Great Zard Hunt! (Full Version)

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Baron -> Great Zard Hunt! (1/21/2011 21:46:35)

Great Zard Hunt!

Location: Battleon » Zard hunter Shop » Other Quests » Great Zard Hunt!

«Scene: You and Hans at Aria's shop»

Hans: ..... Oh, hi «You».
«You»: Hans! What's wrong? You look like you just lost your best friend!
Hans: Well, if you really want to know...
«You»: Come on, what are buds for? Tell me about it!
Hans: It all started like this--

«Scene goes to Hans' memories, Aria and Hans are talking in her shop»

Aria: Isn't it a beautiful day, Hans? It's great picnic weather!
Hans: Ah, well... uh...

«The Zardhunter enters the scene with a picnic basket»

Zardhunter: Aria, I was just thinking, "what a great day for a picnic!" and then I thought, "I'll see if Aria would like to go on a picnic with me!"
Zardhunter: We can talk about old times and you can let me tell you about my newest acquisitions!
Aria: That sounds wonderful! Oh-- I don't think I should leave the shop unattended.
Zardhunter: What do you say, young man? Will you watch Aria's shop so I can take my old student on a picnic?
Hans: Well, I... actually, I...
Zardhunter: Splendid, then! It's all arranged!
Aria: Hans, are you sure you don't mind?
Hans: ...No, Aria. You go and... uh, have fun.

«Scene fades out to you and Hans in the forest»

«You»: Hans, I can't believe you let him do that to you!
Hans: I know! I can't believe I did either. It's just that Aria is so beautiful, I get all tongued-tied around her.
Hans: Listen... Would you keep an eye on them for me? I promised I'd stay at the shop while Aria's gone, but that doesn't mean YOU don't have to!
«You»: *sigh* Sure, I guess I could go see what they're doing.
«You»: Hans said they headed this way. Now, where are they? Uh, oh.

    4 Battles (Based on your RA monster list)
    1 random Earth forest monster
    1 random Light monster
    1 random Earth forest monster
    1 random Wind monster

    Full Heals after battles #2 and #4

«Scene shows Aria and the Zardhunter standing on a picnic blanket»

«Scene: You and Hans at Aria's pet shop»

«You»: I hate to tell you this, but they looked like they were having a pretty good time!
Hans: ............

«Aria and the Zardhunter return to Aria's pet shop»

Zardhunter: Well, I'm off to the wilds to save some rare zard specimens!
Aria: That's wonderful!
«You»: Hey, that's a coincidence! Hans was just going to go save some rare zard specimens, too!
Aria: He was?
Hans: I was?!
«You»: I think we should make it a contest! Whoever saves the most endangered zards wins!
Zardhunter: What do they win?
«You»: If Hans wins, he gets a date with Aria!
Aria: !!
Zardhunter: And if I win?
«You»: Hans cleans out your zard cages for a month!
Aria: What?!?!
Hans and Zardhunter: You're on!

«Hans and the Zardhunter run out of Aria's shop»

Aria: Hey Hans! Wait for me!!
  • Go!

    «Scene: You and Hans at the forest»

    Hans: You know that I know nothing about Frogzard hunting, don't you?
    «You»: No problem! I'll help! Look, I see some zards now, at the top of that cliff! Let's go get 'em!
  • Climb!

    «Scene: Two zards throwing rocks off a cliff»

    Time to climb up the cliff and catch those zards!

    CONTROLS: Use mouse to move without letting falling rocks touch you, and without moving outside of the green box area. Survive 60 seconds to win!
  • Climb and Dodge!

    «Goes to a mini-game, after losing once you can choose either "Try again!" or "Skip"»

    Once the mini-game is either completed or skipped:

    «Scene: You and Hans at the top of the cliff»

    Hans: Oh no!
    «You»: What do you mean "Oh, no"? We made it to the top, didn't we?
    Hans: Yes, but--
    ???: GRRRRRR...
  • Fight!

    «Scene: You and Hans by a swamp»

    «You»: That's funny. I would have thought endangered zards would want to be rescued.
    Hans: I think this little guy does, but... he's not a zard.
    Bunnybird: Chirppit! Chirppit!
    «You»: I think we should go looking for endangered zards somewhere else.
    Hans: How about Bennuju Wetlands??

    «Scene: You and Hans at Bennuju Wetlands»

    «You»: Hey, look -- those zards look endangered!
    Hans: Use this special net cannon Yulgar made me!
  • Capture!

    You're taken to a mini-game where you have to capture 7 zards. Once you have captured the zards:

    Hans: Great shooting but... there's still MORE! Oh no!!
    «You»: I wish you'd stop saying that!
  • Fight!

    «You»: Whew! Saving endangered zards is a lot more work than I thought it would be!
    Hans: And this little guy let all the ones you caught go while you were fighting!
    Birdbunny: Whifft! Whifft!
    Hans: I stopped him, and now I can't get him to leave!
    «You»: I have one other place in mind where there might be some endangered zards...
  • Go!

    «Scene: Fades to you and Hans under water»

    Hans: I didn't know zards lived down here!
    «You»: That's why they're endangered!
  • Fight!

      4 Battles (Based on your RA monster list)
      4 random water monsters

      Full Heals after battles #2 and #4

    «Scene: You and Hans on the beach»

    Hans: I think our time is about up. We better head back.
    «You»: I'm really sorry, Hans. I thought this would be a surefire thing, and you'd end up with a date with Aria.
    Hans: That's okay, «You», even if I did get a date with her, I'd just manage to mess it up somehow...

    «Scene: You, Aria and Hans in Aria's pet shop»

    «You»: Hey, Aria! Any word back from the Frogzard Hunter yet?
    Aria: Oh, he left a message that he was going to be busy tonight. He had to forfeit the contest.

    «Zooms out of Aria's window towards the Zardhunter who has a zard around his head»

    Aria: SO, how did you do, Hans?
    Hans: I... ah... well--
    «You»: I'm afraid Hans didn't have any luck, either.

    «Scene zooms to Hans and Aria by her shop's counter»

    Hans: I j-j-just found th-th-these...
    Aria: What on Lore are they? I've never seen anything like them before! They're so cute!
    Hans: Hmm... I mean--
    «You»: He means that he brought them back just for you, Aria. Does he still get a date?
    Aria: You mean, does he get to go out with me because he won some silly competition with the Frogzard Hunter? NO!!
    «You»: Hey! That's not fair.
    Hans: That's okay, «You». We not only didn't save any zards, we brought back something else entirely different - we didn't just not win, we're in the negative.
    Aria: Wait-- I'm not done.
    Hans: Huh?
    Aria: I'm not going to go out with someone just because they won a contest! That's silly! But I would go out with someone because they're cute... and sweet... and--
    Aria: --they were smart enough to find a brand new creature on Lore that no one's ever seen before!
    «You»: You mean you're going to go out with Hans even though he didn't win the contest?
    Hans: ?!?
    Aria: No...
    Hans: Just what I expected...
    Aria: I'm going to go out with him because I... because I like him! That is... if you still want to, of course...
    Hans: I... well... I mean...
    «You»: Yes! He means YES!
    Aria: Silly hero! That's what he just said!
    «You»: !?! Oh, brother. I'll never get this dating thing.
    Bunnybird: Chirrpit!
    Birdbunny (at same time as Bunnybird): Whifft!

    Great Zard Hunt

    Rockin' Zard Guitar Z (0)
    Rockin' Zard Guitar (10)
    Rockin' Zard Guitar (40)
    Guardian Rockin' Zard Guitar (70)
    Rockin' Zard Guitar (100)
    Rockin' Zard Guitar (130)

    BunnyBird (0)
    Rock LobZard (15)
    BirdBunny (20)
    BunnyBird (30)
    BunnyBird Z (40)
    Guardian Rock LobZard (42)
    Rock LobZard (45)
    BirdBunny (50)
    BunnyBird (30)
    BirdBunny Z (68)
    Rock LobZard (75)
    BirdBunny (80)
    Guardian BunnyBird (90)
    Rock LobZard (105)
    Guardian BirdBunny (110)
    BunnyBird (120)
    Rock LobZard (135)

    Monster list and extra information thanks to In Media Res. Corrections thanks to Scakk.

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