Alien Zard (Full Version)

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moneybags -> Alien Zard (11/15/2009 15:14:28)

Alien Zard
Level: 0
XP: 18 36
Gold: 6 12
Element: Energy

Combat Defence
Melee: 20
Ranged: 20
Magic: 15

Strength: 10
Dexterity: 10
Intellect: 30
Endurance: 5
Charisma: 0
Luck: 5

Elemental Modifier
Fire: 90%
Water: 130%
Wind: 90%
Ice: 120%
Earth: 100%
Energy: 80%
Light: 90%
Darkness: 110%

Description: Frogzards are known as one of the most adaptable creatures on Lore. Somehow, they managed to adapt to the vacuum of space!


Thanks to ArchMagus Orodalf.

moneybags -> RE: Alien Zard (11/15/2009 15:15:06)

Alien Zard
Level: 12
XP: 36 72
Gold: 12 24
Element: Energy

Combat Defence
Melee: 25
Ranged: 25
Magic: 20

Strength: 10
Dexterity: 10
Intellect: 30
Endurance: 5
Charisma: 0
Luck: 5

Elemental Modifier
Fire: 90%
Water: 130%
Wind: 90%
Ice: 120%
Earth: 100%
Energy: 80%
Light: 90%
Darkness: 110%

Description: Frogzards are known as one of the most adaptable creatures on Lore. Somehow, they managed to adapt to the vacuum of space!


Thanks to TreadLight.

moneybags -> RE: Alien Zard (11/16/2009 10:34:20)

Alien Zard
Level: 25
XP: 53 106
Gold: 18 36
Element: Energy

Melee: 30
Ranged: 30
Magic: 25

Strength: 20
Dexterity: 20
Intellect: 50
Endurance: 15
Charisma: 5
Luck: 15

Fire: 90%
Water: 130%
Wind: 90%
Ice: 120%
Earth: 100%
Energy: 80%
Light: 90%
Darkness: 110%

Frogzards are known as one of the most adaptable creatures on Lore. Somehow, they managed to adapt to the vacuum of space!


Thanks to TreadLight and moneybags. Image thanks to AVA

moneybags -> RE: Alien Zard (11/18/2009 10:26:20)

Alien Zard
Level: 50
XP: 193 386
Gold: 64 128
Element: Energy

Combat Defence
Melee: 35
Ranged: 35
Magic: 30

Strength: 30
Dexterity: 30
Intellect: 90
Endurance: 40
Charisma: 20
Luck: 40

Elemental Modifier
Fire: 90%
Water: 130%
Wind: 90%
Ice: 120%
Earth: 100%
Energy: 80%
Light: 90%
Darkness: 110%

Description: Frogzards are known as one of the most adaptable creatures on Lore. Somehow, they managed to adapt to the vacuum of space!


Thanks to afsoc4life. Image from Rhowena.

Bu Kek Siansu -> RE: Alien Zard (12/11/2010 19:12:32)

Alien Zard
Level: 75
XP: 1062 2014
Gold: 500 1000
Element: Energy

Melee: 40
Ranged: 40
Magic: 35

Strength: 50
Dexterity: 50
Intellect: 125
Endurance: 55
Charisma: 40
Luck: 55

Fire: 90%
Water: 130%
Wind: 90%
Ice: 120%
Earth: 100%
Energy: 80%
Light: 90%
Darkness: 110%

Frogzards are known as one of the most adaptable creatures on Lore. Somehow, they managed to adapt to the vacuum of space!


Thanks to ArchMagus Orodalf

Bu Kek Siansu -> RE: Alien Zard (12/20/2010 11:22:29)

Alien Zard
Level: 90
XP: 2400 4800
Gold: 750 1500
Element: Energy

Melee: 45
Ranged: 40
Magic: 40

Strength: 60
Dexterity: 60
Intellect: 150
Endurance: 70
Charisma: 45
Luck: 65

Fire: 90%
Water: 130%
Wind: 90%
Ice: 120%
Earth: 100%
Energy: 80%
Light: 90%
Darkness: 110%

Frogzards are known as one of the most adaptable creatures on Lore. Somehow, they managed to adapt to the vacuum of space!


Thanks to Technomancer

Bu Kek Siansu -> RE: Alien Zard (1/25/2011 9:13:25)

Alien Zard
Level: 105
XP: 3000 6000
Gold: 1125 2250
Element: Energy

Melee: 55
Ranged: 50
Magic: 50

Strength: 75
Dexterity: 75
Intellect: 170
Endurance: 80
Charisma: 50
Luck: 75

Fire: 90%
Water: 130%
Wind: 90%
Ice: 120%
Earth: 100%
Energy: 80%
Light: 90%
Darkness: 110%

Frogzard are known as one of the most adaptable creatures on Lore. Somehow, they managed to adapt to the vacuum of space!


Thanks to Technomancer

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