RE: War Ideas/Suggestions Thread (Full Version)

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Golden Emperor -> RE: War Ideas/Suggestions Thread (9/28/2012 12:01:12)

The issue of never capping at 2.147 B gold in wars:

I believe this is unfair, and also would squeeze a lot of fun and entertainment out of wars for many of us. Instead there would be a super hardcore non-stop gaming attitude during a part of AQ that so many of us came to cherish. Surely this is not the way AQ was meant to be played, and should be sorted out properly.

Thanks to TRB's war-tracking site, war participation has escalated and now the main motivation for wars is the friendly competition involved. As a result, the most eager warmongers spent about half a dozen hours a day to cap, by not facing the monsters which give the highest amount of rewards. But during the last war it was discovered that players could defeat as many monsters as they like if they have 2.147 billion gold. It gives these people a massive, unfair advantage. This also would mean instead of around half a dozen hours a day of warring, players who have raced to obtain 2.147 B gold would be very tempted to spent much, much longer, possibly a whole day if they have the time. This would be a very unhealthy amount of gaming, potentially leading to a large amount of adverse effects:

including carpal tunnel syndrome, stiff neck, sore back, headaches and dry eyes...The report also points to insomnia as a potential problem for people who game too much, resulting from an overstimulated brain. Excessive video game play also may lead to weight loss or depression.

I sincerely hope this issue would be resolved by the time of the next war.
Golden Emperor

First Prime Minister -> RE: War Ideas/Suggestions Thread (10/5/2012 18:59:19)

Dude! Companies love to have people playing their games all day, so if anything, your primary argument is void.

Mystical Warrior -> RE: War Ideas/Suggestions Thread (10/5/2012 22:42:21)

@First Prime Minister Although your point is valid Game Companies will have to also take into the account of their players health which can keep their player base going for longer period of time. If you don't have any constructive criticism that can help it is better that you haven't posted anything at all.

Golden Emperor -> RE: War Ideas/Suggestions Thread (10/6/2012 8:31:56)

Not only does it keep their player base going for a longer period of time like mystical warrior said, but will also be bad for the reputation of a game if players fall ill due to being tempted to play their game all day.

Besides, a significant number of the AQ staff are volunteers who only want to best for the game and its players.

Tha Killa -> RE: War Ideas/Suggestions Thread (10/6/2012 11:48:51)

So you're asking for the Final Gold Cap to be raised right?

They said they couldn't do that since it would involve redoing the whole server engine (IIRC) and right now it's 2^31 which is 2.147 Billion and raising it to 2^32 would be: 4.294 Billion which I don't take the servers could unless they redo the whole game server engine like I said.

It's unfair but hey, it's just a game.

Golden Emperor -> RE: War Ideas/Suggestions Thread (10/6/2012 13:32:04)

Nope, I'm NOT asking for the final gold cap to be raised.

A solution which should be relatively easy to implement is to not count kills if the battle doesn't save.

It's shouldn't be an issue participation wise as all capped players have to do is buy and sell something like Arcane FlameStop Warhammer a few times and they would be fine. They won't lose any gold at the end of the day since they will be at the gold cap anyway.

Lince -> RE: War Ideas/Suggestions Thread (10/30/2012 11:52:37)

War/Siege weapons:

Players could donate gold/tokens (to a certain cap) in order to "buy" some kind of attack that would help win the war.
Like "Hire a legion of mercenaries!" or "Build a giant fire-cannon!"
Once we reached the target, the bar would raise X% (possibly with a cutscene?)

Duskstar -> RE: War Ideas/Suggestions Thread (10/30/2012 12:03:59)

The problem with that is that it is already do-able, through Estates, but costs tokens, so yes, there would have to be a cap, and also, it would have to be small enough to make the token options worthwhile, whilst being large enough to bother with.

Lince -> RE: War Ideas/Suggestions Thread (10/30/2012 13:09:56)

I actually had no idea about the Estates; I stopped playing for a while around the time those were released. XD
I'm not sure how many people regularly fight in wars, but the player gold/token pool could be calculated pretty easily from that.

And of course this would be a one-time shot for a war, maybe worth about 5-10%? Again, it'd need to be calculated and balanced...

The Shade Of Lore -> RE: War Ideas/Suggestions Thread (11/4/2012 21:49:36)

So here is a thought of mine, that doesn't alienate or punish anyone for their lack of participation... What if you could get a % discount on war drops, depending on the number of kills accumulated? That way we all get the same rewards, but those who but in more time get a bonus, just as a little incentive. I don't know what the formula might be. Perhaps... Gold Price = Initial - Kill Count x .1 Z-Token Price = Initial - Kill Count x .01

:Edit: After a quick shower, i realized that people who had estastes could quicky get the items at a ridiculous reduced price, so only player kills should count.

Mystical Warrior -> RE: War Ideas/Suggestions Thread (11/4/2012 21:52:20)

@Shade of Lore That may not be possible due to game engine limitations.

The Shade Of Lore -> RE: War Ideas/Suggestions Thread (11/4/2012 22:09:45)

I think its possible. Theres already a system that counts each players kills, why shouldn't it be?

Mystical Warrior -> RE: War Ideas/Suggestions Thread (11/4/2012 22:13:31)

@Shade of Lore The problem is that it will cause too much server strain since the game will have to check on the kills of each character which are counting in the hundred thousands. Not to mention that the shop system doesn't automatically change gold prices...IIRC the staff has to manually adjust the prices of items. So discounts based on kills is not possible

Chii -> RE: War Ideas/Suggestions Thread (11/4/2012 22:15:24)

A system which counts player kills isn't the same (or necessarily related) to a system which applies a dynamic discount to items from a database. Our shop system doesn't have much flexibility without programming things in on the back end for each individual usage.

The Shade Of Lore -> RE: War Ideas/Suggestions Thread (11/4/2012 22:20:01)

Would it be possible then to add separate shops? For example, say this shop has discounted versions of an item, but requirements must be met. Similar to the gold or exp requirement. Example, To buy item X at a discount, you must have the gold, level and kills to purchase it.

Mystical Warrior -> RE: War Ideas/Suggestions Thread (11/4/2012 22:30:26)

Too tedious to do...also its pretty much the same as what you first suggested since the game has to detect and check the number of kills the players did

The Shade Of Lore -> RE: War Ideas/Suggestions Thread (11/4/2012 22:34:16)

This idea just makes kills a requirement to purchase the item in a separate shop full of discounted items, the other idea was a percent based discount directly affecting the normal shop.

Mystical Warrior -> RE: War Ideas/Suggestions Thread (11/4/2012 22:37:11)

The base idea is still that it needs to detect the kill count the character has...however you put any relation to detecting kills a character made it too tedious or not possible due to game engine restrictions

The Shade Of Lore -> RE: War Ideas/Suggestions Thread (11/4/2012 22:46:24)

Its just my suggestion, and I'd like to see it happen. But if it is truly as impossible as you make it sound, then its just wishful thinking on my part. What we need is someone with good knowledge of the capabilities of AQ's engine to take the idea, and adjust it. Chii seemed knowledgeable, and I have no doubt if she thought it was a good idea then she'll find a way to make it possible.

Mystical Warrior -> RE: War Ideas/Suggestions Thread (11/4/2012 22:48:36)

To tell the truth that suggestion of yours was already brought up countless times when there is a war. I even brought it up once before, but the reality is that it is either too tedious for the staff, not possible due to too much server strain, or not possible due to game engine.

The Shade Of Lore -> RE: War Ideas/Suggestions Thread (11/4/2012 22:50:45)

Lord almighty, there has been a lot of negative out of you. Have any positive recommendations?

BlackAces -> RE: War Ideas/Suggestions Thread (11/5/2012 1:42:39)

It's not really negativity when it's largely true. This type of thing has been suggested before and it's not really possible.

Lince -> RE: War Ideas/Suggestions Thread (11/5/2012 12:32:52)

If we really wanted a discount shop based on kill count, there could simply be a challenge quest with XXX monsters that opens up the shop.
Like how we got item upgrades via a 10th Anniversary challenge.

Golden Emperor -> RE: War Ideas/Suggestions Thread (11/5/2012 15:45:07)

No offense, but I don't think it will be a good idea to set different prices based on # of kills. Simply because of the ease of obtaining gold nowadays, it isn't worth the hassle for staff as most players are not bothered about gold discounts.

Chii -> RE: War Ideas/Suggestions Thread (11/5/2012 15:49:07)

For that matter, someone who participates heavily in an event is likely to have ample gold just by having beaten so many monsters, making a discount for them somewhat superfluous...

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