=ED= August 19th Status Update (Full Version)

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Ashari -> =ED= August 19th Status Update (8/19/2011 20:48:19)


August 19, 2011
Status Report
Another week gone by, another week of battling the recent animation lag that was introduced by the latest Flash Player update. After talking with Adobe and many other programmers, Titan was finally able to make headway in fixing the damage. The problem is the fix is very time consuming and will involve a massive overhaul of some critical components, which is why we didn't feel confident in updating this Friday. With some luck and a few long nights and early mornings, we'll be back on track for another update next week.

Problems like these are about as fun to solve as they are for you to endure, so we appreciate your patience as we deal with them as quickly as possible.

Old Fortune City

Many years before the war, Fortune City was a small mining colony that quickly grew as work of the Varium boom spread across the galaxy...perhaps too quickly. Unregulated mining created a massive sinkhole that caused the entire colony to collapse beneath the surface of Delta V, burying thousands of miners and their families with it.

Far below the bustling metropolis of its predecessor, the colony now exists as Old Fortune City, a terrifying reminder of the callous excess of Baelius' reign.


Since it exists outside of the patrols of Legion guards, Old Fortune City is also contains a heavy concentration of Exiles. It's rumored that the Exile leader's base is deep within the ruins, just below the home of his mortal enemy.

New Weapons!

Here's a taste of the new high level guns and bazookas (varium and credit only!) coming next week to EpicDuel! Look for them in the newly-opened Old Fortune City!


New ED Site!

We've been looking at the websites of competition and we feel it's time to step up our game. Charfade has been a busy bee painting this beautiful EpicDuel scene for our new website.



There were several items we hoped to include in this week's balance update, but due to time or oversight were not included. These changes will be included in an update next to *hopefully* address imbalances remaining among the new and original classes. Our testers have been battling relentlessly all week and coming up with a comprehensive list of ideas to make balance stronger than ever! Despite arguments to the contrary, we don't favor any one class, even if certain classes are easier than others. EpicDuel is at its best with a diverse assortment of opponents!

P.S. It doesn't do anyone any good to berate Cinderella if we miss our mark on updates. In many cases there are circumstances beyond our control that cause an update to be delayed, and it's hardly her fault. She's just going based on the information we can provide. Thanks for your understanding.

Tags: Nightwraith

I know this delay is a disappointment for everyone, but this is just a reminder that flaming the staff will not be tolerated in any form on this thread. If you disregard this, you will be punished. ~Ashari

pokepwner -> RE: =ED= August 19th Status Update (8/19/2011 20:49:41)

Aw, new weapons next week.[:(]

helloguy -> RE: =ED= August 19th Status Update (8/19/2011 20:50:42)


Womba -> RE: =ED= August 19th Status Update (8/19/2011 20:50:49)

I did not understand a single thing in the DN's, as I am too busy uber-staring at all the pretty previews. Especially of Old Fortune City. Looking forward to the Bazooka's.

jonas729 -> RE: =ED= August 19th Status Update (8/19/2011 20:51:04)

awwwwwwww..................... mannnnnnnnnn

wario the great -> RE: =ED= August 19th Status Update (8/19/2011 20:51:27)


soul sythe11 -> RE: =ED= August 19th Status Update (8/19/2011 20:52:25)

Why is this not surprising? Well, no huge loss anyway. Those items will probably pale in comparison to the current seasonal god items. Take your time, but do try to give later dates to these release anticipations. That way people don't get let down. Carry on.

Chosen 0ne -> RE: =ED= August 19th Status Update (8/19/2011 20:52:49)

Why cant you just update the weapons and backround, let the damage be the same for now, add the new features.

Bunshichi -> RE: =ED= August 19th Status Update (8/19/2011 20:53:08)

Never get your hopes up [:D]

Wraith -> RE: =ED= August 19th Status Update (8/19/2011 20:53:45)


Another delay.

But the weps look worth it :)

One Winged Angel1357 -> RE: =ED= August 19th Status Update (8/19/2011 20:55:06)

i prefer a nice full update every now and then to a so so halfway update every week so im chill with this

also i still think someone stole Biohazard's arm and turned it into an Aux

Epic Pwnser -> RE: =ED= August 19th Status Update (8/19/2011 20:55:23)

Hurray. Huge disappointment.

edwardvulture -> RE: =ED= August 19th Status Update (8/19/2011 20:55:25)

Oh well. Lol to those who thought that was a poster.

Redvader -> RE: =ED= August 19th Status Update (8/19/2011 20:57:35)

Idc that they arent being released sooner, I only care if they will be some sort of rare, does anyone have an idea on knowing if these new weapons are going to be rare?

Chosen 0ne -> RE: =ED= August 19th Status Update (8/19/2011 20:57:44)


If titan gets fired i quit.

CivicChaos -> RE: =ED= August 19th Status Update (8/19/2011 20:58:17)

So theres no update today?
And if so when is the new update gonna begin? Nxt week or mid-week?
Also what does it mean that it's (varuim and credit only!!!) =.= Does that mean no new free player guns/aux'es????
Bummer :/

Ashari -> RE: =ED= August 19th Status Update (8/19/2011 20:59:17)

@Chosen 0ne: It wasn't balance holding the release back this time (although I'm going to take advantage of this extra time to push for more changes anyway).

Titan went on an epic quest to deconstruct every nook and cranny of the game in order to find the problem causing the slowdown with the latest version of Flash. He did make progress, but with the game having bits and pieces of it removed, there was no way it was in a release-ready state. He had to take the time to do this, because Adobe isn't making any attempts at fixing the problem on their end.

One Winged Angel1357 -> RE: =ED= August 19th Status Update (8/19/2011 21:00:05)

@redvader it sounded like they would be perminant gear but i could be wrong

DunkThatOreo -> RE: =ED= August 19th Status Update (8/19/2011 21:01:17)

I feel alot better now after cursing my head off at titan :P Well I just feel dissapointed at the ED staff. They lie to our faces
and break promises. How much lower can they get :/

Chosen 0ne -> RE: =ED= August 19th Status Update (8/19/2011 21:01:28)


Thanks for responding :D

But still

Please don't use [image] tags in your post. Link to the image, or use the existing set of smilies ~Mecha.

Laces -> RE: =ED= August 19th Status Update (8/19/2011 21:01:33)

Lolol. Why is this not suprising. Nothing will ever go right for this game. Every update has one delay. How pathetic.

LoveyLips -> RE: =ED= August 19th Status Update (8/19/2011 21:02:52)

Omg another delay
Seriously? O_O

Epic Pwnser -> RE: =ED= August 19th Status Update (8/19/2011 21:03:14)

^Yeah awesome!

Still, what are we supposed to talk about....

The non-varium weapons better have good stats.

Please don't use [image] tags in your post. Link to the image, or use the existing set of smilies. ~Ashari

PivotalDisorder -> RE: =ED= August 19th Status Update (8/19/2011 21:03:44)

varium and credit only! means not limited, not rare or seasonal rare. just permanent :)

IsaiahtheMage -> RE: =ED= August 19th Status Update (8/19/2011 21:03:46)

Another update. Postponed again. Oh well. I am use to it now. Can you guys please stop giving us dates when you release things? That way we wont be disapointed when it goes postponed. Just say it should be released around X-X many days. Or around X date or so. That way we have less disapointed players. Thx. :)

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