RE: =WF= Announcement Discussion IV (Full Version)

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Eel -> RE: =WF= Announcement Discussion IV (6/20/2009 2:00:21)

Dude,Warpforce looks awsome,maybe in the future you can add a transfering thing adventurequest weapons and armors to warpforce,like the one your planning for aq worlds.

edit:just noticed,the game is realeased 2 weeks after the beta starts,shorter then the rest i guess?[:D]

edit edit(sorry):I actually dont like the forcefield thing,it ruins the look,maybe you could add a off button to it?That is unless the forcefield comes with that type of armor and others dont,then awsome!

Alopex Lagopus -> RE: =WF= Announcement Discussion IV (6/20/2009 4:03:39)

Captain, I see you replied that WF will share account with AQ. This means, if I upgrade to WarpGuardian thats will count to AQ as a "second Guardian" upgrade aswell? (I'm thinking about the Treevolushop)

matteo234 -> RE: =WF= Announcement Discussion IV (6/20/2009 7:54:17)

why why WHY does BETA have to be GUARDIAN ONLY!!!
i am a Dragonlord, not a guardian, which means that i wont be allowed into the beta of this...
i feel dissapointed, as by the screenshots and drawings, this is going to be really good!

The Braken Bard -> RE: =WF= Announcement Discussion IV (6/20/2009 8:33:24)

Because if it weren't for them DF, MQ, AQW and WF wouldn't exist and AQ would have been cancelled for lack of income. I do share your opinions though about the fact that DL's and SC's don't get enough benefits from the other games.
EDIT: I do HOPE that in the future there should be... Actually people in DF, AQ, MQ and AQW should be able to buy a special ticket to the beta, but they would be secondary currency and expensive. Why? DC/NG/ZT/AC payers often pay more than membership and aren't given many benefits other than weapons, mechs etc. But it's up to the staff so don't complain.

Talahar -> RE: =WF= Announcement Discussion IV (6/20/2009 8:35:15)

relax, beta lasts for only 2 weeks.
beta starts july 3rd, full release is july 17th. [:)]

edit: getting my facts straight

The Silver Baller -> RE: =WF= Announcement Discussion IV (6/20/2009 10:16:15)

Are Star Captain's allowed for the beta test?

lordkronos -> RE: =WF= Announcement Discussion IV (6/20/2009 11:09:54)

Nope, only AQ Guardians are allowed into the beta.

I agree with Matteo, and I think it's unfair. Upgraded players in other games still pay to keep AE running, yet only AQ Guardians get the benefits?

I think they've done this though because it's easier to setup. This is because WF uses the same account as AQ, and so it'll be easier to do it so that only guardian accounts can log on. It'll be much like the guardian server for AQ.

The Silver Baller -> RE: =WF= Announcement Discussion IV (6/20/2009 11:25:03)

Well, that's not fair... Isn't warpforce about the future as well? And SC don't get anything? -_____-

Balthier -> RE: =WF= Announcement Discussion IV (6/20/2009 11:26:07)

Considering WF is the sequel to AQ plus its using the AQ account system why would it be open for other upgrades?

TW25 -> RE: =WF= Announcement Discussion IV (6/20/2009 12:01:38)

WarpForce is not about the future. It takes place during AdventureQuest and for the first time (I think) in the same timeline. The ability to create starships and such is from the combination of science and magic.

Ulimate010 -> RE: =WF= Announcement Discussion IV (6/20/2009 12:14:08)

May i ask 3 questions and can any1 answer them

1 : Do the three races like human Elf Drakel have benfits like human have extra Hp Elf extra Str or somthion Drakel extra smartness or mana? somthing like that for the races?

2: I heard that players have ships do we can create them with weapons? Guards? and things like that?

3: When the Network and others things are defeated will the game end? or will their be a new EVIL/ENEMY????

These are just some questions i wanted to ask :)

Eel -> RE: =WF= Announcement Discussion IV (6/20/2009 12:18:10)

@ silver baller:the timelines are actually very different,mechquest is years in the past and aq and warpforce are in the present and im not sure where dragonfable is[:D]

@ everyone whos complaining about beta being gaurdians only:AQ was the first AE game made and DF,MQ,AQworlds,and WF wouldnt exist without gaurdians who pay a one time payment to get extra features and such,and the game is realeased 2 weeks after the beta so yea...

Falerin -> RE: =WF= Announcement Discussion IV (6/20/2009 12:46:02)

Making WarpForce limited to Guardians and not to other upgrades is not meant in anyway to slight those who upgrade for our other games, but is pretty much as other members said a matter of consistency and convenience. AQ and WF are tied closely. Granting access to those who upgrade the other games would require a bunch of front end work. That ultimately would make those groups get the game even later since full release and beta are very close to each other. In other words, we could let every upgraded player in, and you would all get the game at the same time but everyone would have to wait much longer. So instead of beta starting on July 3 it might have to be delayed to August 3 till we sort all those issues out.

No one really wants that do you?

ChrisX -> RE: =WF= Announcement Discussion IV (6/20/2009 13:02:00)

@ Falerin

Good point. Atleast when FULL release comes, its before August 3rd. Besides, its like that for AK in DF, only dragonlords or guardians can play AK in DF.
Even if i wasn't a guardian, I'd still wait till full release comes. I don't mind waiting till July 17 instead of beta start in August.

Sarmondia -> RE: =WF= Announcement Discussion IV (6/20/2009 14:18:30)

Very understandable, Falerin, after all, by that time, as you said, everyone would be waiting much longer, so it is just simpler to do it this way.


Well, that's not fair... Isn't warpforce about the future as well? And SC don't get anything? -_____-

Actually, MechQuest takes place approximately 5000 years before AQ, and WarpForce is about the same time line, but taking place outside of the World of Lore, and 'chasing' after the Network.

steelsoldier -> RE: =WF= Announcement Discussion IV (6/20/2009 15:27:00)

I am guessing perhaps that the races have done peace.

Neo Amps -> RE: =WF= Announcement Discussion IV (6/20/2009 15:40:47)

wf is exactly like aq

necrolich66 -> RE: =WF= Announcement Discussion IV (6/20/2009 15:47:14)

how is my new sig?

Kuld -> RE: =WF= Announcement Discussion IV (6/20/2009 16:40:43)

To be honest Falerin, I would be extremly happy if the beta release was delayed until the third of August, since I would have a decent chance to, you know, be there for the relase then. n.n'

However, I doubt most people would be too happy about it... >.>

necrolich66 -> RE: =WF= Announcement Discussion IV (6/20/2009 16:43:43)

i too i taught i would be gardian but the chance is getting lower and lower
how is my sig?

steelsoldier -> RE: =WF= Announcement Discussion IV (6/20/2009 16:45:29)

Warpforce is Aq with guns but I am guessing it involves much more than that, since you can choose your race.

King of Green -> RE: =WF= Announcement Discussion IV (6/20/2009 17:12:57)

im kind of excited about the beta being guardian only :D i have 2 guardian accounts so double the beta action 4 me >:D

P.S:can i please transfer 1,000 gold from both of my guardian accounts to my warpforce accounts?[sm=twill6a.gif]

deathtanz -> RE: =WF= Announcement Discussion IV (6/20/2009 17:17:40)

You can't be sure gold is the currency of Warpforce. Might be space credits, or intergalactic crystals, it's honestly a mystery.

poomaster -> RE: =WF= Announcement Discussion IV (6/20/2009 17:23:00)

dunno if anybodys said this yet but it might answer somebodys question

warpforce items are in aqw because the aqw game is on a seperate storyline perhaps even in an alternate universe to all of the other ae games this allows them to make an mmo easier and also lets u have all the cool stuff from all the other games at the same time!

so thank you game makers for your accessible awesomness!!!

also loving the warhammer references moglin god emporer lol

Other_Guy_27 -> RE: =WF= Announcement Discussion IV (6/20/2009 17:24:39)

I hope we get more info soon; I want to at least know the racial bonuses before I select my race.

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