Anxiety Raiment (Full Version)

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Crimzon5 -> Anxiety Raiment (8/27/2009 23:39:19)

Anxiety Raiment

Also see other pieces of the Terror Set:
  • Armors - Terror Raiments ( Anxiety, Dismaying, Menacing, Fearsome, Dread, Horrific, Despairing, Grim, Terror)
  • Weapons - Terror Eaters ( Anxiety, Dismay, Menace, Fear, Dread, Horror, Despair, Grim, Terror)
  • Shields - Terror Totems ( Anxiety, Dismaying, Menacing, Fearsome, Dread, Horrific, Despairing, Grim, Terror)
  • Misc - Terror Visages ( Anxiety, Dismaying, Menacing, Fearsome, Dread, Horrific, Despairing, Grim, Terror)
  • Pet - Terror Arañacabrae ( Anxiety, Dismaying, Menacing, Fearsome, Dread, Horrific, Despairing, Grim, Terror)

    Level: 20
    Power Level: 20, Mastercraft
    MP Level: 20

    Price: 2420 126
    Sellback: 1210 84
    Location: Quest for the Terror Set
    Element: Neutral

    Melee: 33
    Ranged: 23
    Magic: 33

    Fire: 100%
    Water: 100%
    Wind: 92%
    Ice: 100%
    Earth: 100%
    Energy: 105%
    Light: 110%
    Darkness: 89%

      ATTACK #1
      Hits: 1
      Damage: 80% Base, Random, and Stat Damage
      Type: «As Weapon»
      Element: «As Weapon»
      BtH: +4 plus Stats
      Rate: 50%

      ATTACK #2
      Hits: 2
      Damage: 80% Base, Random, and Stat Damage each
      Type: «As Weapon»
      Element: «As Weapon»
      BtH: +4 plus Stats each
      Rate: 50%
      Hits: 1
      Damage: 204% Base, Random, and Stat Damage
      Type: «As Weapon»
      Element: «As Weapon» Darkness
      BtH: +4 plus Stats
        If the hit connects, then it attempts to make the monster Afraid (4 turns; 25% chance of not acting)*, subject to a save**:

          Level: 20 vs MonsterLvl
          Major: YourCHA vs MonsterCHA
          Minor: YourLUK vs MonsterLUK

        The monster gets a +20 bonus to its save. Darkness-element monsters are immune to this effect***.
      Note: This is a skill. Your weapon's Special can still occur. If it does, then you do the Special instead, and you don't spend any SP.
      Cost: 67 57 SP
  • If your armour, shield, weapon, and misc (the pet isn't necessary) are all from the Terror Set (any tier), then the above FEAR skill makes the monster Afraid for one additional turn (for a total of 5 turns), and with an additional +20% chance of not acting (for a total of 45%).****
  • When you initially equip the Terror Set, if the monster is already Afraid (regardless of the source), then you add an additional +20% to the chance of not acting.
  • If you switch out an item so that you're no longer in the full Terror Set, then these bonuses disappear.

    *Your foe cowers before you!
    **Your foe stands strong in face of your assault!
    ***Creatures of Darkness are immune to your Fear!
    ****Your foe trembles before the true meaning of Fear!

    Striking pure fear into the hearts of your enemies is what this armor was forged to do!


    Thanks to ont, The Stig, Everardmanse, DragonBlade, necrolich66, Alopex Lagopus and eragonshadeslayer67. Numbers from In Media Res. Correction thanks to Avalonmerlin.

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