Log out timer: The solution for quitter? (Full Version)

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BlueKatz -> Log out timer: The solution for quitter? (1/25/2011 5:12:42)

I played few online game (one of them was darkorbit) and when you log out you will need to wait around 60 seconds or kinda or your stuck there and die. I think since some player mention that ED doesn't have Log out button, why staff won't make one and add the Log out time require? It will also somehow, slightly but better than nothing, prevent some quitters.
I think the Timing can be around 300 seconds o.O even if you lag out, that's a fair time to wait

Luna_moonraider -> RE: Log out timer: The solution for quitter? (1/25/2011 7:04:24)

nice idea 1 min would be good( same as most AE games). but wat happens if they really dc and how would they track if a person presses refresh.

Thylek Shran -> RE: Log out timer: The solution for quitter? (1/25/2011 7:12:58)

I had made a suggestion concerning this some months ago. AQW already has such a timer but for something else.

BlueKatz -> RE: Log out timer: The solution for quitter? (1/25/2011 7:40:34)

Oh, AQW one is because you using hacking program or your computer lagging the game server so it kick you out.
Anyway, if DC I think wait around 5 minutes and relax is ok (ok ok 3 minutes then o.o)

B345T -> RE: Log out timer: The solution for quitter? (1/25/2011 17:45:00)

:O Nooo
Used to play Runescape eons ago and they had this feature, it was beyond annoying.
Have to go pee? you better run fast or you'll have to log back in, then the server could be full or what not.

diablo452 -> RE: Log out timer: The solution for quitter? (1/25/2011 17:59:25)

Well the main reason the screen goes black after 20 minutes of so? (to keep hackers out...) lets say someone walked by and your still logged on. They can mess with it. Of course people can be careless. If anything just put a lock in-game like aq. or logout button

H4ll0w33n -> RE: Log out timer: The solution for quitter? (1/25/2011 18:04:20)

not the solution for quiters but posting the log out button is a good ldea :D

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