=AQ= Bizarre Flecks 2011 Mega War Story commentary (Full Version)

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Eukara Vox -> =AQ= Bizarre Flecks 2011 Mega War Story commentary (4/6/2011 12:45:50)

=AQ= Bizarre Flecks 2011 Mega War Story

Here is where you can discuss each other's war stories.

Elryn -> RE: =AQ= Bizarre Flecks 2011 Mega War Story commentary (4/9/2011 17:44:21)

So far I find the stories quite entertaining. It also a pleasure to read in the midst of battle.

Dwelling Dragonlord -> RE: =AQ= Bizarre Flecks 2011 Mega War Story commentary (4/9/2011 18:00:02)

@elryn: When will we see your story?

Elryn -> RE: =AQ= Bizarre Flecks 2011 Mega War Story commentary (4/10/2011 11:13:52)

I have some story in mind, however it will take some time before I may write it (in between revisions and the war).

blazeheart97 -> RE: =AQ= Bizarre Flecks 2011 Mega War Story commentary (4/10/2011 11:15:20)

@Elryn: I like your story in particular. It kinda reminded me of accounts of the Trojan War I've read.
@Falerin: An Impecable job as always. In particular it reminded me of The Hitchhickers guide to the Galaxy. I especially like Chapter two.

Elryn -> RE: =AQ= Bizarre Flecks 2011 Mega War Story commentary (4/10/2011 11:36:52)

Are you certain you speak of my story? So far, only the introduction has been made.

damien_black13 -> RE: =AQ= Bizarre Flecks 2011 Mega War Story commentary (4/10/2011 14:27:41)

That reminds me, I forgot to put in the rest of day one and start with day two of mine

Falerin -> RE: =AQ= Bizarre Flecks 2011 Mega War Story commentary (4/12/2011 13:31:48)

I have finished my brief entry such as it is. It is quite in keeping with the events unfolding.

Mordred -> RE: =AQ= Bizarre Flecks 2011 Mega War Story commentary (4/12/2011 14:57:42)

@Falerin: Finished reading it. A few typos and grammatical errors, but it does show how you can be reformed. However, it seems like Dhows wants Ardendor to be in control of your full self, rather than the Falerin we all know.

Dwelling Dragonlord -> RE: =AQ= Bizarre Flecks 2011 Mega War Story commentary (4/12/2011 15:25:26)

@Mordred: I thought that was clear from the moment we overheard the Stranger talking to Ardendor.

@Falerin: While I think it's a good story, I keep wondering. Is Ardendor really THAT gullible?

Mordred -> RE: =AQ= Bizarre Flecks 2011 Mega War Story commentary (4/12/2011 17:15:33)

@DD: Yes, although how the absorption works was kinda fuzzy for me. Looks like that it activates on touch, and the "dominant" consciousness is the one that engages the absorption. Also, perhaps Ardendor is the consciousness lacking in skepticism or full of gullibility. Falerin was broken up, after all.

ArchMagus Orodalf -> RE: =AQ= Bizarre Flecks 2011 Mega War Story commentary (4/12/2011 21:20:49)

Short, but sweet. I like it.

Mystical Warrior -> RE: =AQ= Bizarre Flecks 2011 Mega War Story commentary (4/13/2011 1:21:52)

The stories sure are great to read when doing the war...its like a break from the repetitiveness of the war...oh if someone here can't write a long story for their character and wants their character to be known a little you can PM me for a collaboration of ideas

Elryn -> RE: =AQ= Bizarre Flecks 2011 Mega War Story commentary (4/13/2011 6:44:22)

I concur.

BlackAces -> RE: =AQ= Bizarre Flecks 2011 Mega War Story commentary (4/13/2011 7:54:04)

So do I this is a great idea during wars writing war stories.

I'd like to thank Euky for coming up with this idea, I'm assuming she did xD, it is a wonderful idea it makes wars more enjoyable reading everyone's stories.

Mortarion -> RE: =AQ= Bizarre Flecks 2011 Mega War Story commentary (4/13/2011 15:09:19)

Faleryn nice history, so that's what Ardendor is doing, abbsorving all of the other pieces of falerin to regai nall his powers but with the mind of ardendo, btw will you continue your history, I'll perphas make one soon it's up now, hope you like it

necrolich66 -> RE: =AQ= Bizarre Flecks 2011 Mega War Story commentary (4/17/2011 14:02:06)

i entered too
i tried to make it so it goes well with some stories like elryn that asked for some help on my charracter and so i wanted to maje the story so it goes with the others

Clown the Jester -> RE: =AQ= Bizarre Flecks 2011 Mega War Story commentary (4/17/2011 23:28:07)

I decided to focus my story a little more on the mental struggle our character is having with the events in Lore. I also am trying to bring more out of Seth Cay Dhow I dont want to change his character...but I want him to be more.

Tell me what ya all think of it so far and please be honest...

majesticstar3800 -> RE: =AQ= Bizarre Flecks 2011 Mega War Story commentary (4/18/2011 21:36:07)

I like the sotry, necro, but include dialog please? it makes things interesting.
Also, I find the grammatical errors and spelling mistakes might bring down tis performance.

necrolich66 -> RE: =AQ= Bizarre Flecks 2011 Mega War Story commentary (4/18/2011 21:39:40)

hmmm dialog huh?
i made the whole story non dialog but i did make some phrases and i may add more but not a real dialog
and you are the second one to tell me that and i try to make my best to do it mistakeless
but i am already proud of my english tough i live in a land where only a few speak it well -_- (nearly all my friends speaks/writes it wrong)

Travis Touchdown -> RE: =AQ= Bizarre Flecks 2011 Mega War Story commentary (4/21/2011 12:53:34)

Alright, I've wrapped mine up. Gotta say, there's some interesting tales in there. It'll be interesting to look back months from now, perhaps later in the saga, and see our chronicles here.

Clown the Jester -> RE: =AQ= Bizarre Flecks 2011 Mega War Story commentary (4/21/2011 23:39:50)

Welp I'm down to the last 4 or so chapters of my story. Hope you guys like it so far.

I have already made 11 out of the 14 chapters. I'm all excited.

Wait now Im at the last chapter. 13 out of 14 complete...one more. One chapter for every day the war took place.

Elryn -> RE: =AQ= Bizarre Flecks 2011 Mega War Story commentary (4/26/2011 7:35:04)

That was fast.

Clown the Jester -> RE: =AQ= Bizarre Flecks 2011 Mega War Story commentary (4/26/2011 10:14:11)

[Ah! My computer keeps dieing every time I write the final chapter...but fear not! I will write this! While listening to Broadway musical songs!

Eukara Vox -> RE: =AQ= Bizarre Flecks 2011 Mega War Story commentary (4/26/2011 10:53:53)


I'd like to thank Euky for coming up with this idea, I'm assuming she did xD, it is a wonderful idea it makes wars more enjoyable reading everyone's stories.

This idea was born out of necessity in the DF forum. I was approached by SCAKK to see if this kind of thing could be done for the AQ guys and gals. I had no problem with it. We tried it a couple of events ago, but it didn't take, but between SCAKK, Lord Barrius and I, we decided to give it another go.

Needless to say, I am very happy you all took the time to record these stories. I love this kind of stuff, so I was so pleased with the turn out. This will not be the last time this is done. Elryn is my official "MAKE A THREAD FOR THIS EVENT" person.

Oh, and just a note. I saw that some people commented on things like grammar, spelling, details, etc. If you want to give someone a full critique, pointing out errors or places where detail is more appreciated, feel free to post such a thing. Part of writing is getting better. Providing this kind of feedback will most certainly help others with their creativity. Check out some of the other comment threads to get a feel for how to do this if you are unsure.

Criticism, when done gently, professionally and with the desire to help others improve is very appreciated, no matter what level a writer someone is.

Anyway, I can't wait until the next event that we get this kind of participation.

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