=HS= Hero Heart Day - Feb. 14th Design Notes (Full Version)

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Ashari -> =HS= Hero Heart Day - Feb. 14th Design Notes (2/14/2012 16:56:06)


February 14, 2012
Hero Heart Day
Tonight we bring back the Hero Heart Day shop from last year with some new additions!


Also the Battle Polls are really heating up! soon we shall have a winner. The winning item will be added the the Battle Poll shop! Plus keep an eye on this page as later this week I be posting about an update to the Random Shop!

Tags: Randor Hero's Heart Day Battle Polls

BadDream Productions -> RE: =HS= Hero Heart Day - Feb. 14th Design Notes (2/14/2012 17:10:13)

WOOT! they had a HHD release awesome, Still reminds me even after over a year HS is in bad shape, But im sure Randor will do his best, still pretty *sadface* Yergen is gone for some time....


Nightmare AQW -> RE: =HS= Hero Heart Day - Feb. 14th Design Notes (2/14/2012 18:39:41)

These are cool but I wish you guys would make some Permanent Rares.

Drakkoniss -> RE: =HS= Hero Heart Day - Feb. 14th Design Notes (2/14/2012 18:44:27)

*coughTeamTencough* T_T

Devastate -> RE: =HS= Hero Heart Day - Feb. 14th Design Notes (2/14/2012 22:05:48)

Ahh, this game is getting back on its feet :)

monster116 -> RE: =HS= Hero Heart Day - Feb. 14th Design Notes (2/15/2012 6:45:38)

'12 seasonal items Cool!! XD

Just wondering...
Why not put '11 in the F13 of 2011
to give honor to those who first participated in the F13 of Hero Smash! :D

AqwThorolf -> RE: =HS= Hero Heart Day - Feb. 14th Design Notes (2/17/2012 8:45:05)

MY Heart Attacker is not RARE anymore...Its tagged '11.
Oh well, more bag space for me :P

Raeven -> RE: =HS= Hero Heart Day - Feb. 14th Design Notes (2/17/2012 20:37:13)

So adorable its maddening! >X3

iBraaandon -> RE: =HS= Hero Heart Day - Feb. 14th Design Notes (2/18/2012 20:21:12)

It's nice to see Herosmash back in business. I'm going to try as hard as I can to join the team, the art development, I mean. :)

linklink0091 -> RE: =HS= Hero Heart Day - Feb. 14th Design Notes (2/19/2012 3:21:09)

its nice to see some more activity, but only a few new items added dosent live up to my expections as events go, but i enjoy randor's movements so far as for actuly getting things out to public

what i liked more is the fact he updates the updated DNs lol

FBI -> RE: =HS= Hero Heart Day - Feb. 14th Design Notes (3/19/2012 3:38:18)

Great event, The Armour looked epic.
I recon the coolest looking Armour in the game so far [:D]
Hero smash is getting better and better every day

Seriously just look at this Beauty full beast [:D]


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