(DF) Beginning of the Dragonlords of Fire (Full Version)

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Lord Sparky -> (DF) Beginning of the Dragonlords of Fire (3/3/2010 20:52:53)

Part 1:

In the beginning, we were dragonlords, but Lady Celestia knew there was something different about us. Neither Dragons, nor fire elementals could ever hurt us. We were exceptionally powerful with both fire spells and weapons. Although, despite these exceptional skills, Nah89 was the only person to notice this strange occurrence.

As he fought through a war against the fire elementals, they would not fight back. The fought and fought without some one attacking he felt a burning feeling. He thought hard and long about what to you and decided. He walked up to one of them who was sickly, but not kill him but heal him. At that sign of friendship, the curse of Xan's control had been lifted. Now the fire elementals agreed to pledge their loyalty to Nah89 and fight along side him in battle, and did not kill him but healed him instead. Another sign was that his dragon Lord Sparky had always been a little more powerful than the rest.

Nah89 went to Lady Celestia and asked her why the fire elementals and dragons trusted him. She said that right before he got his dragonlord armor the fire dragons embedded the armor with a fragment of the fire orb. After hearing this, Nah89 began his search to find more Dragonlords of with this amazing power.

Lord Sparky -> RE: (DF) Beginning of the Dragonlords of Fire (3/4/2010 17:22:43)

Part Two:

As Nah89 was traveling through the forest one day. He tripped on a rock and into the underbrush and hit his head on a rock. As he awoken he realized it was pitch black, but after a few seconds nah89 eyes adjusted to the gloomy light. He notice their was rock walls and both sides of him and strange burn marks on the floor. "Strange markings they almost look like dragon claw marks and wait is that a dragon scale" thought Nah89. "Hello" he screamed. He heard nothing. But then he notice a pulsing light from far in the cave. He walked and walked until he reached the light. It was a fire, but not a normal fire; it was dragon fire, the fire that never goes out. Suddenly a dragon and a Dragonlord appear out of the back of the cave.

" Hello" Said the dragonlord. "My Name is Mjh8 and this is Lord Geenykis" "How have you gotten here" asked Nah89. Mjh8 started to explain how all things fire liked him but then he was hunted down be ice elementals and trapped in there. Then Nah89 summons his dragon, Lord Sparky, from outside. Lord Sparky rip a part the underbrush freeing Nah89, Mjh8, and Lord Geenykis. When they finally get out Nah89 asks Mjh8 to join him on the quest to find more Dragonlords that share our unique powers.

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