Starship Snoopers! (Full Version)

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moneybags -> Starship Snoopers! (10/21/2011 20:16:05)

E-Leet Mission 8: Starship Snoopers!
Location: LSS Alteon > Hangar Deck > General Leet Stormfront > MISSIONS > Mission Select > 55: STARSHIP SNOOPERS
Quest Given From: General Leet Stormfront
Requirements: Level 55, Rank: First Lt.


Stormfront: Most of the time, it's our job to protect those who cannot protect themselves. That's exactly what we need to do today! It seems that the colonists of world P-98 in the Farbas system need help.
Stormfront: They are friends of the WarpForce and contribute supply shipments to our fleet, and their planet is a source of many important metals and other materials. However, they are being swarmed by Exo bugs who want the planet for themselves.
Stormfront: P-98 is mostly desert, so Ken Benobi will accompany you. None of us have ever SEEN the P-98 colonists, though, but just watch out for those Exo bugs and help the colonists push them off the planet!
  • To P-98!
  • Back

    «Scene: LSS Alteon flying through space. Your warpfighter exits the Hangar Deck. New Scene: Inside the warpfighter, in which «You» and Opie-Juan are.»

    «You»: Alteon, this is «You». All systems check. Warping to P-98 in 3... 2... 1...

    «Scene shows your warpfighter flying through warpspace. New Scene: Your warpfighter flies toward Planet P-98. Scene then shows a shadow of your warpfighter as it flies over desert. New Scene: «You» and Opie-Juan in the desert.»

    «You»: Yep... it's a desert, alright. Any keen insights, Opie-Juan?
    Opie-Juan: Yes. But I think I will keep them to myself for now, so that you appreciate them later.
    «You»: What? That doesn't even make any sense.
    Opie-Juan: One day you will understand.
    «You»: Is that some kind of old Star Knight wisdom?
    Opie-Juan: All will be revealed.
    «You»: Now you're just messing with me.
    Opie-Juan: In silence there is truth.
    «You»: ...............
    Opie-Juan: Okay, I'm just messing with you. Actually, this planet reminds me very much of my homeworld.
    Opie-Juan: Its native life will be adapted to low-water existence. I do not know why the Exos might WANT this world, however. Without abundant plant life, it would be of little use for them to colonize it.
    «You»: The General said that the colonists have found many important materials of use to our fleet. The Exos probably want those.
    Opie-Juan: We should try to make contact with the colonists first, and get an idea of how bad their situation is.
    «You»: Okay... The colony itself is a little east from here. Follow me!
  • Battle with Opie-Juan's help!
  • Battle them by yourself!

    Regardless of choice:

    Opie-Juan: How close are we to the colony?
    «You»: Another kilometer...
    Opie-Juan: Only? I should have worn my Comfy Walkers (TM) boots.

    «Bugs drop in.»

    «You»: Bugs!
    Opie-Juan: Exos?!? I've never seen this type of Exos before...
    «You»: ATTAAAAACK!!!!
  • Battle with Opie-Juan's help!
  • Battle them by yourself!

    Regardless of choice:

      2 BATTLES
      Level 55-75: Iznuk Trooper (56)
      Level 76-95: Iznuk Trooper (76)
      Level 96+: Iznuk Trooper (96)
      Full Heal

    Zeenak: Please! ik-ik! Please, stop this! We are Iznuk, colonist friends of the WarpForce! ik-ik!
    «You»: Wha--? Really? We thought you were Exos!
    Zeenak: We get that. A lot. ik. But despite the fact that you just attacked us, we are glad to see you.
    Zeenak: The Exos have just begun active invasion of our colony. ik-ik! We two are all that remains of an outlying mining village.
    Zeenak: We are going to gather reinforcements. If the two of you can distract the Exos long enough, ik-ik, we may be able to defeat them before they can establish a beachhead here!
    «You»: That's why we are here! Keep going your way and we will face off with the Exos!
    Zeenak: We will! Let us save P-98 together!
  • Go!

    «Scene: Iznuk colonists enter and begin to fight a horde of Exo Gunners. New Scene: Opie-Juan and «You» in a separate part of the desert.»

    Opie-Juan: Our new bug friends are actually making a dent in our old bug enemies' ranks!! Looks like you and I aren't out of the woods, yet, though!
  • Battle with Opie-Juan's help!
  • Battle them by yourself!

    Regardless of choice:

    Zeenak: The Exos retreated, but they are going to bombard us from the air! ik! We have no ground-to-air defense...
    «You»: Don't worry-- We'll take care of them!

    «A mini-game ensues in which you pilot your warpfighter by mouse control and you shoot down Exos. After completing the mini-game, Scene: Iznuk village.»

    Zeenak: Thank you, friends. ik ik. We are beyond grateful for your help today.
    «You»: We are glad that we were able to get the Exos off of P-98. But we couldn't have done it without you!
    Zeenak: We will make sure that we are prepared for a recurrence of such an invasion. In the meantime, ik, please expect all shipments from P-98 to reach your fleet on time.

  • Return to the LSS Alteon!
    Mission Debriefing:

    You have done well, WarpForcer!

    P-98 and its colonists are safe from the Exos for now, and since they will be dedicating resources to building up their own defenses they may be able to weather the next invasion on their own.

    Another good thing to come of this is that the Iznuk have reduced their supply costs by 5 percent as a thank-you for your help.

    And no, you do not get any of that 5 percent...
  • Play again!
  • WarpGuardian Tower!
  • Exit

    Laser Barrage (35)
    Laser Barrage Z
    Laser Barrage (75)
    Guardian Laser Barrage (95)
    Guardian Laser Barrage (115)
    Guardian Laser Barrage (135)

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