RE: Gingkage's Scribbles (Full Version)

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Gingkage -> RE: Gingkage's Scribbles (3/24/2014 23:04:20)

Because I've just been so successful at juggling two stories and keeping them both updated, I decided to add a third. This will be interesting to watch.

Dwelling Dragonlord -> RE: Gingkage's Scribbles (3/25/2014 3:31:38)


The Lady Jaania, in her infinite wisdom, ordered all of the key-players in the rebellion, Kara, Svera, Niki, Mritha, Melissa and even the hero and their dragon whose praises were so long and loudly sung before their disappearance to be locked up in a cell in separate, high-security prisons instead of killed.

I believe Odgne deserves a special mention, unless she avoided capture?


Perhaps now these war-weary warriors would be able to live lives of peace.

There is something really off about this statement.

Well, it is an interesting start for sure. Not too sure if you'll be delving into the arguments the hero presented to Hansa and how she responded to them.

Gingkage -> RE: Gingkage's Scribbles (3/25/2014 10:56:48)

Going off of Mritha's story, Odgne is a very large and fully grown dragon. The hero's dragon... is not. That would make the hero's dragon easier to capture, so it can be safely assumed that Odgne managed to escape.

Besides, Mritha would murder me if I tried that. :P

Gingkage -> RE: Gingkage's Scribbles (3/25/2014 16:44:12)

So as often seems to be the case with me and new stories, the first couple chapters come quickly. A World Without Magic has another update. Hopefully since I intend for this to be a shorter story, the rest of the updates will come as fast.

Dwelling Dragonlord -> RE: Gingkage's Scribbles (3/25/2014 18:30:14)

Is that image of peace indoctrination or is it true?

True enough without magic there are less people conjuring up elementals or infernals, but does that automatically ease tensions between the nations and kingdoms? What of the dwarves? What about Odgne?

Gingkage -> RE: Gingkage's Scribbles (3/25/2014 18:55:20)

It's true enough. As far as people know. :P

As for Odgne, I actually chatted with Mritha about what she'd be doing if not captured. So the conclusion I came to, though it will not be actually in the story unless I do it as a sort of side entry (with Mritha's help all the way since Odgne is hers, or better yet, written by Mritha) is that she is underground in her human form (since Mritha said she has one) under the name of 'Engdo' forming an underground army with the intention of getting Mritha out of prison.

The problem Odgne is running into, however (aside from having to raise an army underground and the complications that that brings), is that the prisons that the key players in the fight for magic are unknown to the general public. The hero, at least, was well-loved and the fact that the child brought up the rumors about the hero's trial proves that there are still some people who believe in them. To keep rebellion from happening, all of the separate and high-security prisons are kept a secret. So Odgne knows that Mritha is somewhere, but information on the prisons would be hard to come by.

Edit: Okay. Let me explain my first sentence, because it does need a better explanation than a joking comment about how perhaps the people are just fooled into thinking that their lives are better. I do not believe that the Rose and their members are in and of themselves evil. I don't even feel that they're wrong. I think they're simply taking their beliefs in a misguided direction, the same way that Galanoth hates all dragons because of the actions of one. This means that I truly and honestly believe that the majority of the Rose members want a better life for Lorians once magic is eradicated. This means that, by and large, the quality of the lives of Lorians has, in fact, improved. They're leading more peaceful, and seemingly* happier lives.

That being said, life under the leadership of the Rose has gotten more difficult in other ways. Desire to ensure that magic does not have another chance to take roots in the hearts of men and keep them from wanting it to return, they would have gone to lengths to ensure that magic is not ever depicted in a good light. Alister's fear when his father was telling his ten year old granddaughter about the good that he had seen magic do was real and well-founded. It wasn't an idle concern, and he was truly worried about repercussions. So the answer to your question, Dwelling, is both. It is both true and indoctrination.

*This will come up later.

Gingkage -> RE: Gingkage's Scribbles (5/9/2014 20:37:18)

Another installment to "A World Without Magic" is up.

And I think I need to clarify something, since I don't think it'll come up in the story proper. The teacher said that the hero admitted in their trial that the hero had done all of those deeds, and fought for magic, so that they could still have people to save. A minor spoiler, but since everyone knows that that's not true, I think I'm safe in admitting that, no, the hero didn't say that. But everyone believes it for one simple reason: The best lies have some truth in them. The truth in this lie is that, yea, the evil things that the hero stopped were all fueled by magic. It's not that unbelievable that the hero realized that, with magic gone, they would no longer be needed and so needed to make sure magic remained. It's something that people might not necessarily want to believe, but it makes sense. Added to that is the fact that, once the hero was stopped and magic defeated, the problems went away. So now not only do people have a believable lie - the hero wanted magic to stay so that they could continue being heroic, they had evidence to support it - the hero is gone, and so are all the dangerous magical things.

And before anyone asks, no, that was not an intentional V for Vendetta reference, it just happened that way. But I like the slight parallel.

Dwelling Dragonlord -> RE: Gingkage's Scribbles (5/10/2014 5:26:12)

I looked it through and it looks good.

On the note of Odgne not knowing where Mritha is held. With the revelation that dragonlords and their dragons can communicate telepathically how does the Rose keep that information a secret from her?

Gingkage -> RE: Gingkage's Scribbles (5/10/2014 14:27:38)

Well, I kinda assume that's a magical thing, personally, and their prisons don't allow the use of mana.

Lia Arwen -> RE: Immeral, the Story of an Aura Reader-Discussion (8/3/2014 3:38:31)

Just finished The Truth Behind the Smile, and I like it! Well it was a bit creepy at the start and when Zarra was observing her victim, but as the story progresses it becomes more captivating by each paragraph, and I can't wait to see what happens next! [:)]
I think you protrayed how a person would be like if he/she was forced to become an assassin well!

And by the way...

I grin ferally at the site of my mark.

Is that a typo?

Gingkage -> RE: Gingkage's Scribbles (8/29/2014 2:21:53)

A World Without Magic has a couple new updates. One is, obviously, the new chapter. The other is a more minor update. Reading back to double check something I'd written, I saw that I gave Alieas and Marcas's fathers the same name. So Alieas's father is now named 'Barras.'

@Lia: Glad you liked my assassin story. And, yes, that's a typo. I'll go fix that right away and I'm sorry I didn't see your post until just now.

Dwelling Dragonlord -> RE: Gingkage's Scribbles (9/16/2014 5:42:30)

@Ginkage: Something I've been wondering about, but how can the rebels remain hidden still if the Rose has Oculus magic which can find magic users, magical items and magical beings alike?

Gingkage -> RE: Gingkage's Scribbles (9/16/2014 6:48:41)

Well, magic is, as far as people know, gone.

Actually, the honest answer is I forgot about that. But it does make sense since the premise of the story is that magic has been... 'sealed' is the best way to phrase it. It's not actually gone or destroyed like the Rose and other people believe, it's just inaccessible. So things like the Oculus magic would also be inaccessible.

Gingkage -> RE: Gingkage's Scribbles (1/6/2015 18:54:57)

So, I hope to have all of my L&L's finished by end of the year. Yay, resolutions made six days late! To that end, World Without Magic has a new update. And this one requires some explanations.

I know that music is not technically magic. Not as the game defines it (Bard classes don't exist in DF, but that's magic being used through music, and not music being magical in and of itself even if they did, though that's irrelevant because they don't). But it's been my belief for years that music is the most powerful form of magic. Music, even more than writing (which I also believe to be a type of magic) can bring us to feel so many things. A song can bring us to dance, or bring us to tears. I've even heard that Rite of Spring, when it was first played, drove people to riot. The same song, depending on the mood of the listener, can make a person feel different things. I personally have been comforted by a song that has brought me close to tears. Is it, technically, magic? No. But I wouldn't say it's not magic, either.

When I started this story, I was prepared to eventually paint the Rose as the evil people they really are. Then I actually started writing and came to a few realizations. One, I can argue for anything, even the Rose not being evil. Two, that in order to write something that was actually decent, to do the story justice, I had to be open minded about what I was writing on. I had to have a sympathetic outlook towards the Rose. The story demanded it.

So to that end, I read dialogue of characters. Starting with Jaania. She's very passionate about the harm magic has done, yes. But not once does she say she wants to destroy it. To me, at least, her dialogue reads more as her being determined to do whatever it took to stop corrupt magic users, not destroy magic in its entirety (which makes more sense for a mage to think, anyway in my opinion).

Then I did some more thinking. Yes, we've seen a lot of the ugly side of the Rose. But we've also seen people who are good and genuinely seem to believe they're doing the right thing. I think that as an organization, the Rose is made up of different types of people. You have people who want to help others, and think that stopping magic is the right way to do it. And then you have people who are simply bullies and are using the power the Rose brings them to put others down, and the authority the uniform has to get away with it. Then there seems to be a third type of member. The type that, from what we've seen at least, is just plain evil.

On the flip side, we have Kara's resistance. So far, all the people we've seen in it have been good. Wanting to stop the Evil Rose from destroying magic. Realistically, that can't be all there is to their members. We've never seen them, but I think that there have to be some people who are corrupt. Who are as bad as Akanthus or Z. Personally, I hope that there are people like that, and that we'll get to see them. If the Rose and the Resistance are two sides of a coin, and the Rose has good and bad members, then the Resistance group has to have the same variety.

Just my two cents on this.

Dwelling Dragonlord -> RE: Gingkage's Scribbles (1/7/2015 16:13:42)

A very nice chapter, it was pretty hard for me to read and not because it was bad. Quite the opposite in fact.


Personally, I hope that there are people like that, and that we'll get to see them.

I think there are, though they may be part of a different resistance. From what we've seen there are multiple factions of rebels just looking at the Vind and the Shears' rebels. Bad rebels I was interested in myself were the forces of Sek-Duat and one could argue that the cultists are also rebels, though I do not see them collaborating with the Vind or Leon's forces anytime soon.

Gingkage -> RE: Gingkage's Scribbles (1/7/2015 19:03:55)

Glad you enjoyed it, Dwelling. Though I'm sorry it was hard for you to read. Hadn't intended it.

*facepalm* Should have thought to ask earlier. Was the difficulty in reading a flaw of the writing (a poorly written sentence, a paragraph that makes sense to me because I know what I'm trying to say but doesn't to a reader)? Something I didn't explain well in the story itself that could have been handled better? Or does the difficulty come from a source not directly related to the story itself and therefor isn't exactly something I can fix?

Dwelling Dragonlord -> RE: Gingkage's Scribbles (1/8/2015 12:09:39)

I thought I was clear when I said that it wasn't because it was bad, but no it is not exactly something you can fix nor NEED to fix.

This is


Avatar: The Last Airbender analogy now follows.

Zuko betraying his uncle at the end of Book 2 hard to watch.

Gingkage -> RE: Gingkage's Scribbles (1/8/2015 12:37:44)

'Not bad' doesn't mean 'not something that could be written better.' But I'm glad that it's not something that I did wrong, and instead more something I did right.

Gingkage -> RE: Gingkage's Scribbles (9/30/2015 0:17:29)

World Without Magic is officially done. Sorry if the ending feels a bit abrupt. I haven't had much practice with writing endings so I'm not very good with them yet. I'll get there.

Though I suppose the ending should be explained a bit since the beginning made it seem like it was going to go another route. I'd initially planned on the story ending in a different way. There was going to be an eventual confrontation between the Rose and the Resistance groups and magic was going to return and everything would get better.

Given that I'm really bad at action scenes, it's probably a good thing that didn't happen, come to think of it.

Still, I realized as I was writing this story that the purpose of it wasn't to bring magic back in an epic clash of "good" vs. "evil." This was a story about choice, and a bit of a character study I suppose. Both Marcas and Aileas had to make their own choices with the information they had available to them. They had to look at everything they could find on what happened between the two original groups as well as what the current groups are doing and, basing their final decisions on that information, make the choice that they felt was best. Neither is right, and neither is wrong, and that was what the story was meant to be from the beginning and I completely missed that at first and apologize if that harms the story in any way.

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