RE: =ED= Did you notice? I (Full Version)

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dont give up -> RE: =ED= Did you notice? I (4/14/2012 10:26:32)

i don't know if every one see this but did you notice that there's a blinking white dot when u look at your juggernaut wins on the first number. like let say i have 501 wins under number 1 u will see a blinking white dot lol

Mdmarvel -> RE: =ED= Did you notice? I (4/14/2012 20:00:55)

did you notice that marauder hulk currently has wrist blades equipped o.O
did you notice that slayer has some smoke/flash grenades strapped to his chest area?

SylvanElf -> RE: =ED= Did you notice? I (4/15/2012 4:45:07)

I noticed that the Friday the 13th ED release contained 13 new missions ^^

Battle Elf -> RE: =ED= Did you notice? I (4/15/2012 9:02:35)

Did you notice that bikes now show on the character page in battle?

Thylek Shran -> RE: =ED= Did you notice? I (4/15/2012 9:51:52)


So Cinderella and Lawman are somehow related.

So is Selina (St. Alban). She is the daughter of The Lawman.

Basicball -> RE: =ED= Did you notice? I (4/15/2012 10:12:18)

yup, and cindy is a Daughter of the lawman out of marriage

or atleast, that's what i think i read in the mission teksts

Fay Beeee -> RE: =ED= Did you notice? I (4/15/2012 10:26:12)

Basic. Daughter of the lawman out of marriage would be nicer. :)

drinde -> RE: =ED= Did you notice? I (4/15/2012 10:30:44)

Are you sure it said that?

I thought those two just had a falling out...

Basicball -> RE: =ED= Did you notice? I (4/15/2012 10:58:59)

right, editted to be sure i don't offend/breack forum rules, thanks fay

Cindy Quote (mission):

hate to ask someone else to step in with family
drama, but John St. Alban only admits to having
one daughter- I'm not even suppose to share a
planet with my father.

PivotalDisorder -> RE: =ED= Did you notice? I (4/15/2012 14:11:02)

I wonder if The Lawman ever had to dress up as Santa for his 2 little girls :)

One Winged Angel1357 -> RE: =ED= Did you notice? I (4/15/2012 14:13:48)

Pivotal since he ignores Cindy I doubt it but for selina maybe I mean he does have some christmas spirit

PivotalDisorder -> RE: =ED= Did you notice? I (4/15/2012 14:21:28)

Maybe if Cinderella wore a hat like her Daddy...... :P

Basicball -> RE: =ED= Did you notice? I (4/15/2012 14:25:40)


Maybe if Cinderella wore a hat like her Daddy

squidling hat :3

or bunny fur

PivotalDisorder -> RE: =ED= Did you notice? I (4/15/2012 14:30:15)

I am partial to Yeti Felt personally :) but in Cindys case, I'd say Squidlings...

Ez_Ease -> RE: =ED= Did you notice? I (4/15/2012 14:34:50)

Did you notice that the NPC now get more criticals with their side arm.
I just fought the Lawman and he got 3 out of 4 consecutive attack that
were all criticals and I barely got one. That not good :-)

Stabilis -> RE: =ED= Did you notice? I (4/15/2012 18:28:58)

This is funny!

I shall post this image position error right away!

friend18 -> RE: =ED= Did you notice? I (4/15/2012 20:50:55)

ansh0, he's probably talking about this one.

Fay Beeee -> RE: =ED= Did you notice? I (4/16/2012 16:19:29)

that we have a change here. :)
It is now there and if you post in staff information. It show there and not in general discussions. :)

Thylek Shran -> RE: =ED= Did you notice? I (4/16/2012 17:43:18)

Did you notice that the game is getting updated right at the moment ? (Monday) [:)]

rayniedays56 -> RE: =ED= Did you notice? I (4/16/2012 17:43:54)

LOL yes, I think we did...I got disconnected LOL

One Winged Angel1357 -> RE: =ED= Did you notice? I (4/16/2012 18:06:31)

Thylek it was titan rolling the patch

ansh0 -> RE: =ED= Did you notice? I (4/17/2012 11:45:53)

Did you notice that you can check whether you will win the match or not?
This only works when you're at like low hp and think that the opponents next move MIGHT K.O you.

Here's how you do it.


You are at 1hp and your opponent is at...20, he doesn't have any unblockables to use on that turn so he will strike or use a blockable skill.

When it is his turn, and he is about to move(the move animation starts), you quickly write anything in the chatbox and press enter. You should have the chatlog on BTW. After that, check the log. If your message has a K.O before it, you're done for good. If not, you opponent is most likely swearing at you (A.K.A you just blocked his hit).

This works for me, idk if it will work for you.

drinde -> RE: =ED= Did you notice? I (4/18/2012 6:29:29)

Of course it works.

I discovered it when I was rambling on and on to another player and died.

PivotalDisorder -> RE: =ED= Did you notice? I (4/18/2012 7:36:29)

did you notice you can now get matches like THIS

gangster a -> RE: =ED= Did you notice? I (4/18/2012 7:42:38)

^ you get easy wins but depends if your partner is good.

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