Steel Aegis (Full Version)

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domen94 -> Steel Aegis (7/24/2009 8:03:32)


Steel Aegis

Name of Mecha in Series: Metal Aegis, Iron Aegis, Steel Aegis, Silver Aegis, Gold Aegis, Mithril Aegis, Adamantium Aegis

Level: 16
Price: 160,000 Credits
Sellback: 16,000 Credits

Location: Monthly Rare: Aegis

HP: 335
EP: 240
EP Regen: 8

  • 50 Immobility

    Description: The ultimate in shielding mecha tech! This exslusive Star Captian July 2009 mecha encases you in a meal shell of safety with the Star Aegis and other special features
    Image: Aegis

  • Icy -> RE: Steel Aegis (3/25/2011 15:35:35)

    Steel Aegis Slam

    Equip Slot: Front Arm
    Damage Ranges: 32-52
    Damage Type: None
    Hits: 1
    Energy: 29
    Cooldown: 3
    Bonuses: None
    Special Effects:
  • "Aegis Strikes Restores X Hitpoints!" - Heals you for X HP (X is equal to half the damage done by the attack)

    Combos: None

    Description: The impact of this hard-slamming strike may restore some of your own hitpoints!
    Attack Image: Attacking!

    Steel Transfer Beam

    Equip Slot: Back Arm
    Damage Ranges: 40-44
    Damage Type: None
    Hits: 1
    Energy: 29
    Cooldown: 3
    Bonuses: None
    Special Effects:
  • "Energy Transfer! Restores X Hitpoints!" - Heals you for X HP (X is equal to half the damage done by the attack)

    Combos: None

    Description: This railgun-styled weapon actually utilized a metered beam to modulate and transfer the flow of life energy over a wide range of conditions!
    Attack Image: Attacking!

    *Thanks to domen94 for original post*

  • Icy -> RE: Steel Aegis (3/25/2011 15:36:44)

    Steel Hi-Watt Laser

    Equip Slot: Front Shoulder
    Damage Ranges: 36-48
    Damage Type: Laser
    Hits: 4
    Energy: 29
    Cooldown: 3
    Bonuses: None
    Special Effects:
  • "Overdrive causes severe heat issues!" - Inflicts a stronger-than-normal HP DoT for 3 rounds.

    Combos: None

    Description: High-wattage laser beams interact with enemy mechanisms - causes Bus Overdrive, which results in heat buildup that damages your opponent's health over time.
    Attack Image: Attacking!

    Steel Hi-Watt Laser

    Equip Slot: Back Shoulder
    Damage Ranges: 36-48
    Damage type: Explosive
    Hits: 4
    Energy: 29
    Cooldown: 3
    Bonuses: None
    Special Effects:
  • "Overdrive causes severe heat issues!" - Inflicts a stronger-than-normal HP DoT for 3 rounds.

    Combos: None

    Description: High-wattage laser beams interact with enemy mechanisms - causes Bus Overdrive, which results in heat buildup that damages your opponent's health over time.
    Attack Image: Attacking!

    *Thanks to domen94 for original post*

  • Icy -> RE: Steel Aegis (3/25/2011 15:37:56)

    Steel Turbo Smash

    Equip Slot: Body
    Damage Ranges: 38-46
    Damage Type: None
    Hits: 1
    Energy: 29
    Cooldown: 4
    Bonuses: None
    Special Effects: ("Star Aegis Reflects Damage and Weakens Opponent!")
  • Player gains "Defense System Activated", reflects some damage done by the opponent (last 5 rounds)
  • Enemy loses 15 boost per turn for 5 turns

    Combos: None

    Description: This turbo-charged body-smash attack actually smashes atoms to create the Star Aegis - a virtual-shielding effect that reflects damage and weakens opponent over time.
    Attack Image: Attacking!

    Steel Sensor Disruptor

    Equip Slot: Head
    Damage Ranges: 40-44
    Damage Type: Explosive
    Hits: 5
    Energy: 29
    Cooldown: 5
    Bonuses: None
    Special Effects:
  • "Pierced Sensor Array! Losing Attack Bonus! - Power Failure Imminent" - Enemy loses 15 bonus every turn for 5 turns, inflicts "Power Failure Imminent" Status
  • "Power Failure in X Rounds!" - Counts down to power failure, X starts at 5
  • "Enemy suffers from Power Failure! X Energy Points Lost!" - Enemy loses X EP, X is equal to half their maximum amount.

    Combos: None

    Description: Pierces enemy sensor arrays, which gradually decreases attack bonus. This disrupts power sources, eventually causing massive energy loss due to power failure.
    Attack Image: Attacking!

    *Thanks to domen94 for original post*

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