Epic Quest 01 - Sage Uldor (Full Version)

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Scakk -> Epic Quest 01 - Sage Uldor (3/26/2010 16:51:14)

Location: Yulgar's Inn > The Devourer Saga > Epic Quest 1 - Sage Uldor
Location: Travel Map > Sail East > Sail East > The Devourer Saga > Epic Quest 1 - Sage Uldor
Prerequisite: Level 2

Epic Quest 1 - Sage Uldor

The Archmage Warlic points you back in the direction of Battleon, where you must meet the wise Sage Uldor. For what reason you do not know, but you have a feeling that Uldor will be expecting you…

«Scene: Battleon Inn»

Sage Uldor: My name is Uldor. I may be blind, but I see all! Your fate, my friend, is very interesting…
«You»: I’m not really here to learn about my fate this time, Sage. Warlic sent me here so that I could begin a journey. He said my path would be revealed along the way.
Sage Uldor: Warlic is a powerful wizard, but he is not a sage. His ability to foresee is limited by his reliance on magical methods. My abilities are of a different origin.
«You»: What do you mean?
Sage Uldor: I was born blind, but was able from the beginning to see into the future of those near me. As a child this would have driven me insane…I would have been sent to an asylum—or worse—if it hadn’t been for the kindness and patience of an individual I am most thankful for.
«You»: And who was that?
Sage Uldor: A Drakel named K’talith.
«You»: !!???
Sage Uldor: I am a sage, but I do not read minds. Yet I know what you are thinking.
«You»: I bet you do! I thought the Drakel were only a selfish warlike race.
Sage Uldor: The Drakel, as of all the races, consists of more than one group. They are the oldest of the intelligent races of Lore—

«Sage Uldor gets struck by a blast from behind.»

«You»: Whoa! Sage Uldor!!!Sage Uldor: Are those monsters gone?
«You»: They have been defeated. But I’ve never seen anything like them before! Now, I’m used to being randomly attacked by monsters, but I’d like to know one thing: Just how did they surprise us like that when YOU are a SAGE?? You should have predicted they would be here!
Sage Uldor: This confirms the suspicions that both Warlic and I have had recently. There must indeed be some force out there that neither of us are able to detect.
Sage Uldor: Someone or something that is able to partially control the Ethereal Realm, so that even I cannot sense its actions.
«You»: I’m not even going to pretend I understand that.
Sage Uldor: I will meet you again soon. But first, you might want to journey to the easternmost point of Darkovia Forest.
Sage Uldor: There you will find someone who knows the answer to a question that is important to us.
«You»: Who will I find?
Sage Uldor: That I cannot tell you, for it may affect the outcome. But the question you must ask is: What is the source of the Red Fog?
«You»: ………
Sage Uldor: Now—Go!
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