(HS) The Legend of Shadow (Full Version)

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PallyKnight -> (HS) The Legend of Shadow (6/4/2011 15:48:25)

Discussion Thread

Chapter 1: From Legend to Reality

In a village long ago, when civilization hasn’t fully developed yet, There was a legend. A legend of great darkness, and horror, and the light that needs to defend its self. This legend foretells a boy who is going to be born with the dark crystal embedded on his hand, This crystal is home to a great darkness, called Nuvoloso. The boy will learn to control this darkness and unleash it upon humanity to exterminate them and there world. This story will tell of this legend becoming a reality.

In a small village in a hut, long ago, there was a woman cradling a infant looking into his eyes. “He is so beautiful…isn’t he beautiful?” the woman said to her husband. “Yeah, yeah, he sure is…” the husband responded. The woman looked up to her husband “And just to think, he’s are son.” “Mm hmm.” The woman then inspected her son, she noticed, a onyx crystal on the back of her sons hand. Surprised, she said to her husband “What is this crystal?” The husband turned around and rushed to the baby. “In the name of the gods, why have you forsaken us?” said the husband while he grabbed the baby and ran out of the house. “Where are taking my son?” screamed the woman confused while standing up and running after her husband. The man ran up to a guard and said “It’s time.” He gave the baby to the guard. The woman caught up and saw this. “WHERE ARE YOU TAKING MY SON?” screamed the woman again but louder this time. She ran after the guard, another guard went up and stopped the woman. “WHAT ARE YOU DOING!? GIVE ME HIM BACK!” screamed the woman trying to get out of the grasp of the guard. The other guard walked down the street, while all of the citizens watched in horror and as far away as they could from the infant, as if he had a corrosive skin disease. The guard then walked up to a temple, with stair case going up to a huge door and large golden columns on each side. He walked up to the door and opened it. “It’s time.” He said to a old man sitting on a golden throne in front of him, cloning what the husband said ten minutes ago. The guard then kneeled down with his head down, and held the infant up to the man like the baby was some sort of sacrifice. The guard asked “What’s his name?” The man said “His name is Erebus.” then walked back into a back room and put the baby into a small cell, and made a guard watch over him.

15 years past, and the infant turned into a boy, a very sad and confused boy. A rebel. He still lived in that small cell that has gotten smaller. He got barley any food, and when he did, it was usually spoiled. He was taught very limited information, only to talk and write. One day while inside of his cell, a letter dropped from a small barred window. Erebus looked around, to see if there were any guards around then opened up the letter. The letter said “Dear Erebus, You are here because of the legend. The crystal on your hand can summon a great evil that will destroy the world. Below this letter is some dark spells I want you to learn, I know you can do it. Use them to get out of here, and once you do, come and see me…or I’ll see you.” Erebus somehow knowing to trust the person learned the spells. Spells to shoot dark magic, levitate people and himself, and even posses other people and things. 5 years have past he have fully mastered all the spells. “Today is the day, I’ll get out.” Erebus said to himself. At that time, a guard opened up the cell “Hey there, I have some food for you. A nice steak and a glass of wine!” The guard then laughed and threw the tray of raw cow meat and spoiled milk on the ground. “Enjoy!” the guard chuckled some more and started to walk away. “Máios skotádi epitrépste mou na katanaló̱noun af̱tí̱ ti̱n psychí̱.” Erebus then turned into a dark ball of energy and entered the guards body. Erebus then looked down at his new body, inspecting his arms and legs. He walked out of the cell and into the throne room. He walked out of the temple and ran into a alley way and said “̱Ihcysp ṉit ̱íṯfa nuoṉólanatak an uom etspértipe idátoks soiám.” And exited the guards body and the body then dropped to the ground, knocked out. He looked over and saw a woman, in a black robe sitting alone. She looked up and noticed Erebus. “You…” she responded. “Me?” said Erebus. “Erebus, I will teach you how to get the pure darkness, Nuvoloso, out of his prisonl.”

A year has past, and Erebus was smart in the way of dark magic. “Nuvoloso…It’s time to get out.” Erebus then held his left hand over his right, where the crystal was. A red glow came from under his hand. Nuvoloso was here.

Chapter 2: Light's Wrath

In front of Erebus keeled Nuvoloso, dark tentacles coming from his back and black mist surrounding him. He held a dark crimson sword grasped in his gauntlet on his left hand. His dark brown hooded cape somewhat worn and hid part of his face. Nuvoloso stood up and looked at Erebus his dark red eyes scanning his master that stood before him. "N-uvoloso?" said Erebus. "Master..." responded Nuvoloso. At that point a guard was walking past the alleyway where the dark creature was made, and noticed him and Erebus. With shock he started to yell "QUICK, SEND MORE GUAR-" at that split second he stopped mid sentence, behind him Nuvoloso stood with his sword at the guards side. The guard fell to the ground cut in half...dead. Erebus stood there in awe, looking at what the dark being just did. He was speechless. "Any more orders Master?" asked Erebus. "I- I didn't even ask for that guard to be killed!" "You didn't...but I felt it...I could feel you wanted that guard to be quite..." Erebus stood up, noticing the type of power he had at his disposal. Something happened when he figured that out...Something dark...something wicked...something evil happened in his brain. Erebus started to laugh "Hah....HAH...HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!" he was laughing like a maniac. "Now..." he said in a dark voice. "Destroy this place..destroy the world...DESTROY HUMANITY!"

In a few minutes the whole city was burned down. Dark monsters were roaming the city slashing and killing the terrified citizens. Many guard's tried light spells on the monsters...nothing. In the middle of the city Erebus was floating his eyes glowing like Nuvoloso's. They were one. Nuvoloso was fighting some of the best paladins they had...slicing through them like butter. In all this madness, there was one Crusader who could stop this all...Luce. Luce stood infront of Nuvoloso."Darkness...Time to finish this. You and me..." At this moment Nuvoloso teleported behind Luce and tried to stab him but some kind of light shield was protecting him. Something equal to the darkness. Nuvoloso slashed and slashed again at Luce but the light shield kept deflecting his strikes. Nuvoloso the grabbed Luce and generated a large shadow blast sending Luce flying. Nuvoloso kept punching, kicking, and slashing at Luce. Nothing was effecting him. "You think the Light will protect you forever?" asked Nuvoloso. "No...just long enough." Four large shadow tentacles came out of the ground whirling trying to attack and grab Luce. Luce sliced 2 of them with his massive golden broad-sword, but the other two grabbed him. "Hmph...You really think you can defeat me?" Nuvoloso said while the pressure from the tentacles became stronger and stronger crushing Luce's bones and breaking his armour. Nuvoloso then flew up to Luce looking straight at him. "No light will be left behind when I'm done." Then Nuvoloso stabbed Luce right though the heart and let him go. Nuvoloso started to walk away while Luce started talking to himself. "Steílete af̱tó to skoteinó plásma mésa sto fo̱s." All of a sudden a large light pillar engulfed Luce making healing him enough to live for a short while, but still very weak. A large portal opened in front of Nuvoloso and sucked him into it. Before completely leaving he said "Darkness...lives." Luce being very weak from the battle grabbed Erebus who was also weakened and sent him to be beheaded. Shortly after that Luce died.

Chapter 3: Into the Future

2000 years have past and the civilization is long dead, and large concrete buildings blanket the land. Some ruins still exist but are very dangerous. There was a 3 teenagers walking through the forest when they laid there eyes upon a giant ruined temple. "Woah..." one of the teens said. "We should check this out, guys!" said the other teen. "Meh...I don't think so..." said the last one, a boy named Sol. "Aw come on Sol! There could be treasure or something inside of there!" said one of the teens. "O-okay then...I guess..." said the young boy. The walked up the stairs and walked down a large hallway, at the end...a throne, with a skeleton sitting on it, in that skeletons hand was crystal. The crystal. "Dude, do you see that? It's a crystal!" They all then ran up to it and they each dared each other to grab it. Then they made a decision. "Sol...you grab it." said one of the teens. "Uh...I guess." Sol then hesitated for a moment and then swiped the crystal out of the skeletons hand. He looked at the crystal, it started to glow, scared Sol dropped the crystal breaking it. "Great going!" said another teen. "Yeah great go-" at that moment one of the teens fell to the ground, dead. "Jacob? JACOB!?" said one of the teens. "Oh no...It's happening." said Sol. "W-what's happening Sol!? What's happening!?" trembled the teen. "Darkness....Overcast." said Sol. At that moment he pushed his friend away. "Run...just run." At that moment a flash of darkness came and pushed Sol against a wall. It was Nuvoloso...now known as Overcast. "You...I was waiting a long time for my freedom...you freed me...I'm grateful but not grateful enough to spare your life." At that point Nuvoloso tried to stab him but the same thing happened with Luce...A shield protecting him. "A descendant? Your great great grandfather imprisoned me in a different dimension for 2000 years. You know how long that's been? This universe would have been destroyed by now..."

He threw Sol across the ruins and flew up into the air "I have no time for you now...I have to...catch up." then vanished. He reappeared in front of a dark dreary part of the town...Hidden in the shadows, where he spent all of his time. He saw a man...a man in a grey suit and a fedora beating up these thugs inside of a bar. "Humans..." muttered Overcast. He vanished again. He saw something...something he needed.

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