RE: =ED= Design Notes May 11, 2011: 2v1 Battles and More! Update is LIVE! (Full Version)

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Larcell -> RE: =ED= Design Notes May 11, 2011: 2v1 Battles and More! Update is LIVE! (5/14/2011 0:23:45)

I'm sorry Titan, Nightwraith, and all who contribute to making and developing ED. I can't spend money on this game anymore. After finding out that a new battle mode--which is just 2v2 with one less person--costs roughly $10, along with primarys, guns, auxes, enhancements--especially the new gun and aux enhancements--I'm finally letting go. I will no longer use my money to obtain the newest weapons. This game has been ripping me off in too many ways now. No longer can I be in the tier of players who have the most up-to-date weapons. I'll still play this game every once in a while, but if I want varium it's going to have to be through free offers. This game has gotten to money hungry for me.

Cinderella -> RE: =ED= Design Notes May 11, 2011: 2v1 Battles and More! Update is LIVE! (5/14/2011 1:16:45)

I love how people are leaving in a flourish even though we've stated multiple times that the skull card will be open to nonvarium players next week.

Larcell- I'm a little curious as to what you expected from 2v1 PvP battles- did you expect that the turn-based engine would be scrapped?

helloguy -> RE: =ED= Design Notes May 11, 2011: 2v1 Battles and More! Update is LIVE! (5/14/2011 1:29:52)

@Cinderella I'm planning on buying it tomorrow,even if I don't get on the leader board am I gonna get a reward (Just by purchasing it) cause if it's going to be non-varium next week I don't wanna feel like I just wasted my varium for no reason

Nexus... -> RE: =ED= Design Notes May 11, 2011: 2v1 Battles and More! Update is LIVE! (5/14/2011 1:31:35)


I understand you work for AE now if I am not mistaken. Congratulations. I also have seen your multiple posts about non-varium availability next week...Noted. However people do have the right to complain. Never once was it mentioned before the release that it would be varium for an entire week. Many people stayed up and took hours out of their day to find it was a VARIUM only feature. Also a lot of people expected a more evolved 2v1 PVP system which has been discussed a few times on this forum. Fight with your friends against bosses, choose who you wanted to fight with etc. I understand that none of this was ever stated, but neither was the fact that it would be a Varium feature. You see what I am getting at? So I understand that you are the connection between the developers and the players and this is DUELy noted. However you seem somewhat flustered with our response. This was a terribly communicated release which cost alot of people there time. You can try and re-communicate it, but please don't be surprised with our response. This is the kind of thing that happens when you hide major things from the players...they have expectations which are completely let down when you do not inform them of such a large complication.

Hope this helps you understand where we are coming from.


Cinderella -> RE: =ED= Design Notes May 11, 2011: 2v1 Battles and More! Update is LIVE! (5/14/2011 1:35:14)

I didn't know it would be varium until this morning, Nexus.

Nexus... -> RE: =ED= Design Notes May 11, 2011: 2v1 Battles and More! Update is LIVE! (5/14/2011 1:49:58)

Exactly. All I am saying is that we had no idea, nobody told us, nobody warned us and therefore our reaction is 100% warranted. Thats what happens when you hide things. Sorry I shouldn't say you, because I really don't mean you specifically. In fact I didn't mean to blame any of this on you of thats how I came off. All I am saying is it was bad communication to the players WHO EVERS fault it may be, and because of this bad communication, this is how we (the majority of players) reacted...


Polandor -> RE: =ED= Design Notes May 11, 2011: 2v1 Battles and More! Update is LIVE! (5/14/2011 6:59:53)

I am a full varium lv 33, I did not spend 1200 varium for many reason (i have it buy choose not to spend it), I like a challenge 100% chance of winning vs 2 low level is boring and not fun for me.
I hate it that it force some 2-2 players into a 2v1 that they do not choose to fight and are sure to lose..

Make a new button for 2vs1.

Raise the level to 28,29
a new option for low level to make a team, than hit the 2vs1.

Sageofpeace -> RE: =ED= Design Notes May 11, 2011: 2v1 Battles and More! Update is LIVE! (5/14/2011 7:29:17)

As long as titan don't forget that people have already pay 10$ to fight i don't mind.

If they give us a reward related to battle

Here the list of things that i don't wanted


So i wonder whats the BIG REWARD he is going to give us

Larcell -> RE: =ED= Design Notes May 11, 2011: 2v1 Battles and More! Update is LIVE! (5/14/2011 9:39:21)


I expected a free mode (like Solo and Team?). Right now I only have 475 varium. Am I supposed to use $10 to be able to use the new system? I used up a lot of varium for the Gun and Zooka enhancements.

I never said I was leaving. I hope your post wasn't in reply to my post; if it was, you were greatly mistaken. I said, "I'll still play this game every once in a while, but if I want varium it's going to have to be through free offers.." I'm not wasting my money anymore. Free offers take too long, but I'd rather use that to obtain varium from now on. At this rate, any new feature/mode will be varium?

Btw, I'm curious about the non-varium use for the Skull Card. Like credit enhancements, will it be like 30k credits? Maybe that's too little? Just saying...


100% agree with you. I was up waiting to see the new battle mode practically all day. Then in a rush to obtain the item, I went to Slayer only to find that it costs 100 credits and 1200 varium. WHAT A LET DOWN. It was poor communication; they never told us it would cost varium. Lol, but I guess in the pattern of things now, it's more implied.

RKC -> RE: =ED= Design Notes May 11, 2011: 2v1 Battles and More! Update is LIVE! (5/14/2011 9:52:26)

The irony here is, I have 1,120 varium, so close yet so far

Cinderella -> RE: =ED= Design Notes May 11, 2011: 2v1 Battles and More! Update is LIVE! (5/14/2011 10:31:51)

@Larcell- it was more of a general comment. I'm human, I get frustrated too (even though technically I'm not allowed to). And next week once we get the kinks straightened out, it won't be a premium mode- I do hope you understand why we wanted it limited at first.

RKC -> RE: =ED= Design Notes May 11, 2011: 2v1 Battles and More! Update is LIVE! (5/14/2011 10:37:13)

Why didn't you just make it accessible those who already bought varium.

Giras Wolfe -> RE: =ED= Design Notes May 11, 2011: 2v1 Battles and More! Update is LIVE! (5/14/2011 11:07:16)

"I'm the juggernaut!"

Come on guys, finish the quote.... xD

I don't have 1,200 varium, but it looks like 2v1 will be dominated by support mercs anyway.

And the way it sounds that 1,200 varium is to alpha test the system and get an achievement.

Fay Beeee -> RE: =ED= Design Notes May 11, 2011: 2v1 Battles and More! Update is LIVE! (5/14/2011 11:09:48)

Well I had to do drastic selling of some gear to get into it. I was short on Varium.
But I am trying it now.

I am not a 2v2 player so its a bit odd for me.

I will be glad when they have sorted out the bugs though.

Polandor -> RE: =ED= Design Notes May 11, 2011: 2v1 Battles and More! Update is LIVE! (5/14/2011 13:02:50)

Maybe 100% win is fun for you, it would not be fun for me has the juggernaut.

But imaging those poor player who ask for a normal 2-2, but instead get an insta lose, how is that fun for them ?

seventy two -> RE: =ED= Design Notes May 11, 2011: 2v1 Battles and More! Update is LIVE! (5/14/2011 14:15:27)

@Polander, I know what you mean every time I play Juggernaut I feel like I am trolling low level players.

helloguy -> RE: =ED= Design Notes May 11, 2011: 2v1 Battles and More! Update is LIVE! (5/14/2011 14:33:28)

They actually get a better chance in winning since they'll probably end up battling lvl 25-32's anyways.

Nexus... -> RE: =ED= Design Notes May 11, 2011: 2v1 Battles and More! Update is LIVE! (5/14/2011 14:40:22)

Have you played 2v1 hello? Because if you had, you would know that they get utterly obliterated. In 2v2 they are paired relatively equally. SO if the other team is a 25 and a 30 then the level 24 on the other team might be paired with a 30+. However 2v1 is a total massacre. Look at the LB. Not one person has below an 85% and the average is the mid 90's. Thats not fair.

helloguy -> RE: =ED= Design Notes May 11, 2011: 2v1 Battles and More! Update is LIVE! (5/14/2011 14:46:55)

Yes, I've played 2vs1. Have you ever played 2vs1 and battle 2 low lvl merc? They could be quite hard to kill. I'm just saying it doesn't really make a difference from a regular 2vs2 it's sometimes even easier for the low lvl's. It's barely the first phrase of testing this new feature, I'm pretty sure there's some surprises coming our way.

IsaiahtheMage -> RE: =ED= Design Notes May 11, 2011: 2v1 Battles and More! Update is LIVE! (5/14/2011 15:45:17)

Guys look at the leaderboard not one person is below 90% win ratio and they all have hundreds of wins and their all time winniners. I really wonder why. I havent got into that mode yet but its a total rip off.

This is what it says in the caption. For the 2 vs 1.

"Juggernaut Battles pit a single player against a team of two lower level enemies."

Let me rephrase: Juggernaut Battles pit a single VARUIM player against a team of two lower level NON VARUIM enemies.

Nexus... -> RE: =ED= Design Notes May 11, 2011: 2v1 Battles and More! Update is LIVE! (5/14/2011 16:39:37)

I fought 2 non varium 22's today in 2v1....

I was apologizing the entire 20 second match.

How is this fair?


Deimos... -> RE: =ED= Design Notes May 11, 2011: 2v1 Battles and More! Update is LIVE! (5/14/2011 16:46:01)

Epice4 I agree with you that it is currently unfair. Though, I do think that the admins try hard to make us happy. I was also saying sorry to the lvl 22s that I fought. All of them called me a fake, evil, cheater, not real, noob, hacker, etc.

I would like to say thank you to Cinderella for taking time to reply to us. :)


helloguy -> RE: =ED= Design Notes May 11, 2011: 2v1 Battles and More! Update is LIVE! (5/14/2011 16:46:22)

You paid your money,you get your advantage. I wouldn't purchase a feature if your just gonna end up Apologizing every battle.

Cinderella -> RE: =ED= Design Notes May 11, 2011: 2v1 Battles and More! Update is LIVE! (5/14/2011 19:33:15)

there are some pretty effective teams. Probably the best combo I've seen is a caster mage with a poison hunter. I'm playing as a mercenary right now, and if the caster mage manages to get a stun in, it's deadly.

Mr. Black OP -> RE: =ED= Design Notes May 11, 2011: 2v1 Battles and More! Update is LIVE! (5/14/2011 19:37:03)

i say 2 merc with max bunker, they always seem to crit, and a high artillery

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