What Lies Beyond (Into the Veil) (Full Version)

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moneybags -> What Lies Beyond (Into the Veil) (3/12/2010 18:15:04)

What Lies Beyond (Into the Veil)
Quest Location: The Bridge -> Queen Pra'Mithia -> WarpForce Saga!
Quests Given From: Queen Pra'Mithia


Queen Pra'Mithia: We've followed the Hand of Creation and reached the Cryptic Veil. The directions from the Hand are leading us right through it ... but Dark Madder is still right on our trail! We'll have to distract the Nechrons.

<< Let's go! >>
<< Back >>

General Stormfront: Everything is secure on the Hangar Deck. Ready when you are, Admiral!

<< Scene: The Alteon approaches the Cryptic Veil. >>

You: Queen, Admiral -- We're here! The Cryptic Veil appears to be some kind of giant nebula ... A huge cloud of gas and debris. This one stretches for thousands of miles in every direction!
Admiral Amada: Yes it does, << Your character name >>. I just received word from General Stormfront that we're secured.
Queen Pra'Mithia: Dark Madder's Network forces are right behind us -- But the Hand of Creation wants us to go through the Cryptic Veil.
You: I think I know what we can do. The WarpGuardian Tower can hold them off while we go into the nebula in the Alteon.
Admiral Amada: Excellent plan, << Your character name >>. Let's just hope our shields can take it!
Admiral Amada: Engineering reports massive radiation -- So much that our sensors can't make out what is inside the Cryptic Veil.
You: The Hand of Creation led us here. It -- well, the incredibly ancient race that MADE it, anyway -- wants us to take this chance. I'm inclined to go with it.
Pra'Mithia: Admiral -- I agree. We have no time to waste.
Admiral Amada: << Your character name >>, you should secure yourself on Engineering with the Hand of Creation. It's the safest part of the ship.
Admiral Amada: We're going in!!

<< Scene: The Alteon activates it's shields and dives into the Cryptic Veil. The WG Tower stays behind to fend of the incoming Nechron ships. >>

Admiral Amada: Activate shields! Full power!
Temura Ge'Thrak: Alteon -- we have VISITORS ...

<< Scene: Back aboard the Alteon, inside the Veil. >>

Pra'Mithia: ........
Amada: Is -- that -- ??
Pra'Mithia: Yes, William ... It is.

You: Bridge, this is Engineering. Are you seeing what I'm seeing?!
Zorboz: I think I popped a bolt ...
Gravlax: Watch your language, young robot, before I wash your mouth out with Drain-Ought!

Amada: Am I seeing what I THINK I'm seeing??
Pra'Mithia: Yes, William. Those are ELEMENTAL LORDS, and they're CREATING A NEW WORLD!

Zorboz: This does not compute! Those Elemental Lords do not look like the Elemental Lords I have stored in my database.
Gravlax: The creator Lorithia manifests new Elemental lords for every new world, so these do not look like the ones that made Lore.
You: There are 8 Elemental Lords ... but what is that other thing with them?
Gravlax: Indeed -- it's humgabbered me as well! It definitely looks like some kind of MACHINE ... the size of a small planet!!

<< Scene: The WG Tower engages the Nechron ships, but it suffers serious damage and the Nechrons make it into the Veil. >>

Temura Ge'Thrak: Alteon, we've engaged the enemy!!
Temura Ge'Thrak: Fighters away!
Temura Ge'Thrak: We've taken serious damage!
Lt. Norvin: The Tower is out of the fight, and the Nechrons are entering the nebula!

Dark Madder: I have been conserving my magic for so long, for this moment ... I will show these Elemental Lords a NEW power they must obey!

<< Scene: Dark Madder casts a massive spell, driving the Lords away. Meanwhile, Nechrons from other ships board the Alteon. >>

Gravlax: << Your character name >>! We have reports that Nechrons have beamed onto the Alteon!! You're the only experienced fighter in Engineering right now --
You: Don't worry, Gravlax -- I'll protect all of you!!
Gravlax: Glabbus jibbly!

<< Fight! >>

<< Full Heal >>
<< Full Heal >>

You: This is << Your character name >> in Engineering! I've just secured this area from the Nechron incursion.
You: What's going on out there?
Pra'Mithia: Dark Madder just used a massively powerful spell to actually stop the Elemental Lords in mid-creation! They seem to be closing in on the gigantic machine ...

<< Scene: The ships teleport out of the Veil, together with the massive device. >>

Mission debriefing

We made it all the way to the Cryptic Veil, where the Hand of Creation directed us to go! But Dark Madder pursued the LSS Alteon the entire way, and we were unable to get her off our trail.

The Cryptic Veil turned out to be a nebula, within which a group of Elemental lords appeared to be making a new world. Unexpectedly, they also seemed to be using a planetary-scaled machine of some kind to help them, perhaps by channeling their energies. And it is that device that Dark Madder stole ... for some reason that cannot yet be fathomed.

<< Play again! >>
<< WarpGuardian Tower! >>
<< Exit >>



Thanks to Technomancer

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