Greenguard Forest (Full Version)

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Scakk -> Greenguard Forest (4/1/2010 8:58:40)

Location: Yulgar's Inn > The Devourer Saga > Greenguard Forest
Location: Travel Map > Sail East > Sail East > The Devourer Saga > Greenguard Forest
Prerequisite: Level 50

Too Many Questions Greenguard Forest
Or...The Stranger in Greenguard Forest

You: Hm, so far Greenguard seems peaceful. But I need to venture further into the forest to find the thruth.

  • Survey Greenguard Forest!
  • Back to town

  • Seems peaceful so far…

    A monster!
    Fight an Earth based monster

    You: One monster! Not so bad. Normal, in fact. I need to keep looking…

    Ok, nothing. Still seems like Greenguard is normal…

    I guess that's it-- nothing out of the ordinary here. Time to go home!

    Another forest creature attacks!
    Fight four Earth based monsters

    You: Oh! Hello.
    ???: Greetings to you
    You: Who are you, and what are you doing sitting here in the middle of Greenguard?
    ???: Hmmm. Very well, if you prefer--
    ???: --I’ll stand.
    You: No, it’s not that. It’s just that Greenguard is very unsettled right now. The creatures here are going nuts!
    ???: So I noticed.
    You: So why?
    ???: Why what?
    You: Why are you here?
    ???: Would you prefer I leave?
    You: What-- is-- your-- purpose-- for-- being-- here?
    ???: I am seeking someone.
    You: Someone. Whom?
    ???: Ardendor.
    You: Falerin Ardendor? Why are you looking for the Loremaster??
    ???: Loremaster, is it? Hmm… it figures he would do something like that.
    You: Why are you looking for him?
    ???: I was at his quarters elsewhere and a man with a snake told me he could found here. I have searched here for some time now, without sign of him.
    You: He was here, but that was a while ago.
    ???: He has always had trouble staying in one place for long.
    ???: Can you help me get out of this place so I might return to his quarters elsewhere?
    You: Sure, you can count on me. I want out of here, too! Let’s go!

    Fight seven earth based monsters

    You: Loremaster!
    Falerin: I planned on returning it…
    You: Returning? It?
    ???: Your record with such things is less than stellar. That is not why I am here, however.
    You: Returning what?
    Falerin: Why are you here, then?
    ???: Problems at home.
    You: Home?
    Falerin: I see. What sort of problems?
    ???: The Prison of Ages has been broken.
    You: Prison of Ages? Broken?
    Falerin: I was… um… aware…
    ???: Do you plan on doing anything about it?
    You: Hello?
    Falerin: Eventually. Right now, however, things are quite active here.
    ???: I know. My new friend and I had to walk through the place, after all.
    Falerin: Can you handle things for awhile?
    You: HELLO?
    ???: I suppose so, but HE is calling for your seat.
    Falerin: I thought he would.
    Falerin: Probably not, (insert your name here).
    You: ........................
    ???: Worse, this does not involve you. Your world has its own problems.
    You: ....................
    ???: However, let me reward you for your help. I never leave debts unpaid.

    Open Shop:

    Lesser Charm
    Greater Charm
    Keeshish-Kin (5/25/50/75/100)

    ???: And here, we part ways. Good night, and good luck…

  • Replay
  • Return to Town

  • Link to Keeshish Kin from Teuvi. Adventurership from The Game.

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