Edress Point (Full Version)

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Scakk -> Edress Point (4/1/2010 8:27:01)

Location: Yulgar's Inn > The Devourer Saga > Edress Point
Location: Travel Map > Sail East > Sail East > The Devourer Saga > Edress Point
Prerequisite: Level 46

Edress Point

After 300,000 monsters defeated:

You fight 4 monsters from the previous list along with a chance to fight a Kresh

Diviara: Maybe you can spin an end to their efforts? Show your master that you existence has SOME value...
Giant Kresh: ki--ki--kiiiilllll---
Diviara: Yes, kill them. But leave Gilirara breathing-- for my blade.

Fight a Giant Kresh

Giliara: At last, the third piece of the Creation Orb is in our hands!
You: Where did Diviara go??

Creation Orb 3 Shop opens and you can buy:

Blackbones (12)
Blackbones (35)
Brilhado Blade (15)
Brilhado Blade (45)
Brilhado Blade (62)
Brilhado Blade (80)
Guardian Brilhado Blade (62)

Brilhado Quills

Giliara: He went south, to Dagin. The fertile fields there are home to many innocents. We can only hope his forces leave them untouched... Come! We must hurry!

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    Entry thanks to ZzlzhtT. New location from Rhowena.

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