/6/16

Fixed, thanks! ~IMR

Zee Flametail -> RE: Pet/Guest Bugs (2/13/2016 1:07:59)

I've checked and the frame rate on my computer drops from about 15 fps to 4-7 fps the moment I switch to using the Psychedelic Dinosaur and goes back the moment I use a different pet regardless of whether I use low or high graphics. While this is not a mechanical issue, it makes the pet inconvenient to use since the game drops to half or one third speed when I use it. I think it has something to do with the changing color effect, but I'm not a graphics expert so I can't say for sure.

infuturity -> RE: Pet/Guest Bugs (2/14/2016 7:24:20)


I'm not seeing this. Mine is remaining at 13-14 FPS with this or any pet.

What browser are you using? Flash version?

Zee Flametail -> RE: Pet/Guest Bugs (2/14/2016 13:49:42)

I'm not the only one having this issue, it was brought up here and so I figured it should be reported since it's been affecting multiple players.

infuturity -> RE: Pet/Guest Bugs (2/14/2016 13:59:50)

I never said you were the only one.

I was just curious about what could be causing it, so I'm trying to try ideas such as browser/flash version

Zee Flametail -> RE: Pet/Guest Bugs (2/14/2016 20:07:53)

I only have this occur sometimes. I believe it has to do with the number of processes running on my computer and how intensive they are on my CPU and GPU, however the game usually works fine regardless of that unless I use the Psychedelic Dinosaur in which case it seems to happen with an average sized or larger load on my processors.

demonspawn -> RE: Pet/Guest Bugs (2/17/2016 19:10:18)

This is pet related but not in game didn't know where else to post it. - That is a direct link to the forum post on the Scissard pet.

The picture seems a little bit strange - a real life photograph of what looks like overgrown plants alongside a path.

I think the original picture address has deleted or changed and needs to be updated.

Odd, it's working for me.

The image was on TinyPic, which is notorious for re-using old image URLs that don't get much attention. It must've done that temporarily. I've moved it to the 'Pedia Photobucket account so that it's safe. Thanks!

In the future, please report 'Pedia problems in Info Submission. Thanks again! ~IMR

Dracula8 -> RE: Pet/Guest Bugs (2/18/2016 20:57:29)


The Psychedelic Dinosaur is generating an insane amount of lag when equipped, even on the lowest graphics setting

^ Yes this is a huge problem with the psychedelic dinosaur. anytime it is equipped the game starts to lag a large sum, this needs to be addressed.

battlesiege15 -> RE: Pet/Guest Bugs (2/24/2016 21:25:31)

I'm not sure if the Mau is still bugged or what not but it's second attack doesn't work even if the Afraid status is from another source like the Undead Terror shield. The Mau's Fear overrides it thus pretty much making the second attack never usable.

afterlifex -> RE: Pet/Guest Bugs (2/24/2016 21:32:48)

^ they are different power lvls. A higher lvl status will almost always override a lower lvl one.

edit: probably need a source of afraid that last more than 1 turn as well.

Andlu -> RE: Pet/Guest Bugs (3/28/2016 17:38:04)

Type of bug: Guests from friendship braceletcosting more SP then they should
Whenever I use the pet + misc when I have about 100 SP it takes up all my SP regeneration, like in the first turns, not making me able to regen it
But afterward, when I'm with more than 300 SP, the guest + misc combo only takes about 85% of my SP regen, meaning it's probably bugged when you're with low SP

Brasca123 -> RE: Pet/Guest Bugs (3/31/2016 2:57:21)

hammer turret pet and mittens guest paralyzes do not stack for some reason, i think they should stack since they are both the same status

As with all statuses that don't stack like this: this is not a bug. Just don't use the two items together. ~IMR

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