=Story, Dev= The Legend of Lady Tomo (Full Version)

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Eukara Vox -> =Story, Dev= The Legend of Lady Tomo (2/22/2012 18:26:20)

Greetings Loreians!

I have had such a wonderful time in my library of late. My assistants have been at work so very hard collecting the writings of so many authors from the multiverse. Fiction, biographies, documentaries... so wonderful! And yet, buried on a shelf was an obscure book, cover faded with age and use. I had no choice but to pull it from the shelf and read. And what a read it was! The book was about the wonderful Lady Tomo. I have not had many opportunities to talk with this lovely lady, but know her more by reputation. I am not sure who wrote the book I pulled, but it was about her. Her journey here, her life, her mission, her friendships and trials...

Oh dear, here I am prattling on and on. Her life is an interesting one. I do believe you will come to appreciate her as you read this book with me.

Oh, you get to meet one of my more... interesting assistants, Kastio. Do not be deceived by his appearance or the many jars that hang about his body. Though shabby looking and eccentric, he is quick-witted, faithful and very good at teasing out details and mysteries. He has a most important job. Most important...

So, we venture into the west. I have heard whispers around Battleon about the west. It's mysterious, some say. Others say it is forbidden to go there. I have heard a few stories about how desolate and harsh the area is. Many have told that it is haunted. Yet, through all these stories, legends and rumours, one thing is certain. Something huge and life-changing happened there.

And I intend to find out everything.

Something stirs in the west, Adventurer. I can feel it. Every sense in me screams that the place has a story that needs to be told.

Your faithful Guardian of Creativity and Imagination,

Eukara Vox

I love back stories. I love investigating what makes someone who they are, be it in real life or fictional. So, when I endeavoured to touch on this when I joined the AQ writing team, I thought long and hard about the characters that intrigued me. Lady Tomo is one of those. She stands on the Isle D'Oriens with Gur'aal, her faithful cat. Speaking of which... where did that cat come from? I think Gur'aal is beautiful. I wonder...

Anyway, Lady Tomo is ancient, with many, many years of experience to guide her and influence how and why she does what she does. Fortunately for me, I get to talk to the woman behind the NPC daily. So, when I told her I wanted to reveal more about the NPC, I was met with enthusiasm. We spoke frequently about the character and the result is this installment of her legend and history. I have many other ideas for Lady Tomo, so hopefully if this goes over well, I will be adding to Lady Tomo's story. And, as I have said, this quest, when paired with next week's Artistic Ruins, will be important to my own storyline. Hopefully, the history buffs will enjoy this. And those who like a good mystery will hopefully start letting their brains turn and think of how this could be relevant at all to my overall storyline.

There are other NPCs I am looking into, but Lady Tomo is easiest as she is actually easy to talk to and work with. Other NPCs... well, they will require hunting. Maybe I will get lucky and catch one...

Oh and our baddie, the necromancer, let's just say, be careful what you wish for...

Oh x2. There is a player suggestion in this release... from back in the day. hehe

Oh x3 And, my thanks to those who play this release. It is nothing short of a pleasure to write for you and give you something I sincerely hope you enjoy. I strive to make at least a good portion of you happy, if not all. *bows*

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