The Problem of Houses (Full Version)

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Zean Zapple -> The Problem of Houses (5/22/2011 11:26:42)

Houses. Many of us have one, two, three, or even four. Why did we buy them? Some of us for no reason, some of us for the Landlord Cheevo, and some of us to be able to jump around the map.

Now that everyone can jump around the map, what do houses offer? They offer nothing. What if you decided that you wanted to sell your house(s) back? You'd be stuck with them.

House sellback = needed feature


Wraith -> RE: The Problem of Houses (5/22/2011 11:29:41)

You get 50% of house creds aand 35% of Varium back from selling a house, that's good. You can either transfer house items or get them back for full price.

Zean Zapple -> RE: The Problem of Houses (5/22/2011 11:30:18)



One Winged Angel1357 -> RE: The Problem of Houses (5/22/2011 11:38:28)

we need like a perk on our houses like say when Tourniments are in game we host from our houses for private or from teh LEgion Arean for public

TurkishIncubus -> RE: The Problem of Houses (5/22/2011 11:48:31)

House buyers were robbed just like they did with gold skull card , im happy that i was not catched by EpicTrap

And here is the biggest cliche " No one forced you to buy Houses " so learn to live with them

If someone that said Gold Skull card was usefull and come here and say Houses are useless , i will say " Houses are usefull they gave 2k raiting cheevo " just like they did.

xxmirxx -> RE: The Problem of Houses (5/22/2011 15:28:15)

I like to see house like to AQ like way your z tokens go up everyday.

veneeria -> RE: The Problem of Houses (5/22/2011 15:32:10)

honestly.. it would be awesome if the sellback of a house would increase depending on the items inside and time we have them...

Thylek Shran -> RE: The Problem of Houses (5/22/2011 16:26:10)

The houses here in ED have the same problem like in the other AE games.
They are just boring and mostly very empty because there is nothing to do.
I remember that some games had interactive elements like a guestbook
or message pinboard in their player or clan houses.

Bunshichi -> RE: The Problem of Houses (5/22/2011 20:20:26)

And we'll get no response from anyone....yet again.

Master Volcon -> RE: The Problem of Houses (5/22/2011 21:04:44)

Sell your home to another play for a cheaper price?
You bought the home for 2250, you sell it for 1500, and there is like a small 5% tax. so you would get 1425 varium back.

DeathGuard -> RE: The Problem of Houses (5/22/2011 21:18:33)

What if you won a house in arcade and you want to sell it? It will be free varium :/.

Master Volcon -> RE: The Problem of Houses (5/22/2011 21:30:46)

already happens with the bot :P

DeathGuard -> RE: The Problem of Houses (5/22/2011 21:34:59)

Lol my signature is so cool xD and I know anyways I realize drop rate is about to low so they have to be very lucky for getting house.

AQWPlayer -> RE: The Problem of Houses (5/22/2011 21:44:52)

First priority: Game balance
then comes house functions (a chest to store items and house rental to get some credits every week)
after that should go house sellback

Vick Vega -> RE: The Problem of Houses (5/23/2011 10:22:48)

The Estate system has been around FOREVER in AQ. They have a museum that everyone bought thinking they would actually do soemthing with it, and as far as I know it still does nothing after like a year. I am guessing we will never see anything useful come from the houses other than banking of items that will be over priced and not very useful (I bet it will cost me varium to store my $10 varium item there). If there are any features added to homes they will be $ makers for ED and nothing to write home about for the player. Maybe they will make it so if you buy all of them for a ton of credits and varium you will be able to travel to different parts of the maps faster..... Oh wait.....[8|]

Polandor -> RE: The Problem of Houses (5/23/2011 11:18:23)

yes house sell back is needed.

Kain Sariel -> RE: The Problem of Houses (5/23/2011 11:40:01)

I like the credit idea, even non variums would benefit from that. they can win the junker in the arcade and then have a bit of extra credit roll in for free to help with enhancements a bit. The storage would rock and I would also like something like a vendbot for the house that does training, enhancements, brainwash and sells battle/ experience boosts.

my junker house is loaded tho might be time to start decorating a new house lol if anyone wants to look at it, its the Junkyard crawler house that belongs to Nicandro =D

5rr5 -> RE: The Problem of Houses (5/23/2011 11:41:54)

No one forced you to buy them -.-

Kain Sariel -> RE: The Problem of Houses (5/23/2011 11:49:40)

I don't regret buying them, just stating what I would like to see happen with them ^^

Vick Vega -> RE: The Problem of Houses (5/23/2011 13:31:13)


No one forced you to buy them -.-

Do you really think this make sense? Having expectations on a product that you pay money for is not unreasonable. No one forced you to buy it is not a good defense to it either. If you want to be technical about it we don't even have what we bought. They took the only ability that the house had (travel) and gave it to everyone for free.

The UnleaShedWolfZ -> RE: The Problem of Houses (5/23/2011 15:30:40)

I just bought a Bio House D: 1 week ago.. :S
So no I won't sell it , I want to complete my charpage that's why. (Houses : Bio House) Thats all.

And yes a feature like this is very gd (for 4-5 houses ppl :S)

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