Funniest moment in ED. (Full Version)

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xxmirxx -> Funniest moment in ED. (7/12/2011 3:12:39)

My was in beta times I use to go around tell varium players press F5. If you want crit me I would say its bug. They would actually do it goods times. So whats yours?

Silver Sky Magician -> RE: Funniest moment in ED. (7/12/2011 3:16:00)

Opponent: Want free varium?
Me: yes
Opponent: Press f 5
Me: Pressed
Me: Got free varium, thanks!
Opponent: [KO] lol

Fatal Impact -> RE: Funniest moment in ED. (7/12/2011 3:16:07)

I like doing pushups in my banana suit. lol

DillBagel -> RE: Funniest moment in ED. (7/12/2011 3:22:21)

I think my favorite moment was when Titan posted "From WAAAAAY down town. BOOM SHACKA LACKA!" (You'd need the rest of the topic for it to make a lot of sense.

elm street -> RE: Funniest moment in ED. (7/12/2011 3:24:06)

shrinking the hazard npc, idk y it just made me laugh so hard [:D]

DillBagel -> RE: Funniest moment in ED. (7/12/2011 3:27:31)

^That was actually hilarious. He just became so small and cuddly. xD It's good to curse him just before you kill him. Then he lies on the ground like some new kind of stuffed animal debuting as a Nintendo character.

Shadow Jester -> RE: Funniest moment in ED. (7/12/2011 4:33:34)

That was funny. I still like to think about that thread. :D

Nehal007 -> RE: Funniest moment in ED. (7/12/2011 4:39:40)

when i on against 30 n iws lvl 28 uring beta tyms n he said tht i ws lucky ;D

forums lol -> RE: Funniest moment in ED. (7/12/2011 5:25:36)

When I was talking to one of my buddies while battling, I fought a spammer. I got past tgem and asked my buddy what I should do next time. He said say random stuff like "I like cookies", so when I fought another spammer, he told me to say I like cookies. I didn't realize I was saying that to my buddy, not the spammer. It was so funny when he started yelling at me: "SAY IT TO THE SPAMMER NOT ME".

T29060 -> RE: Funniest moment in ED. (7/12/2011 6:21:29)

When I lost against a lvl 1 that was the same class as me when i was lvl 5...

Fay Beeee -> RE: Funniest moment in ED. (7/12/2011 6:24:50)

While I was lower and trying builds, I changed from claws to sword.

Got really annoyed that my mass didnt work. Posted it as a bug. lol

How nooby was that LOL

I will post this in the fail one too.:)

Wind -> RE: Funniest moment in ED. (7/12/2011 6:27:29)

When i just first started in beta, i was like level 5 and i saw this other founder dude retraining. So i then added him and PMed him saying "Are you hacking?" and he said "no you idiot i'm retraining, go and try it at Oz" lol my nooby days [8D]

Drianx -> RE: Funniest moment in ED. (7/12/2011 6:29:36)

I am always amused by retards; here is an example - him, many levels below me, non varium, noobish look; I was wearing frostbane.

Him: wher buy that wepon
Me: you can't, it is rare now
Him: ok wher
Me: I just told you, it is rare
Him: ok wher
Me: dude I told you, it is a christmas rare!!!
Him: ok wher
Me: titan
Him: ok thanks you

MrBones -> RE: Funniest moment in ED. (7/12/2011 7:27:28)

I wrote an email to complain that people were leveling really fast...

I later learned that it was called training.

goldslayer1 -> RE: Funniest moment in ED. (7/12/2011 7:31:26)

@mr bones
LOL ikr
on the first day of epicduel merger with AE, in the 1st hours i started playing i saw people lvls going up like crazy
i was like "OMG U HACK!!!!"
i was like lvl 8 when i saw that lmao

Remorse -> RE: Funniest moment in ED. (7/12/2011 7:44:37)

I almost had a heart attack when I thought i reset my character to level 1 and had to start all over agian... :P then i relised i could train everything back up to my current level :S. What happned to you guys when you first clicked Traning lol. I thought training ment get more stats or something.

MrBones -> RE: Funniest moment in ED. (7/12/2011 7:52:34)

@Remorse: lol yeah i got pretty scared too.. I was about level 25 ish when i tryied it....

king julian -> RE: Funniest moment in ED. (7/12/2011 7:56:58)

saying potato everyday.

T29060 -> RE: Funniest moment in ED. (7/12/2011 7:59:19)

It was funny when i retrained... A noob said look its a hacker. Then i think he reported me. Every1 else was like noob...
When i first retrained i was like lvl 5. I was thinking it was so hard to lvl up. And when i got back to lvl 1 i thought that i was gonna faint or sumthin.

Snaipera -> RE: Funniest moment in ED. (7/12/2011 9:36:25)

I'd say ED ain't fun for me any more . But the moment that was truly most fun for me would have to be when I saw the holiday cleaver back in December 09 . All those Christmas lights on a lamp post made me lol [:)]

Chosen 0ne -> RE: Funniest moment in ED. (7/12/2011 9:59:04)

I made a big deal about this person retraining, i thought he was hacking.... i was basicly yelling in caps untill he read 14,


Then some other noob told me it was retraining, i didnt understand, i didnt think it would reset you back to lvl 1. I thought ot would add as much lvl's as you did. (If you were lvl 5, and retrained, it would let you go to lvl 10 etc.

My fave time was when their was a flee button in 1v1 and 2v2. They soon got rid of it. I know i abused it for free wins lmao. Anybody else???

I feel like sending a P.M> to all the mods saying that people at Oz are leveling up like crazy and their hacking, just so they can take tie out of their lives explaining what they are doing. :P[:D]

The UnleaShedWolfZ -> RE: Funniest moment in ED. (7/12/2011 10:06:08)

H3h3 , same as :

I almost had a heart attack when I thought i reset my character to level 1 and had to start all over agian... :P


i was like "OMG YOU HACK!!!!"

Those 2 things.

The 3rd Funny thing is that I was dying to get to lvl 13 or 16 i forgot , to get plasma claws from oz and i didnt need them cz i smoke "bh" and when i got credits after 2 weeks of pain , i thought that my character is weak cz when my friend smoke he do more dmg and when i smoke "energy clawz" i keep it like a dumb :P and whatsmore ! is that i had a zooka , a famous one for noobs that have phy/ene types and the blue one was with me and i though i would put more technology to get more dmg and i get it vs a merc lets say but.. when i go vs a tech mage i do a low dmg so i was like "THAT'S IT!" and got the red one "phys" cz its red and red is more epic than blue..

:3 :3 :3

goldslayer1 -> RE: Funniest moment in ED. (7/12/2011 10:06:20)

fun fact
did u know u can have 293 technology?
and if ur smoke is maxxed out with that much tech, u smoke 79 dex ;)

Chosen 0ne -> RE: Funniest moment in ED. (7/12/2011 10:08:47)

^Tech strength build lol

The UnleaShedWolfZ -> RE: Funniest moment in ED. (7/12/2011 10:13:49)

200+ tech :O
man i was lvl 16 wtf :P

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