=ED= DN October 26, Harvest Part Tres - LIVE! (Full Version)

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.Nikzat. -> =ED= DN October 26, Harvest Part Tres - LIVE! (10/26/2011 10:54:10)


October 26, 2011

Harvest Part Tres
Hello there, EpicDuelists! It’s your friendly neighborhood Cinderella with the continuation of the Great Harvest Festival! Our first *real* event in EpicDuel is going so well, and I’m really excited to be experiencing this with you!

A Harvest of Gear
So, getting this out of the way first, as it seems the only question anyone has asked me about the Harvest is when the Harvest Armors are being released. Well, Nightwraith is working hard to get out several armors for you. Keep watching this space for previews!

We’ll also be bringing back last year’s Harvest rares, so everyone should be able to find something they enjoy!

Continued Retrain Improvements

While the retrain improvements were certainly a giant step up from the previous iteration of the feature, there remain some issues. For one thing, we’re addressing the issue with your weapons being unequipped from your character on retrain. Following the adjustment, the system will be able to intelligently know for which items you meet the requirements.

Not too intelligently, though. We don’t need to accidentally program Skynet here...

...or do we? 0_0

More Snorkness!

If you’ve been working on the Ooky Spooky mission, you may have noticed that Snork has gotten a makeover lately. His frightening visage is reminiscent of the Indigenous War God, and in homage to his patron, Snork will soon be able to engage players in battle.

There may be other secret rewards in this or future Harvest updates, so be sure to keep your eyes peeled for any other treats!

Future Directions

We’ve already started work on the next big EpicDuel event! We’ll have some big improvements to the quest engine which should make this extra-exciting for players!

BattleCard Mod Packs this FRIDAY!

As if a major release wasn't enough to get you excited about the weekend, the new BattleCard Mod Packs will be released in Toys R Us stores throughout the United States this Friday! Purchase both packs to unlock the PaladinSlayer class in AQW! For more details, check out Alina's writeup in the AQW Design Notes!

Like a Prayer

Commonly called “Praying Mantises” because of their folded raptorial forelegs, Mantids are members of the order Mantodea, which contains over 2,000 species in 15 families. Mantises are closely related to cockroaches and rockcrawlers, as well as termites.

Mantises are easily recognized by their distinctive elongated prothorax, raptorial (grasping) forelimbs, and distinctive triangular head with large oval eyes. The structure of the Mantis’s eye creates a pseudopupil, giving the insect a cute appearance. The distinctive foreleg structure is used to capture prey, which can include lizards, frogs, birds, snakes, fish, rodents, and other insects, as well as defend themselves from larger predators. They are commonly eaten by larger predators due to lack of chemical defenses.

Mantises display a behavior similar to the “rocking” behavior of stick insects. This is either an adaptation to mimic the swaying of a leaf (there are many mantises which have adapted as leaf mimics) or a way to gauge the distance between landmarks.

There are some commonly-held beliefs about mantises- one is that the female must consume the male in order to mate. This is controversial, since the behavior has only been observed in captivity with starved females. In the wild, or with recently-fed females, this behavior is not observed. In the United States, mantises are not endangered, and are in fact quite common and sold as an alternative to pesticides. Only one species of mantis is considered at risk, Apteromantis aptera, which is listed as “Low Risk” in its native habitat of Spain.

Bagged and tagged! ~Cinderella

.Nikzat. -> RE: =ED= DN October 26, Harvest Part Tres - LIVE! (10/26/2011 10:59:55)

I did the DN post first ;3

Gepard Acht -> RE: =ED= DN October 26, Harvest Part Tres - LIVE! (10/26/2011 11:00:56)

several armors? hmmm will one if it be the first non-varium mutating armor? hope so

MirageD -> RE: =ED= DN October 26, Harvest Part Tres - LIVE! (10/26/2011 11:03:12)

np nik :) didn't see your post :D

.Nikzat. -> RE: =ED= DN October 26, Harvest Part Tres - LIVE! (10/26/2011 11:04:37)

Np we will have dubble DN posts :D

D.v.D. -> RE: =ED= DN October 26, Harvest Part Tres - LIVE! (10/26/2011 11:05:25)

Where's the insect fact :[:-]

Fay Beeee -> RE: =ED= DN October 26, Harvest Part Tres - LIVE! (10/26/2011 11:10:30)


one of the 'at risk' variety

MirageD -> RE: =ED= DN October 26, Harvest Part Tres - LIVE! (10/26/2011 11:18:24)

^^ idk ...but a wolf spider just jumped on NW's keyboard....but i think he has been taken care of :)

Basicball -> RE: =ED= DN October 26, Harvest Part Tres - LIVE! (10/26/2011 11:19:39)

Looking Good :)

PivotalDisorder -> RE: =ED= DN October 26, Harvest Part Tres - LIVE! (10/26/2011 11:28:36)

I cannot see anything negative about the update. can't wait to see who finds it first :)

great work ED Team yet again

oh I thought of something negative!!!!!! is update on friday, next week, or even as late as following Friday? ok its done, no one else needs to mention it now,
lets all have a happy event, start saving for a new armor etc the world [of Delta V] is your oyster, your boyfriend is your next meal, so on and so forth.

insect fact is in the other topic :)

MirageD :) imagine a giant hairy jumping spider jumping on YOU! lol. I don't mind spiders, except those ones. they cover your whole face and can jump from trees.

Merged posts ~Cinderella

zion -> RE: =ED= DN October 26, Harvest Part Tres - LIVE! (10/26/2011 12:19:27)

I think there should be a nice high level f2p rare armor - can't believe there has never been one yet...

Eternal Dreams -> RE: =ED= DN October 26, Harvest Part Tres - LIVE! (10/26/2011 14:26:53)

You should add DN October 26, 2011 after the =ED= so more people will come and read this.

Joy -> RE: =ED= DN October 26, Harvest Part Tres - LIVE! (10/26/2011 15:35:42)

Mosquitoes are the deadliest animals on Earth.

That's right, more deaths are associated with mosquitoes than any other animal on the planet. Mosquitoes may carry any number of deadly diseases, including malaria, dengue fever, yellow fever, and encephalitis. Mosquitoes also carry heartworm, which can be lethal

some mosquitoes can beat their wings 600 times a second? A midge fly holds the record, with a wing beat of 1046 times a second.


Enjoy :P

Removed image tags. Please link to images instead of posting them directly into the post. ~Ashari

Algorithm -> RE: =ED= DN October 26, Harvest Part Tres - LIVE! (10/26/2011 15:43:07)

This sounds good, can't wait for another EPIC release :P.

Removed attachment. ~Ashari

edwardvulture -> RE: =ED= DN October 26, Harvest Part Tres - LIVE! (10/26/2011 17:07:40)

Last years harvest rares?
All I remember was dread cannon, soul harvest, harvest cleaaver, and those two promotional auxes.

ansh0 -> RE: =ED= DN October 26, Harvest Part Tres - LIVE! (10/26/2011 17:14:22)

^what's your point?

~black spidey

edwardvulture -> RE: =ED= DN October 26, Harvest Part Tres - LIVE! (10/26/2011 17:15:55)

the nonvarium harvest weapons didn't get rare tags. they shoulda stayed ingame

DeathGuard -> RE: =ED= DN October 26, Harvest Part Tres - LIVE! (10/26/2011 17:22:20)

It sounds nice[:D] Also Tres* means three if you didn't know, is a spanish word, also a new seasonal rare non-varium armor would be awesome.

D.v.D. -> RE: =ED= DN October 26, Harvest Part Tres - LIVE! (10/26/2011 18:09:34)

it's a french word too , it means three

ed_rox -> RE: =ED= DN October 26, Harvest Part Tres - LIVE! (10/26/2011 18:11:47)

Why is everybody asking for f2p armours lol.

Rayman -> RE: =ED= DN October 26, Harvest Part Tres - LIVE! (10/26/2011 18:12:57)

Its Time For FAT armors FOR Girls and Not Fat Armors for BOys

DeathGuard -> RE: =ED= DN October 26, Harvest Part Tres - LIVE! (10/26/2011 18:13:26)

@D.v.D: Both are romantic language that are the derivation of Latin
@Ed_rox: There has never been a nonvarium seasonal rare armor so why not this time?

ed_rox -> RE: =ED= DN October 26, Harvest Part Tres - LIVE! (10/26/2011 18:22:23)

@ death guard:i get it
If you look at cindy's post she said in the second line of the second paragraph: "nightwraith is working hard to get out several armours for you."


One Winged Angel1357 -> RE: =ED= DN October 26, Harvest Part Tres - LIVE! (10/26/2011 18:25:33)

@BB if you want this video it's yours

On-Topic armors sweet i need a new armor

DeathGuard -> RE: =ED= DN October 26, Harvest Part Tres - LIVE! (10/26/2011 18:26:15)

@ED_rox: I did read it but remember there always have been varium armors, we may have an exception this time[:)]

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