(HS) Star Screamers Back story (Full Version)

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star screamer -> (HS) Star Screamers Back story (9/8/2011 23:53:00)


Born during the first world war I grew up to fight
in the second war, my name was Stephen Fear
until I was shot by a laser created by my enemies

I was an orphan who lost
my mother on Christmas making me hate the
holiday forever, that day something snapped,
I had an urge to kill, making me the perfect soldier,
maybe a little too perfect.

After the war ended I then
confronted CERBERUS and was captured and held captive
until 1965. There I fought viciously destroying those who
got in my way. Then I was evil, when I tried to turn
good, I got hit by a meteorite giving me the name
Star Screamer, which is the name of the watcher,
guardian or destroyer of worlds.

After I died, I learned that
my dad was Satan, and he said he would give me my life back
if I worked for him. In the end I thought, I killed so many by
my self without a life so why ruin it! After the long years
I met many allies, and enemies.

It is now 2011 and I am working for a man named Clown the Jester,
he is one of the most chaotic minds I have ever seen!
It will be so fun working for chaos, can't wait for the carnival to
make a mark on the world!

star screamer -> RE: (HS) Star Screamers Back story (10/4/2011 20:24:27)

Chapter 1: Nothing like the old days.

The year was 1941, I was 38 years old, and got a job as a doctor in Super city Asylum.
There was a knock at my office door. A strange man emerged from the door, he had a
pistol in his pocket and five stars on his helmet. He had a big booming voice that echoed through
"You have been picked to serve your country as a soldier in the world war, we will be fighting alongside the British
against the German troops in Holland."
"I am honored good sir, but these patients, they need me! If I live now and another takes my place, all of
my progress with them will be ruined!"
"I am sorry to say, but perhaps I am unclear, you do not have a choice."
The man had eyes like a hawk, as I was grabbing for the door, he grabbed my hand and smashed the
lock. I was planning on buying time by locking the door then jumping out the window, if I was correct, the fall
wouldn't had killed me and none of my bones would be fractured.

I was sent to some sort of training grounds, I quickly became friends with a man named Gregory Krone, he
moved from Australia years ago and now serves under the Canadian forces.
"So, I'm going to guess you're a gambler..." I said trying to start a conversation.
"How can you tell?" he asked sarcastically.
"I know you were being sarcastic, but to answer you question, you have an ace of spades in your sleeve and
a picture of a dice on the back of that wallet you are holding."
"How did you know there is a card on the inside of my sleeve?"
"There is a bulge shaped like a flat rectangle stacking out, and why did you bring cards, hope to earn some money
from those who play fair?"
"You know what, when I actually play I don't even need to use it, I guess it's luck that I almost always win."
"There is no such thing as luck, well unless your saying: Oh your so lucky, I have been asking my mom for that
for months!"
"Your funny, kid. What's your name?"
"Stephen Fear, formally doctor Fear."
"You know what, I heard you attempted to escape being drafted."
"Yup, ever since my mom died I haven't been obeying the law or the right to serve my country,
yet I still get a job as a mental doctor!"
The bell rang telling us to go back to the simulator, which really is us shooting pictures of

"Target spotted." said a robotic voice.
"You sure," asked a raspy man.
"Yes, you have programmed me to find him, and that's him!"
The robot scanned the area.
"Just a bunch of humans and their guns, should I take him out?"
"No, it is too early in his time stream. Just make sure he makes it after Hitler "kills himself" got it?"
"Affirmative. How much longer is that?"
"In time, you will hear on the radio, now he is just mortal, he needs to see what we give him before he dies."

One year later....
"Can't believe it, Greg, we are finally going out to war..."
"You sound sad, yet happy, how?"
"It's something my patients rubbed on me."
"But why are you sad?"
"Well before I left, I was on my latest patient, he had no name, no identification, all he said was
that I would amount to great things."
"What did you call him if he had no name?"
"We called him Clown, Clown the jester...."
"THE CLOWN THE JESTER!" said a different voice, "But he shouldn't be in this timeline!"
"Huh? What are you talking about?" I asked him.
"Hi, my name is Randrie and we are all in terrible danger!"
"From who?"
"I can not tell you that!"
"And what the 'ell kind of name is Randrie anyway?" Greg asked.
"What kind of name is Gregen?"
"Excuse me?" he asked.
"Anyways, have you heard of the legend of the Star Screamer?"
"Yes of course, he was origianally a powerful watcher, then he died, getting replaced by the one who actually gave them the name the Star
"Yes, but the legend continues, and I am the new Star Screamer!"
"HAHAHA! Right!" Greg laughed.
"You may not believe me now but, later you will see!"
"But wait!" I stopped him, "Wasn't the last Star Screamer a murderer?"
"Yes and he is being held for his crimes on my planet!"
"But I must warn you, CERBERUS and Clown both want you!"
"Watch for CERBERUS, learn to hate 'em, and stay away from 1fire!"
He said as he faded, we were left so confused and astonished.
"Who was that?" Greg asked.
"Apparently Star Screamer!" I replied.

star screamer -> RE: (HS) Star Screamers Back story (11/3/2011 17:08:50)

Chapter 2: When a good man turns insane

*1943 June sixth D-Day
While most of the Allies were fighting in Normandy, a special ops team
was sent to go behind enemy lines to meet this group of people who
were the main suppliers of the Nazi forces.
"Hey Fear," started Greg.
"Yes?" I answered.
"Look who the supplier is..."
It was CERBERUS, the team that the Randrie guy warned us about.
"That can't be good..."

It was four hours later when they got to the factory that CERBERUS worked at,
they new it would be trouble just looking at it.
It was big, three big chimneys spewed out thick gray smoke, and black pipes oozed out
some sort of toxin.
"This isn't intimidating at all..." Greg joked.
Ignoring his comment the rest of the team split into groups.
There was nine of us, and we split into three teams.
On the first team was Greg, a guy named Harold and I,
the other teams were not important, well they were just not for this story.
My team went straight through the back entrance while one went through
the side window and the other went through the front.
Our ambush got ambushed.
Team one was shot as soon as the door opened,
and team two stepped on some sort of electric floor tiles as they bashed
through the windows.
My team got shot with some sort of laser.
Harold did not survive but me and Greg did, well sort of.
Greg's skin turned Irish green, his hair and eyes turned violet and his teeth were so
sharp you wouldn't even feel it cut through you, that is if he used it for that
purpose. Me on the other hand got my eyes orange-yellow, my teeth also turned sharp,
but not as sharp as his. The part that hurt the most was my mind, it ached with some
tingling feeling, at that time I had no idea what was going on.

"How do you feel?" asked a raspy voice.
"Huh..." I asked dazed, then I came to my senses, "Who are you and what have you done to me!?"
"I am Ozai Steiner, many refer to me as Hades, and to answer your question I made you better."
"BETTER?" I asked in a shout, "LOOK AT GREG!"
"There are those nasty side affects, your eyes, his monstrous form."
"So what is so good about it?"
"Abilities I have given you, Greg, with your green comes super strength." he said proudly.
"What about Stephen?" Greg asked.
"Healing and fire abilities." he said with a glow in his eye.
"Your crazy..." I said with disgust.
"I am not as crazy as you will be.."

star screamer -> RE: (HS) Star Screamers Back story (11/4/2011 22:21:14)

Chapter 3: 20 years of imprisonment

"The powers are not stable yet, sir..." said one of the scientists.
"Hmm, perhaps you are correct."
"We need to keep them in there for about thirty years, any sooner
could make them too powerful."
"Then do not let them out until then." Hades commanded.

*22 years later
Systems override complete...
gates opening...
Target is spotted...
Exterminate at all costs...

The cell gates opened, and Greg and I awoke.
We were dazed, we had just comprehended the
situation until the sirens wailed. The factory looked
allot different, the halls were tainted silver, glowing blue
lines streaked the walls, and there were robotic figures
in glass casings. As we ran we could hear the sound of
the soldiers feet on hitting the metal floors.
When we got to the entrance Greg sped up and charged the door.
I thought he had super strength, but the only thing that happened was
a big banging sound when he hit the metal door.
We searched for an alternate exit, but when we finally found one,
it was already too late...
"You were not supposed to escape..." said a voice.
"We have no choice, kill them." said another.
"BANG, BANG, BANG!" shouted a familiar voice," HE HO HA HA!!!!"

"You can not let them kill Star screamer."
"What about Gregen my master?"
"I could care less for that green monster!"
"Why not let them kill them for us?"
"Cause if they do, then the time will be changed entirely."
"Most likely you would not be created, none of my experiments will be either."
"So?" the robot asked, "Nothing happens to you."
"We do not know that, if you kill him that anti paradox device will keep you and all my experiments fine."
"Very well sir, hacking the technology now... wait, there is someone else..."

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