RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (Full Version)

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Drakkoniss -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (1/25/2012 22:29:19)

One second. I think it's Neurology, but I'll check.

Yep, neurological studies. I suppose that goes hand in hand with psychology, to a point, so it's not that far off from your specialty.

Goldstein -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (1/25/2012 22:35:52)

And yet I can build the LEECH from scratch. Man I'm a genius.

Drakkoniss -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (1/25/2012 22:40:08)

Ikr? You prodigy, you. XD

RemnantHS -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (1/26/2012 0:40:47)

I love how I am the only underdog on HeroSmash. That's what I plan to keep.

megakyle777 -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (1/26/2012 1:13:33)

So, since the current form of Ommicorp was made thanks to a merger of Ommiroe and Shadowcorp (AKA Goldstien's idea and Mine) we have been working on standardising Ommicorp for future tales. So far we has a potential logo which I will post here in a edit long as he don't mind:


A lilly, (no stem, just the flower), with the Latin words: "Sed Optima" or "Only the best." in an arch over the flower.

I picked the idea of the lilly because to to average obseerver it looks pretty but has connotations of Death, while Goldstein handeled the motto and placement.[:)]

Shadowlord9k -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (1/26/2012 1:50:23)

Kyle: Good idea for a logo, mind if I try to draw it?

megakyle777 -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (1/26/2012 1:53:41)

Sure, go ahead.

Goldstein -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (1/26/2012 7:18:14)

Really, the Dealer is the one that really created the company, I just kind of came up with the idea of replacing "Shadow" with "Omni." So naturally I get a say in the design of the logo.

Vector -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (1/26/2012 10:29:06)

another message from the cyborg... says he and the 'mysterious' woman are actually getting along very well, but it's making him feel a bit 'strange', is how he puts it. i think i might know what it is, but until i get more info from him, i can't really say without risking to be wrong for the umpteenth time [>:]

Drakkoniss -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (1/26/2012 10:32:29)

I hate that logo... (reminds me of the Trojan War, and the circumstances thereof, such as one of the few times Athena acted in a way that was not... befiting of the godess of wisdom [That's a somewhat oppinionated statement, but those of you who are history/mythology buffs will understand what I mean])

To be fair, canonically speaking, the Dealer would have been the one to come up with the idea, because of the fact that it resulted from a takover/merger of Shadowcorp of/with Omniroe, but whatever. It's understandable that you would say that, and the artistic credit goes to you.

The fact that it was capable of such a thing is bloody annoying when combined with the fact that the Dealer will not let me buy stock in it, claiming it is a private company. -.-

Well, Vector, that could either be the feelings of awkwardness as a result of the interspecies/form of life relationship, or the fact that he does not understand the feelings of love/how to react in such a situation, as he has had no experience with it, nor has been programed with an understanding of the concept.

megakyle777 -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (1/26/2012 10:41:30)

New BIO:


Place Bio: The Destruction University for Gifted Villains

Recently Founded by Ommicorp CEO The Dealer in an attempt to bring a more civilised version of evil to the world, The Destruction University For Gifted Villains is a wonderfully built small city in a style similar to Herospire with lovely fountains, archetecture, and monuments. To the average hero eye it looks like a paradise. This is purposefully done to teach the villains their first lession: That evil does not need to be obvious.

Run by some of the best villains in their respective feilds, who for some reason or other can no longer raise havoc and are paid a consideranble amount, students are taught many different method, theroies and ideologies. Under the watchfull eye of Black Angel and White Demon, the new headmasters of the university, it hopes to combat the tide of chaotic evils created by people such as Clown the Jester.

Of course, the question is: Will this ambitious project suceed? If so, then a new age of villainy will dawn upon this land. Or is the time of such shophisticated evils long past?

Drakkoniss -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (1/26/2012 10:55:37)

Well, I like that idea, for the most part. Might pay it a visit, later, perhaps under the guise of a student, or possibly even with no disguise at all, just for the heck of it, to see just how civil-minded they are. Might send someone else in there, for all I know...

You appear ingame far too little, Dealer. :/

megakyle777 -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (1/26/2012 11:09:08)

Tis funny, but I don't like the game itself really, just the cummunity. That's why i post often here but don't often play. I much preferr DF.[;)] We could use some help in the war there by the way.

Vector -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (1/26/2012 11:21:19)

i thought it was awkwardness too, drak... and i'm a bit surprised that the dealer hasn't taken interest in this uncommon event

can't do that dealer. trying to juggle between xp farming and life errands :|

Drakkoniss -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (1/26/2012 11:24:31)

Hehe... Oh, if I was as devoted to that game as I am to this one...

You see, Kyle, alot of the community activities actually occur in-game, and I talk and meet with people that aren't of the forumites, as well.

I recognize that the game itself isn't too great, personally. Quite a few plotholes, too little storyline. It's the actual talking and interacting with the community, and the debating with the bright minds of it on topics of morality, religion, aliens, ect., that actually has me as engrossed in things as I am, other than my reasons for wanting to play early on. Gray Silhouette and Clown go on there, too, which makes for interesting meetings and conversations (especially considering Gray is banned on the forums; -.-), along with the occasional meeting with Syrena, the time I met Saphire Moon, my cherished meetings with Zafara, who doesn't go on there that often (I assume she's busy either playing AQW/one of the other games [or is on the forum in one of their sections], or is unable to get on at all, because her parents seem to be on the computer/force her off it quite a bit), meetings with Celestin, Jae and Raeven especially (considering the fact that they don't come on often anymore), Velmur (when he's on, as he's inactive, too), and now, Jessa K, who I especially enjoy talking to (as she is an intellectual, and a very curious girl, who happens to be interested in similar things to me, and is fun to chat with the storyline/s with).

There are others who go on there, too, that you wouldn't know things about if you didn't meet them. DB makes for very interesting conversations when he's on, which is quite often, nowadays; Eclipse I meet every once in a while (and sometimes as Blood Moon, as has been stated), and I've seen NDMallet on there, too (not as often as I saw him in ED, and only a few times, to be sure, but still; It's nice to chat with him again). Star Screamer and I have had annoying and funny times on there, differing every time we meet... Heck, I've even met the reclusive Experimental, and have fought alongside the Lions.

The game is really quite a nice place to be for some entertainment, when you have the time, and the right people are on. ;)


To be fair, Vector, he undoubtedly has, but is not showing his hand. You must realize, he's the one who aranged for Experimental to be in the games, which would bring him out of reclusiveness enough to meet such a person. He's engineering weaknesses (no offence), and making Experimental more vulnerable to manipulation.

Vector -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (1/26/2012 11:33:09)

doesn't mean he might be caught in a dirty trap. i'll bet whoever was brave enough to give the cyborg sentience (likely against skulldeep's modus operandi) wanted to make sure he could actually defend whoever decided to care about him without either acting foolish or insane unless... well, if that's his only choice [>:]

megakyle777 -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (1/26/2012 11:51:03)

Vector, I have a plan for everything, even when I don't.[:D]

Vector -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (1/26/2012 12:00:30)

then i have to assuime you ARE aware of this event that's happening to your very expensive... 'investment' if it's the proper term

megakyle777 -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (1/26/2012 12:09:10)

It was kinda a joke. I have no idea what's going on or what you are on about. The Dealer may be smart, but real life me is as thick as a post when it comes to such matters.[;)]

Raeven -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (1/26/2012 12:13:41)


meetings with Celestin, Jae and Raeven especially (considering the fact that they don't come on often anymore)

Haha! Well Im here and there and here and there, everywhere and well nowhere, meheh...
Oh believe me, I am VERY anxious to get back to my trouble making.
I already know Jae misses you all (she's so stinkin's quite sickening heheh!).
Let's see, I think that's all I have to say for now soooooooooo ya -


Vector -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (1/26/2012 12:13:57)

i was referring to the dealer, and not your real life self actually... sorry about that ^^;
so in that respect you could just have the dealer imply that he's trying to 'persuade' the cyborg to (eventually) give himself in to omnicorp, using his vast resources to try to make him give up his sentience... but not without resistance i'm afraid[>:]

Shadowlight1 -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (1/26/2012 15:17:59)

I'm not playing the game much right now because of the lack of story. I kinda want to get more legendary powers, 4 left, 3 of them Veterans. But I'm tired of PvP right now so I'm giving it a rest.

So basically you won't find me in-game much until there's new, interesting stuff added. Besides, real-life is getting in the way. I've got Calculus (My lousy teacher seems to hate Asians like me) which takes a while for me to grasp. And I've got a State Chemistry and Astronomy competition I have to prepare for. Toss in a Band Clinic, Japanese lessons, Karate lessons 3 times a week, and some other stuff, and that's basically what I have to deal with for the next few months.

....too personal perhaps?


star screamer -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (1/26/2012 16:30:30)

Chapter 1


Scream looks somewhat like this

Kinzdor -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (1/26/2012 17:03:18)

@Kyle would you mind if I incorporated The Destruction University for Gifted Villains into my story somehow?

Jessa K -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (1/26/2012 18:11:55)

Raeven! You're back! Yay!

I'll probably come in-game once my hair is done, although I have a concert do I'm not sure...

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