RE: =HS= Clans/Clubs/Guilds Discussion IV (Full Version)

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vulkan -> RE: =HS= Clans/Clubs/Guilds Discussion IV (7/12/2012 18:47:16)

note to all people who might want to join the red legion. My psychicness has been a bit off recently, so if i have to modify your brain to make you join, ill use a pair of scissors and an ice cream scoop.

although if you join of your own accord...we have cookies.

oh, and how do you make a clan page? there isnt a herosmash option on the forums.

hawksasuke -> RE: =HS= Clans/Clubs/Guilds Discussion IV (7/12/2012 20:25:04)

So This clan is only for those who want to be pure evil!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! [:@]

This clan is for the best in pvp this clan is called the ungodly devourers of light
now if you are gonna join my clan i have chosen 5 whoever joins the clan and i think they are
worthy then they join the easy way.The hard way can only be explained by me if you join.

If you want to contact me I will be on the server thyton all the times at sometimes of the week
A link to our forums here http://hawk-1234.forumotion
Also post on forums to if you want to join by the way see you on the other side!

tronicx -> RE: =HS= Clans/Clubs/Guilds Discussion IV (7/12/2012 22:00:10)

mmm cookies but i like my brain how it is

vulkan -> RE: =HS= Clans/Clubs/Guilds Discussion IV (7/13/2012 5:28:30)


i only modify your brain if you dont want to join. If you want to join, i leave your brain as it is.

UnityDestroyer -> RE: =HS= Clans/Clubs/Guilds Discussion IV (7/13/2012 6:28:20)

You can make a website. @Vulkan

vulkan -> RE: =HS= Clans/Clubs/Guilds Discussion IV (7/13/2012 6:53:09)


1. i dont have any members yet
2. i dont know how to make a website.

UnityDestroyer -> RE: =HS= Clans/Clubs/Guilds Discussion IV (7/13/2012 7:53:32)

You can advertise here, or in-game, also you can post it in the unofficial HS wiki since a lot of users go to there instead on the official wiki. :]

vulkan -> RE: =HS= Clans/Clubs/Guilds Discussion IV (7/13/2012 18:00:17)


hmmm...i forgot about the wiki. Ill have to make a good page for it.
trouble is, i have no idea how.

UnityDestroyer -> RE: =HS= Clans/Clubs/Guilds Discussion IV (7/13/2012 18:15:01)

Try to learn about their coding, or just make a website through those free website builders thingies.

vulkan -> RE: =HS= Clans/Clubs/Guilds Discussion IV (7/13/2012 18:16:25)


or maybe i could ask the forum people to put a herosmash clan option on the forums.

UnityDestroyer -> RE: =HS= Clans/Clubs/Guilds Discussion IV (7/14/2012 2:23:16)

Herosmash's still in Beta, so I don't know about that.

monster116 -> RE: =HS= Clans/Clubs/Guilds Discussion IV (7/14/2012 20:46:34)

Join The Carnival we has le Cheese!~

Grab a ticket below.. [:)]

Mortal HeroSmash -> RE: =HS= Clans/Clubs/Guilds Discussion IV (7/15/2012 23:32:49)

Got my site back up and running & will keep you posted (:
Check it out here!
-Will make open registrations soon

vulkan -> RE: =HS= Clans/Clubs/Guilds Discussion IV (7/27/2012 5:49:40)

im thinking of making my own clan site, but im unsure if its worth it seeing as im not sure that anyone will want to join.

Maxandstewart -> RE: =HS= Clans/Clubs/Guilds Discussion IV (7/29/2012 11:48:15)


I recently made a clan that has three people, 2 Co Leaders and me, the Founder. It`s called the Super City Guardians, you don`t have to be a certain level or anything, good or evil does not matter, here is the site:

tronicx -> RE: =HS= Clans/Clubs/Guilds Discussion IV (7/29/2012 15:50:13)

wow this many posts in week we are an active bunch /close sarcasam

Maxandstewart -> RE: =HS= Clans/Clubs/Guilds Discussion IV (7/29/2012 16:28:33)

Lol. :D

Though Herosmash is in Beta, (And I`m just asking/suggesting) Why don`t we have a place in Clans, Factions, Guilds, and Houses?

hawksasuke -> RE: =HS= Clans/Clubs/Guilds Discussion IV (8/4/2012 20:51:14)

that would be wonderful charries im a goodbartist and ican draw some parts and maybe i can send u some parts of it

Carly9467 -> RE: =HS= Clans/Clubs/Guilds Discussion IV (8/6/2012 15:04:14)

Wellllll HOWWWDY c:

Qin -> RE: =HS= Clans/Clubs/Guilds Discussion IV (9/24/2012 11:47:09)

Congratulations to the 100+ Registered Members. Still recruiting " The Order." Looking forward meeting you guys.

ED War Clown -> RE: =HS= Clans/Clubs/Guilds Discussion IV (10/5/2012 23:49:23)

Well, I'm back, and im quitting my old clan, i'm now going to join a clan, i need a clan that is worth joining.
And a clan that accepts me for who i am. Haha!

Carve45 -> RE: =HS= Clans/Clubs/Guilds Discussion IV (10/11/2012 23:29:09)

If anyone wants to join my team here is the link

Go to forums and ask.

P.S. If you don't like the name I'm looking to change it so suggest your ideas in the forum

valla666 -> RE: =HS= Clans/Clubs/Guilds Discussion IV (11/8/2012 10:40:45)

Since the beginning of time a lion has always had it's pride. Now comes a new animal based clan known as PROUD! If your heart is Impure then ROAR!. Join PROUD! Today. AGONYDREAD: leader of PROUD! PROUD! is an extension of the lost one's aqw clan. In both i am leader.

Carly9467 -> RE: =HS= Clans/Clubs/Guilds Discussion IV (8/29/2018 19:26:15)

wow why hasnt this thread been closed yet its been like 6 years tf

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