Explore... Lore! (Full Version)

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Rhowena -> Explore... Lore! (8/18/2010 17:45:30)

Blue Serpents!
Quest Location: Sick Bay
Quests Given From: Dr. Mendas
Requirements: Level 25


Dr. Mendas: I'm very concerned with some reports that have been coming from Lore. The waters off the eastern shore of Battleonia have suddenly become depleted of several important fish species.
Dr. Mendas: I have some suspicions, based on similar incidences on other worlds, but suffice to say that I believe the cause is alien to Lore. I called ahead and Lt. Krath from V'eld Valkan will meet you in Lolosia. Good luck, friend!
  • Go to Lore!

    A scoutship leaves the Alteon and lands on Lore. You and Krath meet Captain Frolgar.

    Captain Frolgar: Ahoy, maties! Ye must be «You» and Krath of the-- what is it-- Sky Flyers?
    «You»: The WarpForce. We're from the WarpForce. And we travel among the stars, BEYOND the sky!
    Captain Frolgar: Shiver me timbers! I heard tell of your 'Fleet' an' I was never sure what to make of it.
    Lt. Krath: It is quite amazing. And most of the WarpForce crews are made up of Lorians. The first time you enter warpspeed is exhilarating, and--
    Captain Frolgar: Aye, aye! We'll talk about it later over a sea biscuit and a cup of Grog-A-Cola. Right now we have serious business to be attendin'.
    «You»: That's why we're here, Captain. We heard that fishermen around here have noticed low catches recently, and--
    Captain Frolgar: Arr! LOW?? Try NO. No catches. The most abundant and reliable fishes seem to have almost disappeared. They're being eaten, maties...
    «You»: Well, that's likely. But no one knows what's taking... or eating... them all. Which is where we come in.
    Lt. Krath: The WarpForce has advanced technology -- both Drakel and otherworldly -- that will help us find the source of your troubles.
    Captain Frolgar: Well, blow me down! That's what I like to hear! Don't even try to explain it to me though-- I know me knots an' me yardarms. Techno-whatsits I'll leave to ye!
    «You»: Alright, we're going to get out there and look for the culprit. Which way to a boat?
    Captain Frolgar: Little boat or big boat?
    «You»: Hm. Well, it's just the two of us. So I think a little boat will do.
    Captain Frolgar: In that case, just take a little stroll down the beach to Soakin' Sam's Ship Shop. Good luck to ye both!

    «You»: How much farther do you think this Ship Shop is? Captain Frolgar made it sound like it was a nice short stroll...
    Lt. Krath: Not much farther. Anyway, I always enjoy coming back to Lore. A bit of fresh air from home is always nice-- What's that?!
  • Battle with Lt. Krath's help!
  • Battle by yourself!

    1 BATTLE
    1 BATTLE
    Full Heal

    Lt. Krath: Okay, so when I said 'fresh air' I wasn't ASKING for a toxin-spewing alien to attack us.
    «You»: That was a Network alien, Krath. He must have been dispatched to stop us from searching. But that doesn't explain the Hell Hound...

    The Hellhound returns

    Lt. Krath: Look! he's back for more! He's just one bug cuddly lapdog, isn't he?
  • Fight!

    A Marix's head comes from offscreen, grabs the Hellhound, and retreats into the water.

    Lt. Krath: That thing just popped its head out of the ocean to grab a rather ferocious beast... for a snack. I think we may have just seen what's responsible for the Lolosian fishing fleet's woes.

    After you manage to haggle Soakin' Sam down to a few gold pieces for one of his dinghies, you quickly row out to sea with Lt. Krath by your side...
  • Continue

    «You»: The deep-sea scan from V'eld Valkan hasn't picked up any large schools of fish...
    «You»: ... Wait. There's something on the scan, but it doesn't make sense. It looks like--

    Several Marix poke their heads out of the water

    «You»: --several 60-foot long UNDERWATER SNAKES!
    Lt. Krath: Krath to Alteon... I, um, think we've found the cause of the fish depletions in this area...
    «You»: Marix... Marix... I met them on Satiren once, helping Trinni out. I think the Network brought one of them here to ruin the ocean ecosystem.
    «You»: Once they get THIS big, they can lay eggs. And only ONE of them cause a big problem on Satiren. This is BAD...

    One Marix chomps on the boat, knocking you and Krath into the water.

    «You»: S.O.S.!!!!!
    Lt. Krath: Ah, I forgot how nice it is to be able to breathe and speak underwater.
    «You»: Hey, you can do this on Satiren, too--

    A swarm of blue serpents swims toward you.

    «You»: Whoa!! Hungry babies!!

    Full Heal after each battle

    Aquella enters

    Aquella: I am Aquella the Water Elf. Please tell me what it is you are doing in my coastal waters!
    «You»: Hi! I'm glad we ran into you. We're on a mission from the WarpForce to investigate the problem of disappearing fish populations here.
    Aquella: Ah, yes! I've heard of you! You are heroes to us here, out to protect Lore from another attack by creatures from beyond our world.
    «You»: Well, it looks like those enemies are finding new ways to strike at Lore. They've placed some deadly alien creatures in your seas called Marix.
    Aquella: The giant blue serpents? I have been tracking them. By the time I realized the were responsible for devastating fish populations, they had multiplied...
    Aquella: ...beyond my ability to stop them.
    «You»: Tracking them? Do you know where their main nest is?
    Aquella: I do, but it would be a bad idea to attack them. There are so many, and they would guard their eggs to the end. At this time of day, they would ALL be there.
    «You»: All we need to do is hold our ground for a few minutes. I have a plan! Krath, can you get Gravlax from the Alteon on your communicator all the way down here?
  • Go!

  • Battle with Lt. Krath's help!
  • Battle with Aquella's help!
  • Battle by yourself!

    Full Heal

    You call Gravlax on your communicator

    «You»: Gravlax, we don't have much time. How is your experimental Teletransporter Array coming along?
    Gravlax: Why it's-- it's still experimental! THAT's how it's coming along! Whibbly hoo! You sound a little-- frazzled.
    «You»: We're standing in the middle of a nest of giant Marix creatures that the Network sent to destroy Lore's ocean ecosystem. So yeah, I'm frazzled.
    «You»: I need you to fire up the Teletransporter and lock on to any lifeform in my immediate vicinity that is not Lorian in origin!
    Gravlax: Well, I can certainly try. I'll teleport the Marix serpents to their native world of Dygith. But I must warn you... you might end up there, too.
    «You»: We don't have any choice rigjt now. We need to get them all off of Lore, no matter what. Do it, Gravlax, old buddy! Do it!
  • Beam them!

    The Marix and their offspring are beamed out of the ocean.

    «You»: Well, it worked. What do you say to taking a couple of days of leave while were planetside and enjoying the sun and sand?
    Lt. Krath: I say YES to that, friend!

    Baby Marix
    Baby Marix Z
    Baby Marix
    Baby WarpGuardian Marix
    Baby Marix
    Baby Marix


    You've done well! You even managed to evacuate all of those those alien Marix off of Lore without harming them-- Well, too many of them, anyway.

    Now that we know the Network is still looking for ways to attack Lore, you should report to the Admiral with any ideas you may have for increasing Lorian security when it comes to extra-Lorian incursions.

    I am very, very concerned over the Network's blatent disregard for the natural order of things on all worlds...
  • Play again!
  • WarpGuardian Tower!
  • Exit

    Thanks to Rhowena

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