RE: The Official Riddle Thread (Full Version)

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black knight 1234567 -> RE: The Official Riddle Thread (6/3/2013 13:45:07)

What blows things up, and has the voice of Sean Connery?


Sorrowblade XIII -> RE: The Official Riddle Thread (7/3/2013 16:42:18)

I decided to post some riddles of my own because I got tired of seeing so many "hur dur, this has terrible wording" trick questions in this thread. All four of these are rhyming riddles, and they all have straightforward answers; all the hints you need are right there in the wording of each poem.

Black turns red and red turns white;
Stones are fire, and fire is light.
I tire the horses, yet comfort man.
Say what I am, if you think you can.


The answer is coal.

I can be cracked, I can be made.
I can be told, I can be played.
Can you guess what I am?


A joke.

Tear me out and scratch my head.
I'm black now, but once was red.
I'm made from wood, yet I burn quite bright.
So tell me what I am, all right?


A match.

One plus one and nine plus nine
Make a number quite divine.
I'm less than fifty, more than ten.
So, just who am I, again?




Edgemaster Scion -> RE: The Official Riddle Thread (7/3/2013 17:46:09)

^I wish to answer.
Riddle 1:
My answer: A charcoal? (wild guess >.>)

Riddle 2:
My answer: A code (you can crack a code, make a code, speak a code and video games are made in code)

Riddle 3:
My answer: A charcoal! (I'm not even trying now...)

Riddle 4:
My answer: A charcoal the number 20? (If you couldn't guess, I've lost my problem-solving abilities)

@bk1-7: Well... the voice of Sean Connery made it blindingly obvious. Bane from Batman: The Dark Knight Rises.

Sorrowblade XIII -> RE: The Official Riddle Thread (7/4/2013 0:58:30)

@ Edgemaster:

1: Close enough.
2: Well, I can see how you came at code, but no. Code is not the right answer. If you need a hint, the word I'm looking for starts with the letter J.
3: Not quite right, but you're close. Think thinner than a charcoal.
4: Yup, good job.

One more for the day. This isn't a rhyming riddle, and it's kind of a trick question, but there's no ambiguous wording here. As with the others I posted, everything you need to solve the riddle is right there, in plain view:

A friend of mine told me a story about how his grandfather had died in Church.

According to this friend of mine, his grandfather passed away in his sleep, after dozing off in the middle of the sermon, and he went on to tell me about the dream his grand-dad was having up to that point.

His grandpa dreamed he was a nobleman during the French Revolution. Though he tried to hide and deflect the possibility of execution, he was found and sentenced, by an angry mob of revolutionaries, to death by decapitation. Time passed, and the grandpa/nobleman was eventually brought up to a stage, upon which sat a guillotine. The charges against him were read out, as was his sentence, to announce to all the reason he had been summoned from his prison on that day. He was lead up the stairs to the guillotine amid cheers from the masses, and when asked for his final words, tearfully said he had none to give. He was lead to the device by the executioner, and, after being secured in the stocks and having a basket placed under him to secure the severed head, was beheaded. At that moment, he died in the real world, exactly where he sat in the Church.

Now, I know my friend is just making up a story, here, but can you guess why?


We don't know what his grandfather was dreaming about if he died in his sleep.


Edgemaster Scion -> RE: The Official Riddle Thread (7/4/2013 2:39:12)

I didn't think I got any of them when I first posted, to be honest. I'd like to rethink some answers.

Riddle 1: Just coal.
Riddle 2: Oooh... I'm almost certain it's a Jack.
Riddle 3: A pencil.

New Riddle: The grandpa was dreaming. Why would your friend know what his grandpa was dreaming?

I'd like to share some riddles as well. It's been too long since I last played the riddler. So, here's one to start:

I tend to restrain the pigs with their food and their poo,
I can only do my job with my back turned to you,
I am bold, but only when you force me to be,
I can make what you hear into something you see.

Now, just what might I be?


A------Pen. (dash lines are to throw mouse-hovering cheaters off)

Xplayer -> RE: The Official Riddle Thread (7/25/2013 13:06:55)

I went to Cleveland to see Chicago.
I went to Miami to see Boston.
I went to England to see America.
What was I doing?


I went to see the classic rock bands by the names of Chicago, Boston, and America. I actually went to Cleveland to see Chicago so I thought it'd make a good riddle.

Edgemaster Scion -> RE: The Official Riddle Thread (7/25/2013 22:28:05)

^I know I'm wrong on this now. Does it have to do with sports?

Xplayer -> RE: The Official Riddle Thread (7/26/2013 7:48:30)

^Good guess but that's not what I'm thinking of.

King Helios -> RE: The Official Riddle Thread (7/26/2013 8:43:21)

Twenty people go into the water, but twenty-four heads come out. How?


Twenty foreheads come out (as in the body part).

Edgemaster Scion -> RE: The Official Riddle Thread (7/29/2013 1:44:18)

I really hope I don't come off as that guy who hogs all of the answers.

@XPlayer: ... Umm... News Channels? I'm going to need to look up the things you've mentioned. I'll hopefully find something.

So, after looking up Chicago, Boston and America, I find that there's a consistency between the three of band names on the first page of all three Google searches. Never heard of a single one before, but I'm going to go with that; they're bands having performances in the areas that you've mentioned.

@King Helios: Really not sure about this one. There were more people in the water already?

Xplayer -> RE: The Official Riddle Thread (7/29/2013 9:13:21)

^Winner winner! I'm glad you got it even if it took a little research.

Lieutenant Necrowolf -> RE: The Official Riddle Thread (8/8/2013 21:07:22)

A farmer has some hens, and he knows that one and a half hens lay one and a half eggs in one and a half days. How many hens does the farmer need to get a dozen eggs in 6 days?

P.S. This isn't a trick question. Hens are female chickens which do in fact lay eggs (as opposed to roosters), and a dozen eggs is a full 12 eggs, not like a bakers dozen or anything like that.


3 hens

Explain how to get it though for all of the points :P

Silver -> RE: The Official Riddle Thread (12/31/2013 6:24:09)

What do you call a woodpecker without a beak?

A HeadBanger!

A man went out on his horse on friday, stayed away 2 nights, and returned on friday. How was this possible?

The horse's name was friday

Kian -> RE: The Official Riddle Thread (1/28/2015 19:25:10)

^ I think I've heard this one before... The horse's name is Friday?


I am what I am, but when you know what I am, I am not what I am any longer


A riddle

BraveSirRobin -> RE: The Official Riddle Thread (1/8/2016 19:10:21)

@Kian A riddle? I think that I have heard this one before.
Or a mystery?

By day you see me, a reflection.
By night you see through me, with no misdirection.
Beneath me I shelter the things of this life,
For above me it's darker than all of my nights.

What am I?

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