Magic Flute (Full Version)

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golden1231 -> Magic Flute (3/23/2012 19:47:01)


Magic Flute

Location: Rainbow Raid War --> Missions --> Underground
Objective: You found the Magic Flute! Now you can close the Vortex and stem the tide of Leprescythe!
Requirements: None
Release Date: March 23, 2012

  • Lucky Guardian

  • Braddock Steele
  • Lucky Warrior

    Braddock Steele: <You>! Quick - you can use this entrance!
    Braddock Steele: Find out what you can about this Magical Flute!
    Braddock Steele: Get in - get out - good luck!

    Lucky Warrior: End o' the rainbow pal! We can't let you get yer hands on that flute!
    <You>: But without the flute we can't close the Rainbow Vortex and end the Leprescythe invasion!
    Lucky Warrior: And why should we care? We got our own problems to deal with right now.
    <You>: *Sigh* we always have to do things the hard way...

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