=MtAK= Meet the ArchKnight-Theo (Full Version)

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Theo -> =MtAK= Meet the ArchKnight-Theo (8/5/2009 15:49:58)

Greetings to All! My forums name is Theo and I am a new ArchKnight in Clans/Clubs.
I was told I should post this thread to introduce myself, but I think it is so everyone can "Roast" me right off the start.

The Battleon Forums is the first forums of any kind that I have ever been an active member of so please bear with me as I am ever learning.
I ask you to limit questions to one post each with 10 questions and remember the Universal Rules apply.

I have not chosen an official color for myself so for now I will try using Bold Indego for editing and answering your questions.


Anoril -> RE: =MtAK= Meet the ArchKnight-Theo (8/5/2009 17:10:59)

I have little to say, I rarely post on MtAK threads.

In regards to you being an AK,

Told ya! Zyrain is banned i believe at this point but we had a PM conversation when Sys announced a new AK on the block and we both agreed that it'd be you. So shows how perceptive of us.

eh nice things to say...you have my full approval.

Thanks for the support Anoril - Theo

Sysquella -> RE: =MtAK= Meet the ArchKnight-Theo (8/5/2009 19:06:12)

1. How do the shiny new shackles fit?
I will let you know as soon as I get the straight jacket off...did I say that out loud?

2. If you were cursed to become either an apple or an orange at midnight, which would you choose? Why? What would you do before midnight?
An orange because when someone pealed me they would see all the wonderful pieces inside that make me who I am :)
I would eat pie...apple of course

3. What would you buy if you won 1 million dollars?
Many things I do not have now

4. How much steel could a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?
Ahh..none because he wouldn't have any teeth left

5. If you were a console game, what would you be?
Batman....Where does he get all those wonderful toys?

Reni -> RE: =MtAK= Meet the ArchKnight-Theo (8/5/2009 19:19:47)

Hai theo, welcome to the craziness. :)

Yep, thats all. I can't claim to be an expert at MtAK questions. :p Anyway, gratz!

Thank you!!

Mazic -> RE: =MtAK= Meet the ArchKnight-Theo (8/5/2009 21:15:31)

Congrats Theo, and good luck!

Thank you!!

Syrena -> RE: =MtAK= Meet the ArchKnight-Theo (8/5/2009 22:17:12)

*waves* Hiyas! Have we ever met before?
Maybe, Have you ever been to Yemen?

1. Alright, Have you ever seen a Dancing Penguin and "Happy Feet" doesn't count
Batman Returns

2. Cheese + Cake = ?
Yum!! Desert :P

3. Hollowbaloo?
No thank you...I just Had one.

4. I'm going to say some words/phrases and i want you to say the first word that pops in your head.
Words are going to "POP" Will I need a Doctor?

5. Clubs

6. Sushi
Raw Fish

7. Pat Pat Paddy Wack! Go and Scratch a Hairy back! The Cheese Looks like a Quarter back!
<( '.'<) ^( '.' )^ (^'.'^) ^( '.' )^ (>'.' )>

8. Beauty

9. Blue

10. Have everyone's words gain weight this summer O.o
Yes..I've gottin some good advice

Well thats it...I think...Wait i have more questions! Does this count as Question 11 O_O *panics*
Hope to see you around, my random-ness waits!
Actually its 12 and I randomly awaits your random-ness

Flawless Death -> RE: =MtAK= Meet the ArchKnight-Theo (8/6/2009 6:03:55)

Congratulations on your AKship ^_^
Thank you :)

Are they feeding you well? o_O
Yes..All the cookies and doughnuts I can eat

Clones or Stormtroopers? Yes, I ask most AKs that...

*Slighty off topic* Your solution to the logging out/FlashPlayer problem was extremely helpful, thank youz!

Cyaz and good luck!

Zuan -> RE: =MtAK= Meet the ArchKnight-Theo (8/6/2009 7:16:51)

Hi Theo,

Glad to see a clan leader got the AKship, and especally a talkative one like you.

questions, questions??

1) Vampire or werewolf?

2) Pizza Or Pie?
I can always have pizza but Pie only comes around the holidays

3) Do you recon you will still be active in the C/C Discussion or will you be to busy trying to lockpcik the shackles?
I will try my best to be involved in the discussions

4) Would you like a lock pick?
I have one...now if I could only reach it inside this straight jacket

5) Choclate cake or.....victoria sponge
Choclate cake

Just a bit of chi chat for you, so if Zyrain is banned, and Your now an AK does that just leave me and Anoril posting in the discussion? Also have fun mate, good luck and try not to let the pressure get to you. If it does you know who to take it out on......why are you all looking at me?
I will be there to keep you both in line :)

Good luck see you soon! And you ahve my support aswell!
Thank you


Deathwalker -> RE: =MtAK= Meet the ArchKnight-Theo (8/6/2009 12:05:36)


1: Hello!

2: You can feed chicken to a duck.
I did not know that

3: /me puts 42 carnvorous ducks in Theo's house and watches what happens
Good thing my bunny is outside

4: No, you can literally feed chicken to a duck.
No, really I didn't know that

5: What is the diameter of the Universe?
The diameter is 187.69 billion light years, give or take 4-6 billion

If you want, I can calculate the volume in cubic light-years.

As everybody probably knows, pi-square is about 10 and so
2"2 is 20 and the cube of 1.3 is 2.2, so if R is 130 billion light-years then
R"3 is 2.2 E33 cubic LY

Therefore, multiplying by 20, the volume of all space at the present moment is
4.4 E34 cubic light-years.

6: Large-scale explosions of the ka-boom-boom variety, for or against?
Ooo Big ka-boom-boom cool; for

7: If you could do anything you wanted without consequence for 24 hours what would you do?
Too long to list here

9: Which part of this post annoyed you the most?
The fact you went more than 10 questions

10: I have a blowtorch... you want it for your shackles?
Yes...but I must find a way out of the srtaight jacket first

11: /me dangles the blowtorch in front of theo
Oh man!!! Just put it in my mouth!!

12: Muahaha!

13: /me drops his experimental doomsday weapon
Oh No!!

14: Oh dear...

15: *later* And then the explosion was all like fshhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Was there pritty colors

16: Oh, sorry.
Thats ok

17: /me wipes some spit off Theo
Thank you

18: Ever been to Niagra falls?

19: Yeah, me neither.
Thats too bad

20: Did you notice I skipped number 8?
Yes, did you notice I skipped number 14

Partially nutz,
Me too


errtu15 -> RE: =MtAK= Meet the ArchKnight-Theo (8/6/2009 12:06:13)

hey, about time you got AKhood >.>

so, how's it so far?

i go check the Q&A and you're an AK....very suspicious >.<

now for the real questions

Does money beat soul?
Money is the root of all evil
evil spelled backworks is live
since you can't live without money
hmmm I'll have to get back to you on that one.

did the river tell you?
I only listen to the voices in my head

stupid river XP
Stupid Head XP

is there blood in the streets of Chicago?
Idk...don't live there

you watch anime?

no matter the answer, watch Higurashi or Darker Than BLACK

favorite band

favorite movie/tv show

favorite book
Anything by R.A. Salvatore
hmm, clearly we have the same taste in literature

who's the best AE mod?
All are best

who's the best AK?
We are all the best

enjoying the fact that the other AKs aren't hijacking your MtAK yet?

i'm not enjoying it :O
Thats too bad

without them, MtAKs get boring XD
I'm sure they will all find this eventually

that's all for right now, cya

~JW~ -> RE: =MtAK= Meet the ArchKnight-Theo (8/6/2009 12:09:25)


Im Jack >.>
Hi Jack

Good Luck!(Be happy your not a OOC AK!)
Thank you

Tokijin -> RE: =MtAK= Meet the ArchKnight-Theo (8/7/2009 4:42:45)

Hiya Theo!
Hiya Tokijin

OMg First page Paradox?!

So Congratulations becoming an ArckKnight!

I won't ask to many questions so your head won't ker'splode.[8D]
Deathwalker nearly done that

Cookies or Pie?

Hmm 200 x 300 x 999 Rubik's cube..How is this possible?!
Just think..I can figure the diameter of the Universe..but that has me stumped

How is being an AK so far?
Mwhahahahaha! I haz evil powers!!
Ahh.. there goes those voices in my head again

Ok done!
Me too

Bye for now Mwhahaha.

Silver Lion -> RE: =MtAK= Meet the ArchKnight-Theo (8/7/2009 9:10:22)


Congratulations on your Ak-ship! ;D

No questions here, just stopped by to congratulate you.

Have fun and enjoy AK-ing.

Thank you

ChaosSlayer -> RE: =MtAK= Meet the ArchKnight-Theo (8/7/2009 17:07:22)

Congrats on Ak ship!!!!

1) Did you know that the more spit you use to describe an explosion the cooler you and the description is?
Deathwalker demonstrated that theory

2) How does AKship feel?
Its cool

3) How would you get out of the straight jacket?
I havent figured that out, the torch Deathwalker gave me went out :(

and 4) Now...what about the shackles?
Still can't reach those pick tools

Thank you

Neopie -> RE: =MtAK= Meet the ArchKnight-Theo (8/7/2009 23:25:16)


favorite final fantasy
Final Fantasy 7 (original)

play mmos?
Just AQW, otherwise PC games on Steam, PS2 and XBox 360 Live

No thank you...I'm kinda tired

Ask short questions?
Are you vertically challenged?

Give short answers

This is the wrong place to ask it but, i see people BESIDES aks with custom avvies, how is this acheived
They are allowed for special reasons, it just depends

wii ps3 or x360?
XBox 360


Mt. Dew

captian obvious?


DragonUltraMaster -> RE: =MtAK= Meet the ArchKnight-Theo (8/8/2009 9:00:52)

Hiyas, Theo!
A really big congratz to you, from me of course, for beign an AK :P
Hiyas DragonUltraMaster

Aww, you look bored! :) You've answered everyones questions!
I'll give you something to do:

Here, alittle math: 1+1 = ?
*Note, it is not 2 ;)*
A Pair
Not the answer I searched, but ok XD

Hmm.. a Quiz: I is teh Qtest race in AQW. What is me?
*Lol, great grammar, huh? XD*
Hmmm....Quality Tester?
Heh, hard to understand? Yeah, I know...I wrote no good there, hehehe... :3
The answer was "Moglin" ^_^

okok :P
that was the easy parts. Now, to something alittle harder: >:3

WHAT IS MAH NAME in AQ, DF*, AQW and MQ? Hard, ey? >:3
*Clue: It is enough you can my forum name*´
* I didn't use that name when I sterted to play DF :o
DragonUltraMaster 19
You.. just named my name for my fourth char :o, but remove the 19 and replace it with a "Z" or ".JR" or just remove the 19 and don't add anything so do you have all my four names :P. Great guessing 10/10 ^_^

What is my age? >:3
19...20 in Dec.
o.o How do you know meh that good? You haz stalked meh? XD
Naah, I think not :p .. Weäve prob meet in AQW... How are you there o.o? I gotta ask, so I know till next time

... there, is that enough stuff to do?
I hope it is [:D]

Well anyway... I think I'll leave you alone for a while now :P
Thank you
Lol, like you didn't enjoy this at all XD
Boho, Theo doesn' like meh post :3
I didn't expect it to be fun either, certainly :3

Congratz once again and see you in AQW ;)
Who are you there? Must know the naaaaaame :o
Theo The Magnificent


Asif11216 -> RE: =MtAK= Meet the ArchKnight-Theo (8/8/2009 13:54:48)

Hi Are u Muslim?Cuz I am

If not what religon are you?

Do you play aqworlds?

Do you like crackers?

Can i talk to you or add you as a friend?If not ur such a meanie
If you can find me

Lastly,How old are you?
Old enough to go to College

Now I am done!!
Me too

see Ya soon

tflo -> RE: =MtAK= Meet the ArchKnight-Theo (8/8/2009 13:59:31)


Favorite Band?
U2, 3Doors Down, ICP

I say Of, you say ___, Revolution.

I'll come back with some better questions, just you wait[:)]
I suspect you will

D.D.M. -> RE: =MtAK= Meet the ArchKnight-Theo (8/8/2009 14:14:28)

wassup yall

viva la revolution?
Long Un-Live the Shadowscythe

if i say the letter "A" what comes to mind

is it peanut butter jelly time?
Yes - on toast please

sauron,morgoth or sepulchere?
Since sauron and morgoth are both from middle-earth,
I choose Seppy

assasin,warrior,rogue or ranger?

X Blade -> RE: =MtAK= Meet the ArchKnight-Theo (8/8/2009 17:50:06)

Hi Bye ....Hah you can't respond to that now can you?
Hi how are ya...Bye nice to meet ya

More Questions Later

The Warrior Master -> RE: =MtAK= Meet the ArchKnight-Theo (8/10/2009 5:35:01)

Hiyaz Theo!

Congratz on the new AK position!

I actually saw you on the AQW Q&A before you were an AK. Although I didnt reply I was still there. :)

How do you like being an AK?
Its cool

Is it hard?
Not really, yes, no, maybe

Is it tedious?
Just a lot to learn

Most importantly, Do you like it?

Well Im not going to drown you on pointless questions. <.<

Bye Theo!

ILmaster13 -> RE: =MtAK= Meet the ArchKnight-Theo (8/10/2009 13:50:58)

Oh hies O_o

Congrats on being an AK.

Good luck with your... job?


Deathscytex -> RE: =MtAK= Meet the ArchKnight-Theo (8/11/2009 2:19:25)

What creature walks on 4 legs in the morning, on two legs at noon, and on three legs at night?
Human - This was the riddle the Sphinx

Whos that Pokemon!? |:3O<
Sorry I haven't seen any Pokemon for a long time

How many victims fell for your Banhammer?

Does my signature makes sense to you? XD
Yes, the stick is your clan weapon

How many years is in a lightyear?
A light year is the distance between two points in space that it would take light to travel when the distance between the two points in time are one year.
We can calculate this by multiplying the speed of light by 1 year (or 3.1557*10^7 seconds) to find the distance:

d = c*t
=(2.9979*10^8 m/s)*(3.1557*10^7 s)
=9.4605*10^15 meters
or ~9,500,000,000,000 kilometers
or ~5,900,000,000,000 miles
or ~63,279 au

Not a lot visit you eh? :(
They keep me hidden way in the back room...which is padded by the way.

Well enough dumb questions from me ^^

Ok wait one more! How bo you make a backwarbs b?

BlueRage -> RE: =MtAK= Meet the ArchKnight-Theo (8/11/2009 3:56:49)


You have to choose between two,save the world or destroy it.which one you choose?
Save it so I can rule it!! Muhahahaha

Do you play AQW,DF,MQ,WF?

goodbye theo
Goodbye Bluerage

cya theo
cya Bluerage

bye theo
Bye Bluerage

Master Number 300 -> RE: =MtAK= Meet the ArchKnight-Theo (8/11/2009 17:00:03)


Nice to see you becom an AK! Good luck on escaping too!

Thank you

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