RE: Unity Roll Call (Full Version)

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masterwolfie -> RE: Unity Roll Call (3/19/2009 7:33:19)

Done and good luck too you. :D


sacchi -> RE: =AQ= Unity Roll Call (3/19/2009 15:47:43)

Masterwolfie, can I suggest asking people to [/ code] their posts?

I thought I had coded my post, but it seems I didn't...sorry :P

masterwolfie -> RE: =AQ= Unity Roll Call (3/19/2009 16:25:37)

That make it more easy for me...

so yea :D


Beastwarrior Nocturne -> RE: =AQ= Unity Roll Call (3/19/2009 16:28:09)

i don't realy know how the code thingies work, soz. :P

Ultrapowerpie -> RE: =AQ= Unity Roll Call (3/19/2009 16:40:37)

ultrapowerpie - Necro - Aerodu Clan Head

Yes, I'm the clan Head, get over it. :P

masterwolfie -> RE: =AQ= Unity Roll Call (3/19/2009 18:13:27)

show off :P


Dryn -> RE: Unity Roll Call (3/20/2009 16:52:24)

Dryn - 16737294

EDIT: How old is this section? Must be young to have so few members, correct?

DigDog -> RE: Unity Roll Call (3/20/2009 18:00:34)

It was created yesterday if I recall correctly.

Dryn -> RE: Unity Roll Call (3/20/2009 18:03:28)

That would explain it. And now its impressive that it has gathered so many in such a short time.

the random warrior -> RE: =AQ= Unity Roll Call (3/20/2009 20:09:19)

Wait a minute, where is the chaos thread?


ShimmerSoul -> RE: Unity Roll Call (3/20/2009 21:45:32)


Or, if you prefer:
ShimmerSoul - [link=]Critias[/link] - Aerodu

masterwolfie -> RE: Unity Roll Call (3/21/2009 13:44:52)

Updated :D

The Random warrior read Unity FAQ for that.


Cheddar -> RE: =AQ= Unity Roll Call (3/21/2009 18:10:48)

Forum Name: Cheddar
Character Name: Cheddar
Character ID: 5667267
Clan: Nautica (though, I may go to join Lucian one day, as I see myself as aligned with Light)

xehanort -> RE: Unity Roll Call (3/22/2009 8:12:45)

Character name: Sephiroth
Forum name: Xehanort
Character level: 112 (EDIT: make that 113)
Character link: Under avatar.
Clan: Aerodu.
Character ID: 28069110

I'm dedicated to killing, maiming, mutilating and harming The Network in every way i can.
I'm to the Network what Masterwolfie and Artix are to the undead or Galanoth is to dragons.
A complete lunatic fanatical maniac who won't stop until they are all dead and gone.

masterwolfie -> RE: Unity Roll Call (3/22/2009 17:34:17)

updated comrades.


Darius -> RE: =AQ= Unity Roll Call (3/25/2009 16:12:17)

Darius - [link=]MagnaDraconis[/link] - Lucian

ShadowLurks -> RE: Unity Roll Call (3/27/2009 2:44:36)

Add me in.

Char Name: Chyrote
Forum Name: ShadowLurks
Clan: Aerodu
Link under avvy.

Delete this please. Unity, not for me.

rougemaster99 -> RE: Unity Roll Call (3/30/2009 19:55:56)

*looks around* What? No Nocturu? Heh, looks like I'll be the first, lesser member of Nocturu to be with Unity.

rougemaster99 - [link=]Powermancer[/link] - Nocturu

Erason -> RE: Unity Roll Call (4/6/2009 17:29:56)

Hmm, why don't we have all the clan seals put on the First post. A real feeling of unity! And what about that banner Diggy made.

Sign me up!

Erason - [link=]PowerBlade[/link] - Lucian

LordAidan -> RE: =AQ= Unity Roll Call (4/9/2009 12:04:06)

Count me in!!!


Lord Aidan


Dwohlin -> RE: =AQ= Unity Roll Call (4/14/2009 11:27:14)

Add me plz
Forum Name Dwohlin
Character Name Dwohlin

Grixus Faldor -> RE: Unity Roll Call (4/16/2009 7:04:00)

James Lu ~ Lady Sharon DArtegnon ~ Aerodu

VampireSlayer H -> RE: Unity Roll Call (4/18/2009 19:49:25)

Please add me, I'm firewolf1001,and my character is Heat.

theosenia -> RE: Unity Roll Call (4/21/2009 17:40:10)

Hello,everyone! if the following information is enough,plz add me too:
forum name:theosenia
character name:theosenia
clan: Lucian

Scyther Scyther -> RE: Unity Roll Call (4/21/2009 21:18:24) here you go I am a member of Igneus.

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