Royal Blade (Full Version)

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Balu -> Royal Blade (6/18/2011 17:16:57)

Royal Blade

Also see Guardian Royal Blade

Level: 18
Power Level: 48
Price: 750 Z-tokens, 525 Z-tokens (discounted)
Sellback: 675 Z-tokens for the first 48H, then 375; 472 Z-tokens for the first 48H, then 262 (discounted)
Location: Limited Time Shop The Return of Awethur!

Type: Melee
Element: Light
Damage: 8-26
BTH: 6

Hits: 2
Type: Magic
Element: Light
Damage: 320% Base and Random each
Stats: 208.5% Lucky Strike Damage each
BTH: 20
Rate: 20%

This blade is a copy of the one used by King Awethur himself! Discounted for a Limited Time!

Numbers thanks to Dev, image thanks to AVA, element and description thanks to bszoke88, write-up thanks to Mystical Warrior and AVA. Corrections thanks to GASKAL and Khimera

Balu -> RE: Royal Blade (6/18/2011 17:17:56)

Royal Blade

Also see Guardian Royal Blade

Level: 38
Power Level: 59
Price: 1350 Z-tokens, 945 Z-tokens (discounted)
Sellback: 1215 Z-tokens for the first 48H, then 675; 850 Z-tokens for the first 48H, then 472 (discounted)
Location: Limited Time Shop The Return of Awethur!

Type: Melee
Element: Light
Damage: 9-28
BTH: 7

Hits: 2
Type: Magic
Element: Light
Damage: 380% Base and Random each
Stats: 244.5% Lucky Strike Damage each
BTH: 25
Rate: 20%

This blade is a copy of the one used by King Awethur himself! Discounted for a Limited Time!

Numbers thanks to Dev, image thanks to AVA, element and description thanks to bszoke88, write-up thanks to Mystical Warrior and AVA. Corrections thanks to GASKAL and Khimera

Balu -> RE: Royal Blade (6/18/2011 17:18:22)

Royal Blade

Also see Guardian Royal Blade

Level: 58
Power Level: 72
Price: 2600 Z-tokens, 1820 Z-tokens (discounted)
Sellback: 2340 Z-tokens for the first 48H, then 1300; 1638 Z-tokens for the first 48H, then 910 (discounted)
Location: Limited Time Shop The Return of Awethur!

Type: Melee
Element: Light
Damage: 10-31
BTH: 9

Hits: 2
Type: Magic
Element: Light
Damage: 450% Base and Random each
Stats: 287.5% Lucky Strike Damage each
BTH: 31
Rate: 20%

This blade is a copy of the one used by King Awethur himself! Discounted for a Limited Time!

Numbers thanks to Dev, image thanks to AVA, element and description thanks to bszoke88, write-up thanks to Mystical Warrior and AVA. Corrections thanks to GASKAL and Khimera

Balu -> RE: Royal Blade (6/18/2011 17:18:56)

Royal Blade

Also see Guardian Royal Blade

Level: 78
Power Level: 88
Price: 6000 Z-tokens, 4200 Z-tokens (discounted)
Sellback: 5400 Z-tokens for the first 48H, then 3000; 3780 Z-tokens for the first 48H, then 2100 (discounted)
Location: Limited Time Shop The Return of Awethur!

Type: Melee
Element: Light
Damage: 12-34
BTH: 11

Hits: 2
Type: Magic
Element: Light
Damage: 531% Base and Random each
Stats: 340.5% Lucky Strike Damage each
BTH: 38
Rate: 20%

This blade is a copy of the one used by King Awethur himself! Discounted for a Limited Time!

Numbers thanks to Dev, image thanks to AVA, element and description thanks to bszoke88, write-up thanks to Mystical Warrior and AVA. Corrections thanks to GASKAL and Khimera

Balu -> RE: Royal Blade (6/18/2011 17:19:15)

Royal Blade

Also see Guardian Royal Blade

Level: 98
Power Level: 108
Price: 8000 Z-tokens, 5600 Z-tokens (discounted)
Sellback: 7200 Z-tokens for the first 48H, then 4000; 5040 Z-tokens for the first 48H, then 2800 (discounted)
Location: Limited Time Shop The Return of Awethur!

Type: Melee
Element: Light
Damage: 13-39
BTH: 14

Hits: 2
Type: Magic
Element: Light
Damage: 618% Base and Random each
Stats: 406.5% Lucky Strike Damage each
BTH: 45
Rate: 20%

This blade is a copy of the one used by King Awethur himself! Discounted for a Limited Time!

Numbers thanks to Dev, image thanks to AVA, element and description thanks to bszoke88, write-up thanks to Mystical Warrior and AVA. Corrections thanks to GASKAL and Khimera

Balu -> RE: Royal Blade (6/18/2011 17:19:36)

Royal Blade

Also see Guardian Royal Blade

Level: 118
Power Level: 128
Price: 9800 Z-tokens, 6860 Z-tokens (discounted)
Sellback: 8820 Z-tokens for the first 48H, then 4900; 6174 Z-tokens for the first 48H, then 3430 (discounted)
Location: Limited Time Shop The Return of Awethur!

Type: Melee
Element: Light
Damage: 14-43
BTH: 16

Hits: 2
Type: Magic
Element: Light
Damage: 682.5% Base and Random each
Stats: 472.5% Lucky Strike Damage each
BTH: 51
Rate: 20%

This blade is a copy of the one used by King Awethur himself! Discounted for a Limited Time!

Numbers thanks to Dev, image thanks to AVA, element and description thanks to bszoke88, write-up thanks to Mystical Warrior and AVA. Corrections thanks to GASKAL and Khimera

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