Open Challenges Ponders (Full Version)

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Elf Priest JZaanu -> Open Challenges Ponders (11/18/2011 14:24:24)

This is a fun addition to this game, yet I wonder how it can be used more interactively in this game. As a part of missions, it seems like a chore. And beyond that, it is more like a novelty. It would be great to see it evolve more. I think if it was more connected with faction accomplishments, it would be valued more.

What are your thoughts on improvement of this mode?

Fay Beeee -> RE: Open Challenges Ponders (11/18/2011 14:32:15)

May be there could be (or share with George) a challenge arena?
Where players that would like to, can go and challenge / be challenged.

Basicball -> RE: Open Challenges Ponders (11/18/2011 14:41:30)

maybe challenges should give double exp, cred, BT and influence?

edwardvulture -> RE: Open Challenges Ponders (11/18/2011 17:07:56)

more people would accept if win or lose won't go on their record

Sparticus -> RE: Open Challenges Ponders (11/18/2011 17:14:57)

So your record would only reflect NPC battles and random battles but not challenge battles?

Your record, if it made any sense at all would only show challenge battles since they are the best indication that you have good skills. I'd love to see how many times a player is challenged and how many times they turn it down. This could be the "Chicken out" stat. All for the "Chicken out" stat!

rej -> RE: Open Challenges Ponders (11/18/2011 17:39:07)


maybe challenges should give double exp, cred, BT and influence?

i think not, as dummying is still going on in game, and this would massively expand it.[:'(]

Basicball -> RE: Open Challenges Ponders (11/18/2011 17:44:45)

true, though making you unable to challenge anyone in a house, HQ or room with less then 3 total persons in it should solve that

edwardvulture -> RE: Open Challenges Ponders (11/18/2011 18:09:52)

Well, when a varium player with full enhancements challenge a non-varium, it is much like bullying. So it is only sensible to turn it down because the gap currently is too big, no one wants a free lose.

AQWPlayer -> RE: Open Challenges Ponders (11/18/2011 18:13:57)

If the record reflected only challenge battles, then the "Chicken Out" stat will be given only to variums who challenge non variums.

Elf Priest JZaanu -> RE: Open Challenges Ponders (11/18/2011 18:31:39)

Uniquely enough, with my challenge missions. More non-varium players accepted then varium. Many know they will likely loose, but they still try. Running around trying to find equal players both level and stat is a challenge, and having them accept is more difficult. I just try to find anyone with the 5 level allowance and hope for the best.

Sadly, trying to complete some of these missions, I have been called a Bully. Even with my varium merc alt, which is about equal to a fully enhanced non-varium player, I do get called that name.

With challenge missions, there needs to be tighter standards.

When I do missions now, players ask me when I challenge them, "Why?" I just now tell them it is random. I truly dislike players giving me free victors for missions. I enjoy earning every aspect, because it is the journey that is remembered and not the end result.

nico0las -> RE: Open Challenges Ponders (11/18/2011 21:10:27)

Challenging should definitely be expanded. What with the arrival of tournaments and what not, they'll be a big part of our ED gaming.
I think they should go beyond that. We should be able to challenge other factions as well. This could greatly expand the social aspect of the game

AQWPlayer -> RE: Open Challenges Ponders (11/18/2011 21:17:04)

Sounds cool :)
Challenging other factions...=3

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