=AE= Portal Games Forum Rules (Full Version)

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Circe -> =AE= Portal Games Forum Rules (10/11/2010 20:39:06)

The Battleon Portal Games Discussion Forum Rules

This is the forum for you to discuss Bladehaven, AE's newest portal game!

  • All Universal Forum Rules relating to posting behavior apply!
    These should be the first thing you read when you join the forums. They apply everywhere; this means that any behavior prohibited by the Universal Rules is prohibited in this forum. This means no flaming, no trolling, no spamming your signature or emoticons, and no mentioning hacking. Period.

  • No Suggestions
    This is a discussion forum, which means that any suggestions, be they for a game or for the forums, do not belong in this board. Please see the Forum-Specific Rules & Complete Forum Index for further information.

  • No Duplicate Topics
    If you have a topic in mind, please search the forum to see if someone had it first. If there is already a thread about your topic, please read it first to see if it covers your discussion. Posting a new thread about a topic already being discussed creates spam and only decreases the quality of discussion in each thread.

  • No Spoilers
    It is important that everyone be allowed to enjoy the games and the thrill of discovery. In recognition of this fact, please make considerable and appropriate use of spoiler tags.
    [spoiler]Text to hide[/spoiler]
    Please use spoiler tags for any content that may spoil the game for other people, and recognize that the use of such is absolutely mandatory for recent game content.

  • No Game Account Issues
    If there is something wrong with your game account, please use the help pages provided on each game's website. No one on the forums can help you with any game account issues, so please do not post about them here.

  • No Begging
    Begging for Membership, or an upgrade to any of the other AE games is not permitted. Do NOT do it at all, not in PMs, not in threads. There are no contests for which an upgrade is a prize, either.

  • No Spam
    Please do not post in a thread unless you have something to add to the topic at hand. Please stay on topic at all times - the title of a thread will reference its content.

  • No Hacking Accusations!
    This is stated in the Universal Rules but it needs to be said again. Do NOT post in Portal Games GD with any hacking accusations about anyone. It is not allowed. This includes any questions about a player's equips, name, skills, classes, armors, or anything else that has a staff member's name in the item's name or after it. Contact a Forum Moderator from this list if you would like to report someone. Do not post about them.

    On Basic Courtesy:

  • Always assume good faith Differences of opinion and misunderstanding happen. Accusing people of dishonesty or hostility creates an environment of negativity, which can only serve to disrupt the community.

  • The forums are made up of a very diverse cross-section of the global community. Accordingly, we ask you to remember that not everyone speaks English as a primary language. Not everyone has the same education. Not everyone is of the same race, ethnicity or religion. Not everyone has the same ideas and opinions as you do. Treat each other with kindness, respect and tolerance. This is not a request.

  • It is a very bad idea to make demands (including that they read the rules), issue orders, warn them, or otherwise engage in mini-moderating. If you have any doubts about whether you can make such a post without mini-moderating, it is best to not make the post at all.

  • Please refrain from posting in very problematic threads (those who by nature violate the rules of this forums) and instead alert a moderator or AK to their presence.

  • Circe -> RE: <b>=AE= Portal Games Forum Rules</b> (10/14/2010 21:04:38)

    If an issue arises within Portal Games Forums (be it clarification of the rules, an issue with a specific user, or reporting rule violations), the following is a list of individuals to contact. If you wish to report threads in violation of the rules, you may contact any Forum Moderator or Forum Archknight. If you have an issue with an ArchKnight, please contact the ArchKnight Head. If your issue is with the moderating staff, please contact [image]http://forums2.battleon.com/f/image/pm.gif[/image] Scakk and/or [image]http://forums2.battleon.com/f/image/pm.gif[/image] Zyrain.

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