RE: =HS= Game Feedback Thread (Full Version)

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Phoenix Myth -> RE: =HS= Game Feedback Thread (8/25/2012 20:18:16)

I think it is incredibly dumb that you get temp muted for typing "butt" on Herosmash. What are we, 5?

Sir Night -> RE: =HS= Game Feedback Thread (8/25/2012 21:48:58)

Agreed. It always irritated me to get muted because I say something about 'kicking butt' while PvPing. e.e

No need to quote the post right above yours. ~Balu

i1023404 -> RE: =HS= Game Feedback Thread (8/26/2012 18:07:51)


I think it is incredibly dumb that you get temp muted for typing "butt" on Herosmash. What are we, 5?

I agree with you there. There isn't any suggestion thread that we can post on either to get it removed. They should have a suggestion thread where we can post other suggestions rather than just items and powers. :)


zanathos -> RE: =HS= Game Feedback Thread (8/26/2012 18:18:11)

Has any staff member discovered the reason behind the random lag spikes in PVP yet? It makes it cumbersome to get legendaries for me.

i1023404 -> RE: =HS= Game Feedback Thread (8/26/2012 18:24:27)


Has any staff member discovered the reason behind the random lag spikes in PVP yet? It makes it cumbersome to get legendaries for me.

I don't think so! Try PM'ing Randor the Red, he might be able to explain.


ArchPowerdragon -> RE: =HS= Game Feedback Thread (8/30/2012 14:43:04)


It looks like the old Feedback thread got lost somewhere, so here's a new one!

What part of HeroSmash do you like best? What part do you like the least? What could use improving? What would you like to see more of? We want your feedback so feeeeeed us!

@Ashari I think lately in the last year we haven't had release zones where we can do quests and fight monsters and other such. Although I do like the shops being released and the battle polls I think you guys should make more release zones. [8|]


I think it is incredibly dumb that you get temp muted for typing "butt" on Herosmash. What are we, 5?

Agreed. It always irritated me to get muted because I say something about 'kicking butt' while PvPing. e.e

Well language for younger kids would not be appropriate for them.

i1023404 -> RE: =HS= Game Feedback Thread (8/30/2012 15:03:40)

@Ashari: Shame about the old Game Feedback thread, but oh well.. Newer the better! I LOVE HeroSmash! It has so much potential if it had the required people.. Coders, animators and moderators mainly..


Editted to remove unnecessary comment. ~PMG

residenteviloutbreak -> RE: =HS= Game Feedback Thread (9/7/2012 16:38:03)

It's not the fact that "You're too old to get muted for using inappropriate language", but you are playing a game that young persons are playing, and using foul language isn't showing a good example. Also, showing that you're not mature.

plebster -> RE: =HS= Game Feedback Thread (9/7/2012 18:55:29)

Although most players are probably around 8 years of age, you ARE meant to be 10, and I'm pretty sure all 10 year olds are aloud to say 'butt'. Also, not being aloud to say 'gay' could influence the young and dumb to think badly of gays. If you're now wondering what I am, straight. In conclusion, the sensitivity of the chat filter is just silly.

Postmaster General -> RE: =HS= Game Feedback Thread (9/7/2012 19:49:38)

Chat filters are in place to prevent those who would abuse chat privileges.

Sir Night -> RE: =HS= Game Feedback Thread (9/7/2012 21:35:58)

I do agree that the chat filter should be there. In fact they really need to improve it because people use offensive words all the time just by changing the way the words are spelled. I'm just not sure that 'butt' is a word that really needs to be filtered out.

Genov -> RE: =HS= Game Feedback Thread (9/11/2012 9:02:25)

The thing i like most about HS?

DEFINITELY the Storyline.

Antithesis -> RE: =HS= Game Feedback Thread (9/13/2012 9:55:21)

Plebster and Sir Knight have a point, but I think the 'g word' should be kept in there as it is generally used as a derogatory term by immature people, and the players in this game will never use it to refer to anything appropriate.

And Genov is definitely being sarcastic.
That's one of the many reasons I have all but abandoned this game, the complete and utter lack of consistent or innovative updates.

Genov -> RE: =HS= Game Feedback Thread (9/13/2012 11:28:21)

I wasnt being sarcastic.
And like you i stopped playing the game for a while because of the same reason.
I said definitely because i loved the game before PvP got released with Clock Blocker and all.

Twighlight Sky -> RE: =HS= Game Feedback Thread (4/21/2013 11:21:11)

HeroSmash is, as always, a wonderful game. Just needs more updates. :(

Good to see that's what the staff is working towards, though!

Postmaster General -> RE: =HS= Game Feedback Thread (9/11/2013 22:28:27)

I'd like to bump this thread.

With all the new stuff coming up soon, seems everyone likes to add what they want to see and how they feel about the game. Feel free to share!

Shadowlight1 -> RE: =HS= Game Feedback Thread (9/12/2013 19:49:37)

Game just needs more content and story

And definitely more explosions. AE should have Michael Bay help with that...

LeonVader -> RE: =HS= Game Feedback Thread (9/13/2013 10:15:00)

We need a lot of improvement. From bugs, to character movements, to weekly updates. to etc. It's just my Randomizer the red that keeps me from playing this game. And also the Part of Randomizer the Red which is not outlined with black.

DarkLore -> RE: =HS= Game Feedback Thread (9/13/2013 10:47:22)

Adding secret lairs and identities would be awesome! Still pondering how in the superhero/villain world that second one could even be programmed and how it would work. They mentioned these features ages ago too!

XapApp -> RE: =HS= Game Feedback Thread (9/14/2013 19:52:14)

Yup, secret lairs could work like houses. I'm also interested in in-game clans/guilds/factions/teams or whatever HeroSmash wants to call it!

blank452 -> RE: =HS= Game Feedback Thread (9/14/2013 20:12:09)

What's Bump? It is nor hand, nor point,
Nor arm, nor giant head, nor any other part
Belonging to a Hero. O, be some other name!
What's in a name? That which we call a necro
By any other name would bring about a forgotten topic;
Whether 'tis Nobler in the forums to suffer
The Slings and Taunts of outrageous Trolls
Or to take Arms against a Sea of non-updates,
And by opposing end them: So I close this;
Once more unto the login page, dear friends, once more;
Or close the tab with our Hope dead.
In downtime there's nothing so becomes a player
As modest AFK and lurking:
But when the blast of content blows in our ears,
Then imitate the action of the MLG pro;
Stretch the fingers, summon your main,
Fire up your APM, and upon release
Cry 'God for Randor, Herosmash, and Saint Yergen!'

or, you know, whatever...

ghostslayer7 -> RE: =HS= Game Feedback Thread (9/17/2013 21:36:35)

I like the idea of lairs/ houses. And I think everyone has stated that we need more releases. A major villain must be created. Someone who creates wars and chaos. The releases don't even have to have monsters. Like maybe a sort of super quibble for herosmash or an invasion of three headed aliens with flame throwing guns. And finally that pvp leaderboard needs to be fixed. It will give incentive to players to pvp and get monthly award of being an NPC. I liked this idea.
That is all for now. If I think of anything else I'll edit this post.

Crystal Lion -> RE: =HS= Game Feedback Thread (9/17/2013 23:14:37)

Ditto to everything said in this thread, but I'd like to see some balance between heroes and villains besides having a common war meter in the last Smashmas war. The heroes need something attractive that villains don't have, and I don't mean fanservice like a made-in-Japan/China/Portugal Jessica Rabbit.

Rayman -> RE: =HS= Game Feedback Thread (10/11/2013 11:06:12)

Sorry everyone, I can't seem to find the Q/A Thread, So I want to ask, does founders on this game get like a Gift every year?

plebster -> RE: =HS= Game Feedback Thread (10/12/2013 3:00:50)

No, Rayman, they don't

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