Desmodus/Simu-Desmodus (Full Version)

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Malagrond -> Desmodus/Simu-Desmodus (10/28/2008 20:18:06)


Resistances: 50 Immobility
Enemy Type: Non-Equippable
Default Special Abilities: None

Attack 1
Sonic Screrech! Ears Ringing -40 to Attack!
Attack Image: Attacking

Attack 2
Echo Location +25% bonus damage per hit!
Attack Image: Attacking

Image: Desmodus

Thanks to Icy for reformat.

Selutu -> RE: Desmodus/Simu-Desmodus (10/3/2011 1:24:36)


Resistances: 50 Immobility
Enemy Type: Non-Equippable
Default Special Abilities:
  • Boost buffs and Defense nerfs will activate Overdrive, causing Simu-Desmodus's attacks to greatly increase in power.
  • "Desmodus Cannot be Stunned", lasts for 9999 turns
  • "Damage Increasing Over Time!", lasts for 9999 turns - Boost increases by 15 each turn
  • All attacks will have chance of causing "Resonance Causing Energy Loss", lasts for 9999 turns
  • Base special: Echoloction Reveals Armor weakness, 10000 turns
  • Base special: Bat Hearing Enables Acute Awareness, Defense Increase, 9999 turns

    Attack 1
    Breath attack:
      Resonance Causing Energy Loss, 9999 turns (EP DoT stacks)
      Weapon Systems Damaged by Echolocation, 9999 turns
      Resonance Causing Armor Damage, 9999 turns (causes HP DoT)

    Attack Image: Attacking!

    Attack 2
    Bite attack:
      Resonance Causing Energy Loss, 9999 turns (EP DoT stacks)
      Weapon Systems Damaged by Echolocation, 9999 turns
      Resonance Causing Armor Damage, 9999 turns (causes HP DoT)

    Attack Image: Attacking!

    Image: Simu-Desmodus

    *Thanks to Icy for full specials, Thiefboy109 for additional info!

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