Mindlock Orb II (Full Version)

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Ianthe -> Mindlock Orb II (12/3/2008 19:23:45)

Mindlock Orb II

Also see Mindlock Orb I, Mindlock Orb III, Mindlock Orb IV, & Mindlock Orb V.

Level: 20
Price: 300 14
Sellback: 150 7
Location: Ballyhoo - Magic: The Gathering

Element: Water
Cost: 35 MP

  • At the end of the player's turn, it drains 35 MP from both you and the monster*, (except on the first turn, when it only drains from the monster** since you already paid 35 MP to activate the item).
  • If you do not have at least 35 MP at the end of the player's turn, then no one loses MP, and the Mindlock Orb is unequipped.***
  • N is the monster's Level + 60. If you have at least 100 N SP, then during your turn you can seal all arcane forces††by clicking on the Orb:
    • When clicked, your and the monster's MP are set to 0. The Orb keeps track of both your and your opponent's MP with a hidden counter.
    • You cannot cast Spells.
    • MP is still drained from you and your opponent, but it is deducted from the hidden counter instead.
    • At the end of the player's turn, if you have any MP (for example, you used a potion), it is added to the hidden counter and your current MP is set to 0.
    • At the end of the player's turn, you lose 100 N SP. If you do not have 100 N SP, the "lock" is turned off†††.
    • During your turn, you can click on the Orb again to end the lock&.
    • If the lock ends for whatever reason, your and your opponent's MP is restored, based on the values of the Orb's counter. This cannot increase your MP beyond your usual maximum.
      • Possible reasons for the lock ending include you running out of SP, you running out of MP (and the Orb automatically un-equipping itself), you manually unequipping the item, or the battle ending.
    *The Mindlock Orb drains 35 MP from all on the field.
    **The Mindlock Orb drains 35 MP from the monster.
    ***You lack the arcane energy (35 MP) to fuel the Mindlock Orb.
    You lack the spiritual might (
    N SP) required to totally seal away arcane forces.
    ††None may call upon arcane forces for as long as your will endures!
    †††You lack the spiritual might (
    N SP) required to continue sealing arcane forces.
    &The seal on Arcane Forces is lifted!

    From the world of Magic: The Gathering! The Mindlock Orb drains mana from the battlefield hindering friend and foe alike, when activated (by clicking on it) it can completely seal arcane energy at significant cost (100 SP per round) to the activator.
    From the world of Magic: The Gathering! The Mindlock Orb drains mana from the battlefield hindering friend and foe alike, when activated (clicked on) it can completely seal arcane energy at great cost (60 + Monster Level SP per round) to the user.


    Thanks to PieLover31416. Effect from Cassiel, el willo, johnnyquest.aqrocks, clover!!!, and merlinthewizard. Update from el willo, Sugar, Kalanyr, and Aelthai. Rarity from Kyath. New image from ellopez159.

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