RE: =ED= Balance Discussions (Full Version)

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frogbones -> RE: =ED= Balance Discussions (8/11/2011 0:48:27)

Based on the info that Hunter' multishot will scale by 4 instead of 5, will it become useful? I have a CH with 111 Dex. Right now, his level 1 Multi (which improves with dex) is 39 damage. At level 7 it is 55, and at max it is 58.

According to my calculations, after the new release, his level 1 will do 45, level 7 will do 61, and at max it will 64. Basically I'll get 6 more damage after the release.

So, what do you think? Will 6 more damage (again, based on having 111 dex), make the Hunters' Multishot worth using?

bluerain28 -> RE: =ED= Balance Discussions (8/11/2011 1:09:13)

@Isiaia and Frogbones

Ashari has my point. if its luck and its luck. Even if you have a stat of 0 Support still you can crit [:D] [So you can't fixed the luck thing, it's random]

About Hybrid. That's a special skill for Mercs and TacMercs. They should stay as it should be. That's what mercs are suppose to be. A defensive strong Mercenary while a BH is a swift and killer dodge moves and Mages has a powerfull casting spells yet low def.

It really depends on skills, enhancements and luck heheh. Lets just wait for the update coming this friday and post here if any problems will occur.

aqwshadowking14 -> RE: =ED= Balance Discussions (8/11/2011 1:18:43)


That is true that Hybrid Armor is a special skill for TLMs, but SA and BL is a special skill for BHs and it still got nerfed. Special or not, it still needs to be weakened.

voidance -> RE: =ED= Balance Discussions (8/11/2011 1:20:32)

They should swap it around on the skill tree. Make it a level 10 skill so it can't be abused at those lower levels.

aqwshadowking14 -> RE: =ED= Balance Discussions (8/11/2011 1:48:26)


Yea, Hybrid is extremely OP at low levels, the other 2 classes can do anything to stop Hybrid.

redxtra -> RE: =ED= Balance Discussions (8/11/2011 2:20:37)

ok heres my view on things.

focus should give you an extra 3 stat points for each focus lvl. this will make it so then focus is more encouraged.

hybrid armor
hybrid armor should be either nerfed by bringing it down to 10 def points or moved to 4 tier since it is one of the most oped skills.

static charge
static charge should act like blood lust seeing that BH and CH are opposites. or give CH reroute.

TLM shouldnt have technician i mean they have hybrid armor in which they could switch back and forth.

varium vs. credits
make it so then that if you dont have varium u have to pay 150% more of the credit price(ex: 10k credits 955 varium, creds only = 25k creds) so then non variums can get weapons they want aswell

*Nova* -> RE: =ED= Balance Discussions (8/11/2011 3:03:15)

Hybrid Armor has already been nerfed once before.

And it is not as OP as you think. It may be a little OP for TLMs but regular Mercs need it.

ArtixRadinGod -> RE: =ED= Balance Discussions (8/11/2011 3:17:29)

I personally think hybrid shouldn't be touched. Especially if you turn it into percentages. It will be difficult to tell when I'll be getting a boost and if my armor will count with it (the +9) and the +1 from 95HP. Furthermore that would put the actual decent builds for TLM like myself at a lose even more so. I think the issue is working with the str builds a lone, not how our hybrid functions. And if it's reduced to a brutal 22% might as well role over and die. 40% is fine, but 22%... come on.... Use your head. 22% of 30 defense... you might as well get rid of hybrid at that rate. 40% is okay, but I just think we should keep it simple. Hybrid already has been lowered once, leave it a lone. It's not over powered at all. It's pretty much the only thing normal merchs got going for them. Weaken that and they would just be crushed. TLM need it to keep the damage reflection vs re route in check.

Focus could use some incentive again too! That would be lovely. Right now it's only useful for bot users... why not keep the bot bonuses and bring back the 1 extra point it gave us on each up to five? I liked that. Then it incorporated none bot users too.

bluerain28 -> RE: =ED= Balance Discussions (8/11/2011 5:58:13)


yes it got nerfed because as we can see that Block > Def/Res. [no dmg > less dmg]

We can still kill a merc and tacmerc with hybrid but we cant kill a bh full of blocks [:D]

Why now complain about hybrid? Why not complain where it was created? Hybrid is the only passive of Merc and Tac[:D]

It matters on the gears and enchancements that should be looked into. Of course don't forget about luck heheh.

PenyihiR -> RE: =ED= Balance Discussions (8/11/2011 6:18:35)

Remove Hybrid From TLM..,n change it with other.,
it will make TLM not oped again.

IsaiahtheMage -> RE: =ED= Balance Discussions (8/11/2011 10:29:59)

As I thought now people are making suggestions to destroy TLM and Mercs. Guys. Hybrid Armor is Mercs only passive and only defence. Most Mercs have to use Hybrid Armor for defence and use a energy armor for resistence. Realize. Mercs have no way to improve their defences without Hybrid. It has already been nerfed before. I mean seriously 30 or 40% of 19-23 def and 21-26 res. You should just destroy Hybrid Armor then. It use to be 13 def/res points now its just 12. Now people are suggestion bringing it to 10? That just seems like ideas to kill off Mercs to me.

Now for TLM. Most TLM use to be Mercs. Meaning most of still use the same way of defences. We rely of Hybrid Armor for def and Energy Armors for res. You cant just destroy it. Then we have no way to increase our def then. Besides no one wants to use a turn to get some def or dex from def matrix and reflex boost. That will only last 3-4 turns. Our builds where built around Hybrid Armor you cant just destroy it. Hybrid Armor is NOT Oped. Not at all. Not when BH,TM,and BM have 2 passives. Sure we have reroute. But you dont get much energy back if you have big defences.

goldslayer1 -> RE: =ED= Balance Discussions (8/11/2011 10:35:13)

people seem to be forgetting that hybrid armor use to be iron skin back in alpha
so it did get a huge nerf back then
i believe iron skin gave 26 points to defense. then they made hybrid which gave 13. and then they nerfed that too and made it 12.

also for what type of balance discussion is this?
theres several types of balances, weapons, skills, class, battle modes, lvl balances, crits/deflects/blocks factors balances.
are all of these categories going to be crammed into one thread?

Stabilis -> RE: =ED= Balance Discussions (8/11/2011 10:49:50)

As an advanced class, TaMe gets 2 good passives which would be the reroute and hybrid armour skills. Those skills pretty much demand that the player would be a tank or have high health since most TaMes use both skills. To make the class more tactical than mercenary, one of those skills has to go.

I suggest replacing reroute with: Deadly aim, bunker buster, multi-shot, or stun grenade.

I suggest replacing hybrid armour with: Defense matrix, reflex boost, a skill that boosts support, a skill that lowers support, field commander, or shadow arts.

TurkishIncubus -> RE: =ED= Balance Discussions (8/11/2011 11:15:00)

Game is balanced everybody can win anyone , luck is balancing the game.

bluerain28 -> RE: =ED= Balance Discussions (8/11/2011 11:15:06)

Yeah it was the Iron Skin back then. As far as my experience being a TacMerc. TacMerc isnt op. If we talk balance we should not focus on 1 Class. O_O It seems all complains are from TLM [:D]

edwardvulture -> RE: =ED= Balance Discussions (8/11/2011 11:55:10)

For the best passives, TLM had to lose variety and you can't really be much creative in that class. most builds have hybrid at max and level 7+ reroute.

Remorse -> RE: =ED= Balance Discussions (8/11/2011 12:09:34)

What! why cant we complain about luck..
Why cant we post that it's messed up when clearly it is...
Anyone who is lvl 33 knows that luck factors in this game is too infulential.

And about it evening out.... It doesnt if your a good player you dont reily on luck to win therefore the only thing stopping you is a highly likely 5 blocks per game or a common 2-3 crits per game. It is ridiculors especialy the power of crit! 75%!! wat do they wanna destroy all strategy or something.

Im not saying luck Isnt needed but IT DEFIANTEY NEEDS to be lowered frequency and effect wise.

Delete this if you won't IDC but i didnt say anything about how MY bad luck is killing me rather sugesting it's mest up..

bluerain28 -> RE: =ED= Balance Discussions (8/11/2011 12:20:41)


As we said. There is no code for luck. It's random. They can lower the crit % . Not luck

Remorse -> RE: =ED= Balance Discussions (8/11/2011 12:22:59)

Im pretty sure you can lower miniumum and maximum chances etc.

Infact I know they can as the have done this many times. What they have failed to do is lower it to a suitable level.

frogbones -> RE: =ED= Balance Discussions (8/11/2011 12:32:06)

@ Remorse: Rain and others don't get it. They simply refuse to understand what you/we are saying about luck, instead they choose to play a silly game of semantics. Don't waste your time, lol.

The Galin Killer -> RE: =ED= Balance Discussions (8/11/2011 12:37:15)

Lowering chances...wouldn't that make SA even more powerful? It would nerf support builds as well, due to a lower crit chance, but Bounties with max, or even about 8 SA, along with high dex would become more troublesome. I don't know much about ED's formulas, so excuse me if I'm wrong. And yes, I am looking into the formulas a bit more. I'm all for it though.

IsaiahtheMage -> RE: =ED= Balance Discussions (8/11/2011 12:37:52)

@Mirage and Remose Agreed. Luck(A.K.A RNG) is a clear problem.

@bluerain28 Again you can always eitheir lower the chances or lower their effectiveness. I mean 75% def/res ignore?! That is just insane.

Here is some of my other balance suggestions.

Strenght = Same.
Technology = Improve by every 4 points. Improves deflection chance. Deflection reduces damage by 50%.
Dexterity = Improves by every 4 points. Improves guard chance. Guard reduces damage by 50%.
Support = Improves by every 4 points. Improves first strike,critical strike chance,reduces stun chance and improves rage rate. Critical Strike ignores 40% of defence.

This will help balance out luck factors.

Remorse -> RE: =ED= Balance Discussions (8/11/2011 12:49:40)


Not bad :)

@The Galin Killer.

First off what....
How on earth would reducing blocks make SA more powerful... YOU REDUCING THEM !! Sure SA is anoying And I always though it should have been changed as I have sugested a million times eg. SA blocks % should not add to the minumum % rather cancel out if The dex gap between players is really high.

Nerf support build, Yes they need it , support build dont need to reily on luck thats a bonus they get for being cheap..
Good effective sup builds beat people without luck and if they get too much of an advatge with luck then YES they should be nerfed in that sence.

IsaiahtheMage -> RE: =ED= Balance Discussions (8/11/2011 12:52:12)

@Remorse I usually hate nerfs. But seriously who wants to get beaten by someone who just spams support? Support should not be that powerful luck needs to be balanced.

One Winged Angel1357 -> RE: =ED= Balance Discussions (8/11/2011 12:53:52)

What to discuss first the Gap whoops not allowed
how about RNG wait again not allowed
So what does that leave us with stat abuse and the class pyramid im sorry you cant force all Balance into one type and at the same time make two major issues of balance black listed for discussion

But if we must once we finsih up leveling out the Evo classes which it seems will be done friday if we get a balance update we will need to give a little boost to Starter classes becuase from what i understand Evo's will be buffed to TLM power which leaves standard classes at ground Zero and to give them a fighting chance they will need some more juice

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