RE: Signature and Avatar Testing (Full Version)

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Fish -> RE: Signature and Avatar Testing (10/5/2011 11:37:03)

Hows this one?

Good. ~Stray Cat


Thanks Stray Cat.

Castleman29 -> RE: Signature and Avatar Testing (10/8/2011 3:17:36)

How's this? I figured DF needed a new avatar, so why not a chapter one finale related one? =D

Its file size (15.54KB) and file extension (.png) don't comply to the avatar rules. If you correct the extension to either .jpg or .gif, that should also bring the file size to under the 10KB limit. ~Stray Cat

Edit: How's that?

Fine now. ~Stray Cat

Brisingrwolf -> RE: Signature and Avatar Testing (10/8/2011 6:53:49)

is this ok?
edit: what about now?
Its height is 34px over the limit. ~Stray Cat

Now its good! ;)
~ Army ~

Wizard Man -> RE: Signature and Avatar Testing (10/9/2011 15:48:43)

How are these?

All fine. ~Stray Cat

Shao Kahn -> RE: Signature and Avatar Testing (10/10/2011 11:41:30)


Fine. ~Stray Cat

coolboypai -> RE: Signature and Avatar Testing (10/10/2011 20:00:33)

just 2 avatars to be tested

The first is <10KB but >10,000 bytes. I tried uploading it to my account and it was rejected so it may not fall within limits. Other than that, both are fine. ~Stray Cat
Actually its 9,81 KB = good! ;)
~ Army ~

It's 9.81KB but 10,049B is what I'm saying. The forums seem to apply the avatar size limit in terms of either the latter or the file's size on disk (which is 12KB for me). Either way, I couldn't upload it to my account so, yeah. ~Stray Cat

Scakk -> RE: Signature and Avatar Testing (10/12/2011 17:32:19)

*pokes avatar and title*

I'll assume that the title is <= 40 characters. If so, then you're good. ~TF

coolboypai -> RE: Signature and Avatar Testing (10/12/2011 19:12:57)

I reuploaded the pony avatar
see if that helps :S

fine. ~TF

1999Rex -> RE: Signature and Avatar Testing (10/12/2011 22:30:35)

Siggy test. :)

fine. ~TF

Drakath -> RE: Signature and Avatar Testing (10/13/2011 1:40:21)

Test signature. Quite sure it's too big..right?
Edited it.

File size (99.14KB) is too large. ~Stray Cat

Scakk -> RE: Signature and Avatar Testing (10/15/2011 0:04:45)

*pokes avatar and title*

All good. ~Stray Cat

Womba -> RE: Signature and Avatar Testing (10/15/2011 1:08:27)

New link in siggy... is all gewd yah? Need to start getting into the spirit. Holidays y'know. :P

Yeah, all good. ~Stray Cat

Pikapower107 -> RE: Signature and Avatar Testing (10/15/2011 18:19:03)

testing, testing, 1 2 3 Edit: how about now?

Its file size is 25.59KB too large. ~Stray Cat

Blade v0lt -> RE: Signature and Avatar Testing (10/15/2011 21:30:28)

Oh Ok, How is this one? :D

Fine now. ~Stray Cat

Jinchuur1ki -> RE: Signature and Avatar Testing (10/16/2011 5:51:57)

Checking . .
Is the Size Okay ?

No, sorry. It's file size is 20.63KB too large. ~Stray Cat

1999Rex -> RE: Signature and Avatar Testing (10/16/2011 23:50:24)

Like my new siggy? Testing link etc. :3


As long as the youtube page remains clean, you should be good. ~TF

Trankwil -> RE: Signature and Avatar Testing (10/17/2011 21:47:28)

Sig testing.

Your code isn't wasn't done correctly. The following is the correct one:


Size is fine. ~TF

Zane -> RE: Signature and Avatar Testing (10/18/2011 15:58:28)

How's this one? x3

File size is 132.26 KB. Too large: max is 50 KB. If quality is not too huge of an issue, try converting to jpg. ~TF

Fish -> RE: Signature and Avatar Testing (10/19/2011 8:52:02)

Is this one OK?

Doesn't seem offensive to me, and the size is good. ~TF


zekefreed777 -> RE: Signature and Avatar Testing (10/20/2011 16:39:14)

:D I need to update the thread later but I want this as my sig for now...


Good. ~TF

Womba -> RE: Signature and Avatar Testing (10/21/2011 18:36:15)

New siggy and link. Don't lie to me now... they're both frikkin' sweet right? :P (credit for siggy goes to Rocketeer, thanks again bro!)

Filesize, dimensions and link are fine and yeah, they're pretty neat. ~Stray Cat

Werewolf_King -> RE: Signature and Avatar Testing (10/22/2011 13:12:27)

testing signature

It's too tall; at 152px, it's 52px over the height limit. ~Stray Cat

ok is it still to tall? [img][/img]

3 Vandoren -> RE: Signature and Avatar Testing (10/22/2011 19:11:09)

How is this?


Perfect. ~Stray Cat

Thanks, Stray, you are doing fantastic work!

zekefreed777 -> RE: Signature and Avatar Testing (10/23/2011 17:28:28)

Re-do of the sig because it needs it XXD


Fine. ~Stray Cat

brad paisley fan -> RE: Signature and Avatar Testing (10/23/2011 18:36:07)

How is this?

Image is fine. Linked site should be fine too unless I missed any inappropriate content or any such content is added at a later point. ~Stray Cat

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