RE: =ED= What We've All Been Waiting For... Varium Sellback! (Full Version)

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Gotai -> RE: =ED= What We've All Been Waiting For... Varium Sellback! (4/26/2011 13:52:04)

Im am a founder and i still buy loads of varium and buy loads of items...
You think by probably buffind our armor i wont still buy even the armors u buy?

You ppl dont even know what we are gettin and u allready start ?

SCORPIOZZz -> RE: =ED= What We've All Been Waiting For... Varium Sellback! (4/26/2011 13:52:04)


Titan :
Player Appreciation Release in the works! You can expect Varium sellback by Friday and a special reward for Founders as well!
so at last we got something that made founders a bit weak and here we go buffing them again you cant just keeeep buffing them [:@]make it a last buff pft its so annoying that they have the best looking armor best stats and now what buffing them to +9 resistance pft [:@] [:@]

Profanity in any form, even self-censoring, is not permitted on these forums. ~Syr

Defiant -> RE: =ED= What We've All Been Waiting For... Varium Sellback! (4/26/2011 13:53:13)

Well, founders are a rare breed. They deserve some kind of buff; just because you aren't one you shouldn't complain.

Fay Beeee -> RE: =ED= What We've All Been Waiting For... Varium Sellback! (4/26/2011 13:55:10)

Yes exciting :)

Soliqe -> RE: =ED= What We've All Been Waiting For... Varium Sellback! (4/26/2011 13:56:13)


I did the national lottery for almost a whole year right from the day it launched.
im gonna go post on their forum that i should be rewarded, especially seeing as ive never won a penny i always paid.

whether founders paid or got stuff for free they have had the best armor for over a year. Now that its ARGUABLY not the best


I have backed all your updates so far and offered positive views on them all, but come on. founders have had more than enough

Somehow, I think you'll survive... Just a wild guess.

Removed quoted profanity. Please do not quote messages that contain profanity. ~Dax

helloguy -> RE: =ED= What We've All Been Waiting For... Varium Sellback! (4/26/2011 13:56:32)

Anything founders except buff to Armor which irony have then I will be all for it but am hopping for buff to betas or something else

Cookielord12 -> RE: =ED= What We've All Been Waiting For... Varium Sellback! (4/26/2011 13:56:48)

@Atlian what im saying is that they dont deserve it by whining not that they shouldnt get it.

Nebula -> RE: =ED= What We've All Been Waiting For... Varium Sellback! (4/26/2011 13:57:39)

Yay for Founder appreciation! =P

Calogero -> RE: =ED= What We've All Been Waiting For... Varium Sellback! (4/26/2011 14:02:13)

don't founders have like the strongest armor in game? ( not counting the limited Bunny armor )
waste of update imo, enough said

@ Atlian
You said it yourself... a rare breed.
Why not work on something that actualy benefits all players like that 2 v 1 mode we've been watiting for

Soliqe -> RE: =ED= What We've All Been Waiting For... Varium Sellback! (4/26/2011 14:04:17)

Strongest armor in the game is Bunny Berzerker. Also, without us, you'd probably never even hear of this game. Be thankful, stop whining, drive to the next window. Would you like a kiddie toy with that?

Nebula -> RE: =ED= What We've All Been Waiting For... Varium Sellback! (4/26/2011 14:04:47)

@Andy123 Yes, varium sellback is totally a waste of an update.

@Cookie So because you chose not to buy varium when the founder package was available, founders don't deserve anything because its 'unfair to you,' even though you could have gotten it had you chose to buy varium at the time which you were perfectly able to do?

Calogero -> RE: =ED= What We've All Been Waiting For... Varium Sellback! (4/26/2011 14:06:51)

@ Soliqe

You shouldn't attack me ;)
I am stating my mind about an update not about a person.
seeing I paid 500 euro's on this game I'm entiteled to state my mind ;)

@ Nebula

Varium Sellback has been longwaited aswell...

Cookielord12 -> RE: =ED= What We've All Been Waiting For... Varium Sellback! (4/26/2011 14:08:24)

i did not want to buy varium in case it turns out to be a bad game and become a waste of money. also i can i not state my opinion?

TurkishIncubus -> RE: =ED= What We've All Been Waiting For... Varium Sellback! (4/26/2011 14:08:23)

i dont think special reward will be buff for their armor , lets wait and see if you dont like it than we can discuss

8x -> RE: =ED= What We've All Been Waiting For... Varium Sellback! (4/26/2011 14:09:49)

I hope we will get varium back for all the varium weapons that we sold in the past.

Matgon -> RE: =ED= What We've All Been Waiting For... Varium Sellback! (4/26/2011 14:11:11)

@cookie: Exactly we risked, also it's an AE tradition to give back to founders once a year go look in AQW and it will be the same for HS.

The Death Angel -> RE: =ED= What We've All Been Waiting For... Varium Sellback! (4/26/2011 14:11:13)

@Soliqe: Ok, I just had to comment about this

Also, without us, you'd probably never even hear of this game. Be thankful, stop whining, drive to the next window.

Without you, we would probaly not even have heard of this game? What kind of stupid arguement is that? I'm still thinking, HOW being a founder has made this game populair and gotten players to join because of founders. No, it doesn't make sense. This may in fact, be thé most stupid arguement i've heard this year. But hey, there is 10 months untill next year.
I can maybe see why you said that, but do you think without founders, this game would cease to exist? Even that, is quite stupid.

Gotai -> RE: =ED= What We've All Been Waiting For... Varium Sellback! (4/26/2011 14:11:26)

I would b rich xDD

Matgon -> RE: =ED= What We've All Been Waiting For... Varium Sellback! (4/26/2011 14:12:54)

Titan I was about to quit!

/eternally greatful

Cookielord12 -> RE: =ED= What We've All Been Waiting For... Varium Sellback! (4/26/2011 14:13:52)


Also, without us, you'd probably never even hear of this game. Be thankful, stop whining, drive to the next window.

have you ever heard of advertising by any chance?

@matgon only if founders get a battle item that is significantly buff them, i wont be happy as i stated in my post on the other thread


im happy about the varium sellback but not happy about founders item. if they get any battle item they will be uber OP and will be unstoppable im OK with a non battle item

Matgon -> RE: =ED= What We've All Been Waiting For... Varium Sellback! (4/26/2011 14:13:58)

dude it's just a skin (no modifiers), so we can have the founder looks and wear other stronger armors on top.

I hope... >.<

Calogero -> RE: =ED= What We've All Been Waiting For... Varium Sellback! (4/26/2011 14:14:31)


Also, without us, you'd probably never even hear of this game. Be thankful, stop whining, drive to the next window.

this part actualy cracked me up...
I didn't even hear it from you guys ;)
I joined the second AE announced the merging.

Soliqe -> RE: =ED= What We've All Been Waiting For... Varium Sellback! (4/26/2011 14:17:53)

@the 3 trolls

That's great to hear! Then you should've bought the Founder offer while you could have. :)
Founders/Elites/Alphas are what started the game. The game never became really popular until the Forum Merger.

What I said is true. I don't care about the advertisements. To keep the game running, you need money. We paid that money. If we didn't, the game would not have existed. End of Story. Your argument is invalid.

PivotalDisorder -> RE: =ED= What We've All Been Waiting For... Varium Sellback! (4/26/2011 14:19:38)

@Soliqe: I am not afraid of players in founder armor in its current state, or if they give it +10000 def/res so w/e

Gotai: maybe you should be rewarded for buying so much varium, not for just turning up when they merged with AE
and the new sellback feature reflects that kind of reward. giving a buff to some yr+ old armour that players can no
longer get, is complete BS imo. like pointed out before, the majority of varium players already contributed more
since they joined than alot of the founders. face it, they made that topic, it got alot of hits [by founders] and you
gonna get what you wanted, a buff you did nothing to earn.

Cookielord12 -> RE: =ED= What We've All Been Waiting For... Varium Sellback! (4/26/2011 14:20:06)


Founders/Elites/Alphas are what started the game.

1. founder only paid for the game in the first 30 days of merging
2. elites/alphas were way before founder

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